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Netbank أون لاين التداول

كومبانك و نيتبانك أسفل: عملاء بنك الكومنولث تأخذ إلى وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية للتنفيس بعد انهيار النظام عانى بنك الكومنولث انقطاع طويل لمدة ست ساعات يوم الاثنين التي أثرت على خدماتها كومبانك و نيتبانك، وترك العملاء تتعالى على وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية. وقد أثر الانقطاع، الذي بدأ في الساعة 3.19 مساء، على العملاء في جميع أنحاء أستراليا، مما ترك بعض الناس غير قادرين على دفع ثمن المواد. واكدت متحدثة باسم الكومنولث ان المشكلة تم تحديدها فى الساعة التاسعة والنصف مساء. وقد تم الآن استعادة جميع الخدمات، واعتذر بنك الكومنولث لجميع عملائنا المتضررين من هذه المسألة، ونحن نشكرهم على صبرهم، وقالت. انقطاع أثرت على التطبيق الهاتف كومبانك و نيتبانك نظام الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت ورأى العملاء غضب تأخذ إلى وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية للتنفيس عن غضبهم. كومبانك ما F المطلقة أنا بحاجة لدفع ثمن حلاقة ولكن أنا غير قادر على تحويل الأموال. تعال مع حل حتى أتمكن من دفع، بنك كومبانك خطيرة حاولت إيقاف تشغيله وعلى نيتبانك مرة أخرى وقال البنك أجهزة الصراف الآلي وخدمات إفتبوس لم تتأثر. ومع ذلك، قال اثنين من العملاء على الأقل تم رفض إفتبوس بهم. امرأة واحدة كان عليها أن تترك البقالة وراءها بعد التسوق لمدة ساعة واحدة لأنها لا يمكن أن تدفع في السجل. كان كبيرا يجري عالقة في الاختيار من اليوم تركت تواجه الأحمر. ركض في الشارع إلى الفرع المحلي ولم يعرفوا حتى النظام كان أسفل. أحسنت الكومنولث عمل عظيم، وكتب عميل آخر على صفحة الفيسبوك الفيسبوك. كتب آخر: فواتير بلدي سوف يكلف 90 اضافية لأنها في وقت متأخر. شكرا كومبانك. وكتب ثالث: في بلد أجنبي وغير قادر على الوصول إلى أموالي الخاصة من أجل دفع ثمن فندقي والوصول إلى المطار. يالها من مزحة. وقالت موظفة في مركز الطيران إنها كانت في حاجة ماسة إلى حجز أكثر من 10،000 رحلة جوية، ولكن بإمكانها تحويل الأموال. لدي بعض العملاء في حاجة ماسة لحجز أكثر من 10ks قيمة من الرحلات التي تنتهي هذه الليلة وأنها لا يمكن الوصول أموالهم. إنهم سيخسرون الرحلات الجوية، ولا يوجد شيء يمكنهم فعله حرفيا، كما كتبت على صفحة كومنولث فاسيبوك. أحد العملاء السابقين كتب على صفحة الفيسبوك للشركة: هذا أقنعني إيف اتخذت القرار الصحيح في نقل البنوك. هو كومبانك تلسترا من القطاع المصرفي آسف لذلك كنت غير قادر على إجراء مكالمة أو الحصول على المال الخاص بك. pic. twitterXyPTBJL7ID إيراسموس وارينغ (إيراسموسوارينغ) أغسطس 1، 2016 كومبانك هناك شيء خاطئ مع الخدمات المصرفية عبر الإنترنت لا أستطيع الدخول من خلال متصفح الويب الخاص بي أو الحسابات المصرفية أبلويال 1. سوف أتلقى بيانات الحساب إذا كنت قد طلبت بيانات الحساب عند فتح الحساب لك سوف تحصل عليها كما طلب بمجرد تلقي حسابك التمويل الأولي. رصيد حسابك الحالي والمعاملات المتاحة للعرض في نيتبانك لدينا باستخدام رمز الوصول إلى الإنترنت أو رمز الاستجابة ديجيباس لتسجيل الدخول. يمكنك أيضا إنشاء بيان وتحميله من نيتبانك لدينا ولكن هناك رسوم رمزية لهذه الخدمة. لديك أيضا خيار لتلقي الإخطارات سمز المعاملات الخاصة بك على الهاتف المحمول الخاص بك. يمكنك طلب إخطارات الرسائل القصيرة عند فتح الحساب أو في أي وقت في نيتبانك لدينا ولكن هناك رسوم رمزية لهذه الخدمة. 2. هل يمكنني منح أشخاص آخرين إمكانية الوصول الكامل أو المحدود إلى حساب بنك الولاء الخاص بي نعم، يمكنك تفويض ذلك للأفراد المعينين الذين قمت بتعيينهم كشخص إضافي مفوض (آب) عند فتح الحساب. يمكنك إضافة شخص مصرح إضافي في أي وقت بعد فتح الحساب عن طريق ملء وإرسال لنا النموذج المناسب. ويتعين تقديم وثائق العناية الواجبة الكاملة في أي برنامج من برامج المساعدة على النحو المبين في الأسئلة المتداولة 8. 3- التعامل مع حسابات العملاء المتوفين بعد الإبلاغ عن الوفاة يجب أن نحصل على نسخة رسمية من شهادة الوفاة أو إدخال إشعار بالإعدام. وبما أن وفاة العميل تنهي العقد القانوني بين العميل والبنك، فسيتم حظر حساب العميل مرة واحدة، ويتم رفض جميع معاملات الخصم حتى إذا كان العميل قد أذن بذلك بشكل صحيح قبل وفاته المبلغ عنها. ويعتمد التعامل مع الحساب على ما إذا كان المتوفى هو الموقِّع الوحيد أم أن المالك المشترك والمتطلبات الخاصة تنطبق على الحسابات المعتادة. 4. ما الفرق بين الرصيد الحالي والرصيد المتاح الرصيد الحالي هو الرصيد المتبقي في حسابك بعد أن يتم نشر جميع المعاملات في يوم العمل الحالي مع المبلغ المحظور عليه. الرصيد المتوازن يساوي رصيدك الحالي مطروحا منه المبلغ المحظور. 5. ماذا أفعل إذا نسيت رقم معرف العميل سيقوم مكتب مساعدة بنك الولاء 247 بتزويدك برقم تعريف العميل الخاص بك. يرجى الاتصال بفريق خدمة العملاء على أو عن طريق الهاتف إلى 36 1 383 0853 أو عن طريق سكايب إلى ولاءبانكستوميرسيرفيس. ويمكن أيضا إرسال الطلب عبر الفاكس. أرقام الفاكس لدينا هي 1 784 451 27 57 أو 36 1 221 57 45. 6. هل يمكنني تغيير رقم معرف العميل الخاص بي إلى شيء آخر قد يكون من الأسهل بالنسبة لي أن أتذكر لا، نحن نأسف ولكن لأسباب أمنية رقم معرف العميل الخاص بك هو رقم الكمبيوتر التي تم تعيينها من قبل بنك لويال ولا يمكن تغييرها. 7. كيف يمكنني تغيير عنوان هاتفي أو معلومات أخرى لتغيير عنوانك أو أي معلومات أخرى تتعلق بحسابك، يرجى أن ترسل لنا رسالة فاكس مع طلبك موقعة من قبل نفسك. ولأسباب قانونية، لا يمكننا قبول التغييرات أو التحديثات الموقعة على البيانات. كما أن أي نسخة مطبوعة أو نسخة أصلية من فاتورة المرافق تتضمن العنوان الجديد مطلوبة أيضا لأي تغيير في العنوان. أرقام الفاكس لدينا هي 1 784 451 27 57 أو 36 1 221 57 45. يرجى تحديد نفسك بوضوح في الرسالة عن طريق اقتباس معرف العميل الخاص بك (لأسباب أمنية من فضلك لا اقتبس رقم حسابك)، توفر لنا التغييرات البيانات الثابتة المطلوبة و وإرسال الوثائق الداعمة إذا لزم الأمر. 8. هل هناك حد لعدد أو قيمة معاملات الصراف الآلي أو نقاط البيع يمكنني القيام بها مع بطاقتي خلال يوم واحد هل هناك حد نيتبانك لأسباب أمنية هناك حدود، يرجى التحقق من الحدود اليومية لبطاقة ماستر وسيروس مايسترو هنا واليوم محدودة لبنك البلاتين يمكن أن ينظر إليه هنا. لا توجد حدود لعدد الاستفسارات وما إلى ذلك التي يمكن القيام بها من خلال صحيفة نيتبانك اليومية، ولا التحويلات، ولكن حسابك يحتاج إلى رصيد كاف للتحويلات التي يتعين معالجتها. 9. كم من الوقت مطلوب لإنهاء الصفقة في حالة النقل الداخلي (من حساب إلى آخر داخل البنك) تتم معالجة التحويل وتظهر الأموال على حساب الوجهة على الفور، في حين في حالة التحويل الخارجي يرجى السماح 2 نداش 4 أيام عمل للأموال للوصول إلى وجهتهم. 10. عندما يتم إغلاق يوم العمل يتم إغلاق يوم العمل مرة واحدة كل 24 ساعة من الاثنين إلى الجمعة في الساعة 7:00 بتوقيت جرينتش. ساعات عملنا في سانت فنسنت هي 8.00 صباحا حتي 4:00 مساء بالتوقيت المحلي (أتلانتيك ستاندارد تايم أو أست) من الاثنين إلى الجمعة. 11. كيف يمكنني إغلاق حساب يرجى إرسال طلب إغلاق الحساب عن طريق الفاكس 1 784 451 27 57 أو 36 1 221 57 45. التي يجب أن تحتوي على التوقيع الأصلي الخاص بك جنبا إلى جنب مع التفاصيل الشخصية الخاصة بك (مثل رقم الحساب ورقم الهوية ورقم الاتصال) وتفاصيل التسوية. يستغرق إجراء إغلاق الحساب 30 يوما. سيتم تحميل حسابك رسوم إغلاق الحساب وكذلك رسوم التحويل المعمول بها وسيتم تحويل الرصيد المتبقي إلى الحساب المصرفي الذي تحدده في تفاصيل التسوية عند انتهاء فترة الإغلاق لمدة 30 يوما. 12. عند الإنهاء غير العادي للحساب المصرفي المطبق إذا تم إنهاء عملية طلب الحساب بسبب فشل العناية الواجبة على العميل أو عدم دفع ميد أو لأي سبب آخر، قد يتم تطبيق رسم إنهاء قدره 350 دولار أمريكي. إذا كان على بنك الولاء إنهاء الحساب بأثر فوري، على سبيل المثال إذا أخفق العميل في الوفاء بالتزاماته على النحو المبين في عقد الحساب الجاري أو إذا كان نشاطه ينتهك اللوائح ضد غسل الأموال أو يضر بمصالح أو سمعة البنك، لدى البنك أسباب إنهاء الخدمة بشكل استثنائي. في جميع حالات الإنهاء غير العادي يتم فرض رسوم إقفال بقيمة 350 دولار أمريكي أو الرصيد الكامل للحساب - إذا كان أقل من 350 دولار أمريكي -. 13. ما هو الحساب الخامل وعندما يتم إغلاق هذه الحسابات حساب نائم هو حساب العميل مع بنك لويال الذي كان غير نشط لمدة لا تقل عن 12 شهرا متتالية بسبب عدم وجود نشاط العملاء أو عدم كفاية الأموال لدفع دفع الرسوم والعمولات أندور والتكاليف المستحقة، وبسبب البنك في أي تاريخ. وسوف يتم إغلاق هذه الحسابات الخاملة وفقا للإجراءات الداخلية للبنك. 14. هل من الممكن إعادة فتح حساب مغلق دون تغيير تفاصيل الحساب لا يمكن إعادة فتح حساب مغلق مع نفس رقم الحساب ولكن يمكن فتح حساب جديد. في بعض الحالات يمكن للبنك المخلص رفض مثل هذا التطبيق حساب جديد، إذا، على سبيل المثال، لم يتم تشغيل الحساب السابق بشكل مرض. 15. ما هو إخطار البريد الإلكتروني إخطارات البريد الإلكتروني المشورة لك المعاملات الخاصة بك على حساب بنك الولاء الخاص بك. تحتوي الإخطارات على بيانات مثل المبلغ والعملة ونوع المعاملة ورقم المعاملة والتاريخ. 16. ما هي فوائد الإخطارات البريد الإلكتروني الإخطارات تلقائية وسوف تصل إليك عبر البريد الإلكتروني في أي مكان في العالم. 17. كيف يمكنني طلب إشعارات بالبريد الإلكتروني هناك ثلاثة خيارات متاحة: اطلبها عند ملء النقطة 8 من نموذج طلب فتح الحساب. طلب ذلك عن طريق نيتبانك لدينا في القائمة كوتسرفيسسكوت طلب ذلك من فريق خدمة العملاء لدينا باستخدام نموذج منفصل التي سوف تجد على موقعنا على الانترنت. أولا، حدد اللغة الخاصة بك، انتقل إلى حساب مصرفي، ثم تحديث (الشخصية أو الشركات) الحساب، وسوف تجد أنه في القائمة 18. يمكنني إيداع الاختيار في حسابي رقم لب هو الإنترنت والبنك الإلكتروني وذلك أسلوبنا من تمويل الحساب عن طريق تحويلات سويفت (التي تسمى أحيانا التحويلات المنقولة) بدلا من الدفعات الورقية مثل الشيكات. 19. هل يمكنني إيداع النقود في حسابي أو يمكنني دفعها نقدا. لا يقوم بنك لويال بدفع أو استلام النقود بأي عملة، إما مباشرة في أي من مكاتبنا أو من خلال أي بنك مراسل، ولتمويل الحساب نحن نقبل سويفت التحويلات البنكية فقط. 20. هل يمكنني الحصول على دفتر شيكات لحسابي لا. لا يصدر بنك لويال دفاتر شيكات لأي حساب عميل بأي عملة. والسبب هو أننا لسنا جزءا من أي نظام وطني فحص الشيكات. 21. لا يقدم بنك لويال حسابات التاجر رقم في الوقت الحالي لا يقدم بنك لويال حسابات تجارية (حسابات يمكن استخدامها لتلقي دفعات عبر الإنترنت). 22. هل يمكنني الحصول على ترخيص لسلفة نقدية في بنك آخر عن طريق الهاتف نحن لا نعطي مثل هذه التصاريح لدينا بطاقات الخصم مايسترو وماستركارد هي إلكترونية بحتة، أي معالجة يدوية باستخدام آلات طباعة بطاقة نمط نداش القديمة غير معتمد على وجه التحديد وهناك ليس نظاما لإعطاء هذه التراخيص الهاتفية. يرجى استخدام أي أجهزة الصراف الآلي مع ماستركارد، سيروس أو مايسترو شعار لاحتياجات السحب النقدي الخاص بك. 23. هل يمكنني الحصول على خطابات الضمان المصرفي من خلال حساب بنك الولاء الخاص بي، ما لم يتم اتخاذ ترتيبات مسبقة معنا. هناك عدد كبير من مزورة أو نندش موجودة كتليترز من كريديتسبانك كوفيرسكوت تداولها، لذا يرجى الاتصال بنا إذا كنت في أي شك بشأن جينوينيس أي الصفقة المقترحة لك. 24. هل يقوم البنك بإصدار خطابات مرجعية بالردود نعم، نحن نصدر رسالة مرجعية للبنك القياسية مقابل رسوم بالإضافة إلى رسوم البريد السريع، إذا كان ذلك ممكنا، لإرسالك أو لطرف ثالث الأصلي. نفس التكلفة ينطبق على مراجعة المراجعين رسوم يمكن التحقق في دليل التعريفة لدينا. نحتاج إلى سلطة مكتوبة مع توقيعك لإصدار خطاب مرجعي، ولرد التدقيق، يجب أن تقوم أنت والمدقق الخاص بك بالتوقيع على الطلب. 25. هل يصدر البنك تأكيدات حيازات الأوراق المالية مع بنك لويال نعم، يمكننا أن نصدر مثل هذه التأكيدات مقابل رسوم بقيمة 50 دولارا أمريكيا لهذا البند بالإضافة إلى رسوم شحن بقيمة 65 دولارا أمريكيا إذا كان ذلك ممكنا. وهنا أيضا، يطلب البنك من السلطات الموقعة إصدار التأكيد. يمكننا فقط تأكيد الأوراق المالية التي عقدت بالفعل معنا أو الوصي حيث نحمل لهم نيابة عنك: أولئك الذين في العبور، نصح أو وعد لا يمكن تأكيد. 26. هل يمكن الدفع للمستفيد في سانت فنسنت بالدولار الأمريكي نعم، هذا ممكن ولكن رهنا بالشروط التالية: يجب أن تكون الأموال سلكية لنا بالدولار الأمريكي أو أننا يمكن أن الخصم من حسابك وتحويل إلى إيك دولار 2.6882 وإصدار شيك دولار أمريكي. للقيام بذلك نحتاج إلى الاسم الكامل وعنوان ورقم هاتف المستفيد من الدفع المقصود، ويجب أن ندعو في مكاتبنا مع تحديد كامل لجمع الدفع. يرجى إضافة 25 دولار أمريكي رسوم الخدمة لتكاليف المعالجة لدينا. لا يمكن الدفع نقدا. 27. هل حسابات بنك الولاء لا تحمل فوائد، إلا إذا كانت محددة على أنها تحمل فائدة: وهذا ينطبق فقط على الودائع لأجل. 28. هل يمكنني الحصول على بطاقة ائتمان من بنك لويال نو، نحن نصدر بطاقات السحب الآلي فقط، ولكن يمكن لبطاقة ماستركارد الائتمانية وبطاقات الخصم البلاتينية أن تفعل كل ما تفعله بطاقة الائتمان، وذلك رهنا بوجود أموال متاحة في حسابك. فتح حساب 1. ما هو حساب مصرفي مخلص حساب مصرفي مخلص هو حساب جاري باسم شخص خاص أو كيان قانوني مثل شركة، الثقة، مؤسسة الخ 2. كيف يمكنني فتح حساب الوثائق المطلوبة والخطوات لفتح الحساب يمكن العثور عليها هنا. 3. ما هو الحد الأدنى للرصيد أو المبلغ الذي يجب تحويله عند فتح الحساب لا يوجد حد أدنى للرصيد، ولكن هناك شرط الحد الأدنى للإيداع المبدئي (ميد) عند فتح الحساب المحدد في رسالة الإخطار. يرجى الاطلاع على التعريف الدقيق ل ميد أدناه: الحد الأدنى للإيداع الأولي (ميد) بعد تخصيص وإسناد رقم حساب العميل إلى مقدم طلب حساب العميل، يطلب البنك أن يتم إيداع حد أدنى للإيداع الأولي (ميد) في الحساب بواسطة سويفت سلكي نقل. هذا ليس رسم ولكن حساب الائتمان، والأموال تنتمي إلى العميل، ولكن البنك قد الخصم من رسوم فتح حساب كامل مرة واحدة يتم استلام الدفع ميد وتدرج في الحساب. المبلغ المطلوب ل ميد لا يقل عن 1500 دولار أمريكي أو ما يعادل اليورو وليس هناك حد أقصى للمبلغ. يمكن أن تكون المدفوعات اللاحقة في الحساب من أي مبلغ، من أي تردد وليس هناك حد أدنى للمبلغ المطلوب شهريا (باستثناء حالة الحسابات البلاتينية). إذا لم يتم استلام ميد من قبل البنك في غضون 30 يوما من طلب ميد من طالب العميل، يحتفظ البنك بالحق (وبناء على تقديره) بتعليق عملية فتح حساب مقدم الطلب 39 حتى يتم استلام أموال ميد. وإذا لم يتم بعد تلقي الأموال بعد فترة معقولة، يحتفظ البنك بالحق (وبناء على تقديره) بإنهاء عملية فتح حساب مقدم الطلب. تم رفض فتحات الحساب إذا تم إجبار البنك في وقت لاحق على التراجع عن فتح حساب العميل بسبب ظروف خارجة عن إرادته، بما في ذلك (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر) خرق العقد، وإلغاء مقدم الطلب، من أي وثيقة أو أدلة من مصادر خارجية يمكن التحقق منها لعدم ملاءمة مقدم الطلب أو عملية أو إجبار القانون، وما إلى ذلك من أن البنك يحتفظ بالحق (وحسب تقديره) في تحصيل رسوم إنهاء قدرها 350 دولارا أمريكيا. رسوم تحويل الأموال للعودة رصيد ميد هي رسوم إضافية. 4. كيف يمكنني الوصول إلى حسابي يمكنك الوصول إلى حسابك عبر الإنترنت باستخدام رقم معرف العميل ورمز الاستجابة ديجيباس أو رمز الوصول إلى الإنترنت الخاص بك. للوصول إلى حسابك على الانترنت انقر نقرة تسجيل الدخول إلى نيتبانك كوت على الصفحة الرئيسية لدينا. 5. ما هو رقم معرف العميل ورمز الوصول إلى الإنترنت ورمز الاستجابة ديجيباس رقم معرف العميل هو رقم 8 أرقام يتم تعيينه لك عند الموافقة على حسابك. رمز الوصول إلى الإنترنت هو رمز 5 أرقام التي تمكنك من تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابك لعرض الأرصدة، وما إلى ذلك ولكن ليس لإجراء أو تفويض المعاملات. يتكون رمز الاستجابة ديجيباس من 6 أرقام ولدت من قبل تطبيق لب ديجيباس أو ديجيباس المادية ويمكن استخدامها للوصول إلى حسابك وإجراء أو التصريح المعاملات. 6. هل هناك أي تكاليف مرتبطة بحساب مصرفي ولاء نعم، هناك رسوم فتح حساب لمرة واحدة وأيضا رسوم الخدمة الشهرية. كما يتم فرض رسوم على الخدمات التي تطلبها وتستخدمها. للحصول على معلومات حول الرسوم والرسوم يرجى الضغط هنا. 7. متى يمكنني البدء في استخدام حسابي عندما تم الانتهاء من العناية الواجبة عليك وعملية فتح الحساب وفتح الحساب الذي وافق عليه البنك، وكذلك الحد الأدنى للإيداع الأولي (ميد) المدفوعة بالكامل للبنك، سيقوم البنك بإبلاغك برسالة الترحيب و (2) أن يرسل لك الحزمة المصرفية (انظر التفاصيل في النقطة 10). وكجزء من عملية طلب حساب العميل، سيقوم البنك بإرسال رقم حساب فريد إلى مقدم الطلب لحساب الحساب الذي سيتم تخصيصه لمقدم الطلب، ولكن حتى يتم الانتهاء من عملية فتح الحساب وفتح الحساب الذي وافق عليه البنك، كما فضلا عن الحد الأدنى للإيداع الأولي (ميد) المدفوع بالكامل للبنك، رقم الحساب غير نشط لأي غرض آخر غير استلام ميد والحساب لا يمكن الوصول إليها بأي شكل من الأشكال من قبل مقدم الطلب حساب العميل حتى يوافق البنك على أن تم الموافقة على إنشاء قانوني للعلاقة حساب موجود. سوف يثبت البنك ويؤكد ذلك قانونيا بإصداره إلى العميل وسيلة للوصول إلى الحساب، وهي بطاقات السحب الآلي و ديجيباس أو رمز الوصول إلى الإنترنت (إاك) وكذلك توقيع عقد الحساب، الذي يمكن تقديم نسخة منه إلى مقدم الطلب بناء على الطلب. يتم تحديد رقم الحساب المخصص من قبل البنك وليس هناك فرصة لمقدم طلب حساب العميل لتغيير أو تغييره إلا إذا تم إنهاء عملية طلب الحساب وبدأت مرة أخرى. الإقرار القانوني لعلاقة الحساب إلى أن يوافق البنك على أن وثائق العناية الواجبة التي يقدمها مقدم طلب حساب العميل قد استكملت للمعايير المطلوبة من قبل البنك، فإن مجرد تقديم العناية الواجبة ودفع الحد الأدنى للإيداع المبدئي لا ينشئ أي شكل من أشكال العلاقة الحسابية التعاقدية بين البنك ومودع حساب العميل: وهذا هو الحال أيضا حتى لو كان البنك قد قدم رقم حساب إلى مقدم الطلب حساب العميل. 8. لماذا يجب علي تقديم تعريف عند فتح حساب بنك لويال يلتزم التزاما صارما بالتشريعات من ولايتنا، واللوائح الدولية لمنظمة التعاون والتنمية في الميدان الاقتصادي، وفاتف، وصندوق النقد الدولي وقانون باتريوت وأفضل الممارسات الدولية. وهذا يعني أننا نضع دائما بشكل إيجابي هوية عملائنا، وموقعهم الفعلي، وطبيعة العمل أو العمل، وما إلى ذلك قبل إعداد أي حساب العميل وليس هناك استثناءات لهذا. لهذه الأسباب نطلب نسخ مصدقة من وثائق الهوية الخاصة بك. يتم التحقق من جميع الوثائق المقدمة والتحقق منها باستخدام أحدث تكنولوجيا الفحص الفني. لن يقوم بنك لويال بفتح أي حساب عميل: إذا كان أي بند من عناصر العناية الواجبة غير مكتمل أو غير موقعة أو غير مقروء أو غير قابل للاستعمال غير ذلك، فإننا سننصحك بالمشكلة ونطلب منك تقديم مستند قابل للاستخدام إذا وجد أن أي بند من عناصر العناية الواجبة تم تغييرها، فرضه، صور شوبد، مزورة خلاف ذلك أو وجدت لتكون بأي حال من الأحوال لا نداش حقيقي في مثل هذه الحالات يتم إنهاء تطبيق حساب نهائيا وتقديم تقرير رسمي. إذا وجد أي تحذير أو إنذار دولي، كجزء من عملية العناية الواجبة لدينا، في الوجود ضد اسم مقدم الطلب حساب نداش في مثل هذه الحالات يتم إنهاء تطبيق الحساب بشكل دائم وتقديم تقرير رسمي. بنك الولاء أيضا لا تفتح أي حساب العميل الذي ليس في اسم العميل. لن نفتح أي حساب مقترح بأن يكون مجهول الهوية أو مرقما فقط أو هو: اسم مستعار اسم غير مستند أو اسم ملفق اسم مستعار نسخ أو خداع اسم شخص أو شركة حقيقية (أي إلفيس بريسلي أو سيتيبانك) 9 كيف ومتى سوف أتلقى بطاقتي المصرفية ورمز بين الخاص بي وديجيباس و بين الخاص به عند اكتمال العناية الواجبة عليك وعملية فتح الحساب وفتح الحساب الذي وافق عليه البنك، وكذلك الحد الأدنى للإيداع الأولي (ميد) التي تم دفعها بالكامل للبنك، يرسل لك البنك حزمة مصرفية تحتوي على: بطاقة الخصم الخاصة بك التي تنتمي إلى حسابك الجاري بالدولار الأمريكي أو اليورو رقم حسابك (15 رقما) ورقم العميل (8 أرقام) على حسابك من خلال نيتبانك لن يتم إرسال رمز بين الخاص بك إلى حسابك المصرفي. لديك لإنشاءه في نيتبانك في نفس الوقت قمت بتنشيط البطاقة المصرفية الخاصة بك باستخدام رمز الوصول إلى الإنترنت أو رمز الاستجابة ديجيباس. للحصول على إرشادات لتنشيط البطاقة المصرفية الخاصة بك وإنشاء رمز بين، يرجى زيارة علامة التبويب الدليل المصرفي والبحث عن دليل المستخدمين نيتبانكرسكو. يمكن للعملاء تحميل تطبيق لب ديجيباس على أجهزتهم النقالة وإعداد رمز بين المفضل أو استخدام حماية بصمات الأصابع. لن يتم تسليم جهاز ديجيباس الفيزيائي إليك إلا إذا طلبت على وجه التحديد جهاز ديجيباس الفيزيائي. يمكن تعيين رمز بين من ديجيباس الفيزيائية في نيتبانك. الرقم التعريفي للعميل فريد لك ويغطي جميع الحسابات باسمك معنا. يرجى الحفاظ على هذا متاح منذ ستحتاج هذا الرقم في كل مرة كنت ترغب في إدخال نيتبانك لدينا. 10. كيف أبدأ بعد أن تقرأ قواعد ولوائح عمل بنك الولاء والشروط والأحكام المبينة في شروط حساب البنك. يرجى النقر هنا لبدء عملية فتح الحساب. يرجى أيضا الاطلاع التعليمات 2، 3 و 8 التي لديها معلومات مفيدة متصلة فتح الحساب. 1. كيف يمكنني تحويل الأموال إلى بلدي حساب مصرفي الولاء بنك مخلص هو عضو كامل في شبكة سويفت و سويفت لدينا هو لوافكفكس ولكن توجيه التوجيه نرسل قد تحتوي على طرق بديلة التي قد يكون سويفت مختلفة. يقبل البنك فقط تمويل حسابات العملاء عن طريق التحويل الإلكتروني سويفت من خلال المؤسسات الشريكة وسيط المؤكدة ونحن نقدم تعليمات التوجيه الشخصية لكل عميل من البنك. نحن لسنا قادرين على قبول تمويل حسابات العملاء لدينا من خلال أي من الطرق التالية: أي شكل من أشكال نقل الحافظة الإلكترونية مثل باي بال بيتكوين أو أي شكل آخر من العملات الإلكترونية النقدية أو الأوراق النقدية في أي عملة أو بأي مبلغ بطاقة الائتمان أو الخصم سايبر والذهب أو غيرها من الوسائل الإلكترونية لنقل المعادن الثمينة لدينا تفاصيل توجيه نقل الأسلاك الداخلية والتحويل الإلكتروني معلومات عتبة الكشف المتاحة من فريق خدمة العملاء لدينا أو عن طريق الهاتف إلى 36 1 383 0853 أو عن طريق سكايب إلى ولينبانك كوستوميرسيرفيس في كل حالة إعطاء العميل بنك لويال إد (لأسباب أمنية من فضلك لا تحدد نفسك عن طريق رقم حساب بنك الولاء الخاص بك) وسوف نرسل لك التفاصيل عن طريق العودة. سيتلقى جميع العملاء الجدد هذه التفاصيل عند فتح الحساب كجزء من رسالة الترحيب القياسية. وتستخدم حسابات المراسلة المختلفة لعملات مختلفة، وبالتالي فإن مسارات مختلفة ليست بأي شكل من الأشكال قابلة للتبديل. تعتمد التوجيهات الداخلية على العملة والموقع الفعلي للبنك الذي يبدأ تحويل الأموال إلينا. يجب تحديد تفاصيل النقل في نموذج الطلب السلكي كما هو موضح في التعليمات. كشرط مسبق لكل عملية نقل يجب على البنك أن يحمل وثائق العناية الواجبة من عملائه: نسخة من جواز سفر ساري المفعول أو هوية للعملاء الخاصين وشهادة حسن الموقف (كوغس) أو ما شابه ذلك للشركات. يرجى ملاحظة أن شهادة حسن الموقف صالحة لمدة عام، وبالتالي يجب على الشركات تقديم نسخة من كوغس سنويا. قد نطلب منك أيضا تزويدنا بأدلة مستندية أو وثائق داعمة حول الغرض من الدفع، على سبيل المثال. نسخة من فاتورة أو عقد أو اتفاق. يحتفظ البنك بالحق في طلب مستندات إضافية لتحويل أي مبلغ كما نلتزم قانونيا بموجب قوانين ولايتنا بالاحتفاظ بهذه المعلومات في ملفاتنا. يمكنك أيضا تحويل أموالك من حساب واحد في بنك لويال إلى آخر (نقل داخلي) من خلال نيتبانك. 2. كم من المال يمكنني نقل من حساب إلى آخر داخل البنك لا يوجد الحد الأدنى أو الحد الأقصى المبلغ الذي يمكن نقلها طالما أن المبلغ المقاصة هو متاح على حسابك الخاص لإرسال ولا يسبب أي شروط أخرى لتكون خرق. 3. لماذا يتم تخفيض مبالغ التحويلات الخارجية إلى الخارج عن طريق رسوم غير معلنة الرسوم المقدمة على موقعنا الإلكتروني هي مجرد رسوم بنك لويال. وقد تفرض المصارف المراسلة أحيانا رسومها أيضا، ويتحمل كل بنك مراسل رسوما مختلفة، وبالتالي لا توجد رسوم نقل ثابتة. وفقا للممارسة المصرفية، يتم خصم عمولات البنوك المراسلة (إن وجدت) من المبلغ المحول من خلالها: لا يتلقى بنك لويال أي جزء من هذه الرسوم وليس له سيطرة على ما إذا كانت محملة أم لا. 4. هل يستطيع بنك لويال تتبع الأسلاك الواردة، والتي لم يتم تلقيها بعد لا، نحن نأسف لعدم وجود نظام متفق عليه دوليا لهذا الأمر حيث أنه سيشركنا في الوصول إلى أنظمة معالجة مصرفية أخرى، والتي تعترض عليها بشكل عام. فقط البنك المرسل يمكن تتبع نقل التي لم تصل لنا بعد. 5. ما هو الفرق بين رموز الشحن سويفت شا، أور و بن نظام الرسائل سويفت المستخدمة من قبل جميع البنوك في جميع أنحاء العالم يسمح للمدفوعات العميل ليتم إرسالها مع واحدة من ثلاثة رموز الشحن المختلفة. تغطي هذه الرموز الذين يدفعون لبعض رسوم التحويل الإلكتروني، المرسل أو المتلقي من الأموال (أو كليهما). بمجرد إرسال نقل سويفت، لا يمكن تغيير رمز سويفت في الطريق. رموز: شا نداش يتم تقاسم جميع رسوم التحويل المصرفي مراسل بين العميل يأمر والزبون المستفيد. يدفع العميل العميل فقط الرسوم القياسية لويال Bank39s، العميل المستفيد بقية (عن طريق خصم من المبلغ المرسل). يتم إرسال معظم التحويلات السلكية سويفت مع رسوم شا وهذا هو رمز الشحن الافتراضي التي يستخدمها بنك لويال إذا كان العميل لا يحدد آخر. - يتم دفع جميع رسوم التحويل البنكي للمراسل من قبل العميل المرسل بما في ذلك أي رسوم يتقاضاها أي بنك أجنبي. مع رسوم يتلقى المستفيد لدينا المبلغ المحدد إرسالها من قبل العميل يأمر على الرغم من أن البنك المستفيد قد لا تزال تفرض رسوما لاستلام الأموال. بن - يتم دفع كافة الرسوم المصرفية من قبل العميل المستفيد من خلال خصم من مبلغ التحويل باستثناء رسوم بنك لويال 39 القياسية التي يتم دفعها من قبل العميل. لا يملك بنك الولاء سيطرة على المبالغ التي قد تقتطعها البنوك الأجنبية ويجب أن يتفق المرسلون مع المستفيد على أن المستفيد يدفع هذه الرسوم إذا تم إرسال السلك مع رسوم بن. 6. هل هناك أي قيود على التحويلات مع التحويل لا، لا شيء في الوقت الحاضر. 7. هل يمكنني الحصول على الدفعات من بايبال المستلمة والمرتبة في حساب بنك الولاء الخاص بي رقم بايبال لا تقدم مجموعة كاملة من الخدمات (الدفع والاستلام) في جميع البلدان وفي بعض الحالات مثل سانت فنسنت، لا يمكن استلام الدفعات من قبل لنا من أي شخص، أدلى به شخص ما في سفغ فقط للمشتريات. هذا هو تقييد باي بال وليس من بنك لويال. 8. يمكنني إرسال الأموال إلى حساب بنك الولاء بلدي عن طريق ويسترن يونيون أو مونيغرام لا. على الرغم من أن ويسترن يونيون و مونيغرام هي شركات حقيقية وذات سمعة طيبة نحن لا نقبل ويسترن يونيون أو مونيغرام التحويلات الإلكترونية إلى حسابات، نقبل فقط نقل (سويفت) الأسلاك لأن ولا تدفع ويسترن يونيون أو مونيغرام في سانت فنسنت إلا نقدا في دول شرق الكاريبي (انظر البند 46). 9. هل يمكنني طلب تحويل الأموال يدويا نعم، ولكن يجب شرح السبب لنا تماما. كما يلزم تقديم وثائق إضافية، ويجوز للبنك رفض الطلب إذا لم تظهر الظروف لتبرير النقل اليدوي. 10. ما هو رقم الحساب بصيغة إيبان لحسابي المصرفي المتوازن ليست حسابات بنك الولاء جزءا من نظام إيبان حيث أننا لسنا موجودين في أوروبا لذا لا يوجد لدى بنك الولاء إيبان. يبدأ رقم حسابك مع ldquo104rdquo وينصح لك في وقت فتح الحساب. سيروسمايسترو بانككاردز 1. ما هو سيروس مايسترو بطاقة الخصم الصادرة عن بنك لويال بطاقة سيروس مايسترو هي بطاقة الخصم نداش مقرها بين التي تعمل على منصة ماستركارد الدولية. أوقف بنك لويال إصدار بطاقات الخصم الجديدة ذات العلامات التجارية سيروسمايسترو اعتبارا من 1 أبريل 2016، ومع ذلك تبقى جميع البطاقات الموجودة صالحة تماما ويمكن استخدامها حتى تاريخ انتهاء صلاحيتها. بدلا من بطاقات سيروسمايسترو يقدم بنك لويال بطاقات ماستركارد بدون اتصال وبطاقات ماستركارد البلاتينية حصرا لزبائنه من القطاع الخاص والشركات. لمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى الاتصال بفريق خدمات العملاء. 2. عندما أحصل على بلدي سيروس مايسترو الخصم المصرفية بنك لويال توقف إصدار بطاقات الخصم الجديدة سيروسمايسترو ذات العلامات التجارية اعتبارا من 1 أبريل 2016. بدلا من بطاقات سيروسمايسترو بنك لويال يقدم بطاقات السحب الآلي كونتاكتليس ماستركارد والبطاقات ماستر البلاتين، ولكن الإجراء أدناه لا يزال دون تغيير. بعد استلام رسم فتح الحساب والحد الأدنى للإيداع (أو خلال 5 أيام عمل من تاريخ استلام طلبك للحصول على بطاقة مصرفية إضافية، لفتح حساب وتمويله بالفعل) سوف نرسل لك البطاقة المصرفية إلى عنوانك البريدي. الوقت الذي يستغرقه البريد يعتمد على مكان إقامتك ولكن عادة 1-2 أسابيع. يتم إنشاء رمز بين لبطاقة الخصم الخاصة بك من قبلك عند تنشيط البطاقة في نيتبانك. 3. كيف يمكنني تفعيل بلدي سيروس مايسترو بطاقة مصرفية بنك لويال لا يصدر أي بطاقات سيروسمايسترو جديدة أكثر. لجميع بطاقات لدينا الإجراء تفعيل البطاقة هو ما يلي. سيتم إرسال البطاقة المصرفية إليك بحالة غير نشطة. يمكنك تفعيل البطاقة المصرفية الخاصة بك في نيتبانك من خلال اتباع التعليمات الواردة في دليل مستخدم نيتبانك users39 وفي نفس الخطوة ستحتاج إلى إنشاء رمز بين لبطاقتك المصرفية. يمكنك أيضا الاتصال هلبديسك لدينا أو عن طريق الهاتف إلى 36 1 383 0853 أو عن طريق سكايب إلى ولينبانك كوستوميرسيرفيس لتفعيل البطاقة المصرفية الخاصة بك. يرجى أن يكون لديك تفاصيل الشخصية والحساب (هوية المستخدم) حتى نتمكن من التعرف بشكل آمن لك. ومع ذلك لا يمكن إلا أن يتم إنشاء رمز بين من قبلك في نيتبانك، يمكن للزملاء خدمة العملاء تساعدك فقط مع تفعيل البطاقة. 4. ماذا علي أن أفعل عند تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية بطاقة سيروس مايسترو المصرفية الخاصة بك بطاقة سيروسمايسترو المصرفية صالحة لمدة سنة واحدة حتى آخر يوم من الشهر المذكور على بطاقتك. سيقوم البنك تلقائيا بإصدار بطاقة مصرفية جديدة قبل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية شريطة أن يكون هناك رصيد متاح في حسابك يغطي رسوم تجديد بطاقة مصرفية. يرجى ملاحظة أن بنك لويال توقف إصدار بطاقات جديدة سيروسمايسترو ذات العلامات التجارية، لذلك سوف تكون بطاقة جديدة كونتاكتليسماستركارد افتراضيا. عندما تتلقى بطاقة مصرفية جديدة وتفعيلها قبل تاريخ انتهاء صلاحية البطاقة التي تنتهي صلاحيتها، سيتم إلغاء تنشيط البطاقة المصرفية الحالية تلقائيا في نفس الوقت. Once deactivated, please destroy your old card by shredding or burning only. 5. What happens if my bankcard gets lost during postage Loyal Bank will stop and replace your lost package (s) free of charge in the following cases: If the package(s) are mailed to the wrong mailing address by the Bank. If the package(s) are lost during courier transit. Loyal Bank will not take any responsibility for banking packages sent to the correct address provided by you but lost during airmail transit because air mail is not fully secure or efficient in a number of countries and packages cannot be tracked or traced. In all circumstances Loyal Bank recommends the use of courier delivery. Please notify our Help Desk at or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice if you have not received your bankcard. 6. Can I apply for an additional debit card The Authorised Person (the AP, or account holder) can have only one CirrusMaestro and one MasterCard bankcard in hisher name for hisher account but you can have up to two Additional Authorized Persons (AAP) for each account. Each Authorised Person can have a bankcard linked to the account of the Account Holder. To order an additional card for an Authorized Person please fill in the appropriate form or apply for a new bankcard in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point 39New card39 option. 7. Where should I safely store my bankcard and its PIN Keep your bankcard and PIN number separated. as the Bank does not take the responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with a correct PIN. Do not put your card near strong magnetic fields because the magnetic stripe may become unusable. Protect your card from heat because it may get deformed. Do not keep your bankcard near sharp objects (e. g. together with keys in your pocket) because the magnetic stripe might get scratched. Dropping your card into water, especially salt water, may also make the magnetic stripe unusable. 8. How do I get cash Cash withdrawals can be made at the approximately 1,000,000 ATM cash machines displaying the MasterCard, Maestro or Cirrus logos. From the account options displayed by the ATM choose the 39 Debit 39 or the 39 No Account Specified 39 Option. 9. Is there any daily limit on my Cirrus Maestro debit card Loyal Bank issues bankcards with limit of USD 2,000 USD or EUR 2,000 for a maximum 5 transactions per day, both for ATM cash withdrawal and POS purchase. The above limits are valid for 24 hours, from 24:00 CET till next day 24:00 CET. 10. What fees should I pay All the fees are included in Fees and Charges 11. What if my card is denied at ATM or POS-terminal If your card is denied please contact us immediately by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice and provide the following: the error message received, your card number and expiration date, amount, time and date of transaction. 12. What do I do if I forget my PIN Number You will need to create a new one in the NetBank. 13. What can I do if an ATM or POS merchant charges my card with a transaction I did not make You should notify as soon as possible by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice defining the date and place of the transaction and your bankcard number. It also helps if you can provide a transaction receipt, too (e. g. for cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 14. When does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with the lost or stolen card You should first stop the card as as soon as possible by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice or in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point Card stoppage option. The Bank takes responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen cards when the stoppage becomes effective, i. e. within 1 hour after receipt of the stoppage instructions, if not otherwise defined stipulated in the Bankcard Account Conditions. See the next FAQ. 15. Does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen card but made with correct PIN No, the Bank declines responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with correct PIN. MasterCard Debit Card 1. What is a MasterCard Debit card MasterCard Debit is a signature ndash authorised debit card that is linked to the cardholder39s Loyal Bank bank account. It runs on the MasterCard International platform. Loyal Bank issues such cards in USD or EUR. 2. Why I need a MasterCard Debit card The MasterCard Debit card is a debit card with all the benefits of a credit card. 3. What are the benefits of the MasterCard Debit card Access to MasterCard Global Service which provides emergency customer service to report lost or stolen cards, emergency card replacement, and emergency cash advance Access to make purchases at merchant through a signature ndash based an online POS terminal Ability to withdraw cash from ATMs This card allows you to make purchases at the point of sale, on the internet and at mail ordertelephone order merchants. You also make reservations for hotels, car hire, etc. The amount from your purchases will be automatically deducted from your bank account therefore there are no finance charges. 4. What is a CVC2 code The CVC2 code is the card validation code you will find on the back of your MasterCard Debit card and which follows the last 4 digits of your printed card number. Please use the CVC2 card validation code whenever you asked to do when you buy something online and the seller requests you give them the three digit code. Most of online purchase transactions made with our bank cards will require the use of the three digit quotCVC2quot code. 5. Can I make an online purchase with my MasterCard Debit card on a website which doesn39t require the use of a CVC2 code Yes, we can process transactions initiated by you on websites that don39t require the use of the CVC2 code. 6. How can I control CVC2 code If you find you have to temporarily disable the CVC2 control of your bank card please login to the NetBank with your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code, or call our 247 Helpdesk by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . In order to disable CVC2 control of your MasterCard debit card via the NetBank please log on to the NetBank and follow the instructions in the NetBank Users39 Guide. 7. How is this card different from my Maestro card Cirrus Maestro cards can only be used at merchants that have POS terminals with PIN validation and cannot be used on the internet and at mail ordertelephone order merchants, to make reservations for hotels, car hire, etc. Your MasterCard Debit card can be used anywhere and also online or at a merchant as it has Signature-based authorisation. 8. How can I apply for a MasterCard Debit card If you are an existing Loyal Bank client you just need to complete the MasterCard debit card application form and send it to us. You can also apply for a new bankcard in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point New card option. If you are a new client you must open an account as this is a debit card linked to a bank account with us, not a standalone credit card. The list of required documents for account opening is available at here 9. What is MasterCard Global Services MasterCard Global Services is a worldwide customer service programme that is available to assist cardholders only with card-related needs. The toll free number is 1 800 307 7309 from US and Canada and (636) 722 7111 from outside US. The services provided are: lost and stolen card reporting, emergency card replacement, emergency cash advance, MasterCardCirrus ATM locations. 10. When will I receive my MasterCard Debit card The MasterCard Debit card will be usually issued two days after the account is funded and the account opening fee has been debited by us. Loyal Bank will send the bankcard by regular airmail or courier service, which is strongly recommended. The courier fee can be checked in the fees and charges tab in our website. For security reasons, your bank card will be sent to you in inactive status. 11. How can I activate my MasterCard debit card You can activate your bank card in our NetBank. Please follow the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide . You can also activate by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details so that we will be able to securely identify you. 12. What should I do upon expiry date of my MasterCard debit card Your MasterCard Debit bank card is valid for one year until the last day of the month stated on your card. The Bank will automatically issue your new bank card before the expiry date provided that there is available balance on your account covering the bank card renewal fee (USD 10 or EUR 8). When you receive your new bank card and activate it before the expiry date of your expiring card, your existing bank card will be deactivated automatically at the same time. Once deactivated, please destroy your old card by shredding or burning only. 13. Is there a limit on my MasterCard Debit Card Please check the daily limits for Master Card and Cirrus Maestro bankcards here 14. Where can I use the MasterCard Debit Card This debit card is part of the MasterCard network so it can be used wherever the MasterCard or Cirrus or Maestro logos are displayed. 15. Can I use my MasterCard Debit card on the internet Yes the Loyal Bank MasterCard Debit card is accepted for all payments on the internet and also for pre-authorisations. 16. What happens if my POS transaction is rejected for some reason Please call our 247 Helpdesk by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . 17. What can I do if my POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant namequot problem If our Customer Service confirms that your POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant name problemquot which means that the merchant name is not sent to the MasterCard system, please follow the steps specified here in order to temporarily disable quotno merchant name controlquot of your bankcard (and CVC2 control of your MasterCard debit card). This disabling is valid for 15 minutes, or please contacts our Customer Service to disable quotno merchant namequot control manually until your further notice. 18. How do I authorize my transactions When making purchases with your MasterCard Debit card most of the times you will be asked to sign the transaction receipt authorizing the transaction and the debit to your account. When the card is used in ATMs, you will be asked to enter your PIN number to authorize the transaction. Online transactions authorized by a 3 digit CVC2 code displayed on the back of the card. 19. How do I keep track of my transactions Each transaction that you make with your MasterCard Debit card will appear in your bank account statement or you can check it in the NetBank. The transaction will show detailed information such as name and location of merchant, date, and amount. 20. What fees should I pay All the fees are included in Fees and Charges 21. Can I apply for an additional debit card The account holder can have only one CirrusMaestro and one MasterCard bankcard in hisher name to hisher account however you can have up to two Additional Authorised Persons ( AAPs ) added to one account. Each Authorised Person can have a bankcard linked to the account of the Account Holder. To order an additional card for an AAP please fill in the appropriate form or apply for a new bankcard in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point 39New card39 option. Note that we will require full Due Diligence to be provided (see FAQ 2, 3, and 8 in the first section of this FAQ) for each new AAP as they are added. 22. What if my card is denied at ATM or POS-terminal You should notify us by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice defining the date and place of the transaction and your bankcard number. It also helps if you can provide a transaction receipt, too (e. g. for a cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 23. What do I do if I forget my PIN Number You will need to create a new one in the NetBank accessing with your Internet Access Code (password) or Digipass (if you have one). 24. What can I do if an ATM or POS merchant charges my card with a transaction I did not make You should notify us by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice defining the date and place of the transaction and your bankcard number. 25. When does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with the lost or stolen card You should first stop the card through the through NetBank in the Bankcards menu point Card stoppage option or by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . The Bank takes responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen cards when the stoppage becomes effective which is within 1 hour after receipt of the stoppage instructions, if not otherwise defined stipulated in the Bank Account Conditions. See the next FAQ. 26. Does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen card but made with correct PIN No, the Bank declines responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with correct PIN. 27. What happens if my bankcard gets lost during postage Loyal Bank will take responsibility for the lost packages and will stop and replace your lost package(s) free of charge in the following cases: If the package(s) are mailed to a mailing address registered by the Bank wrongly. If the package(s) are lost during the courier postage. Loyal Bank will not take any responsibility for banking packages sent to the correct address provided by you but lost during airmail transit because air mail is not fully secure or efficient in a number of countries and packages cannot be tracked or traced. In all circumstances Loyal Bank recommends the use of courier delivery. Please notify our HelpDesk by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. if you have not received your bankcard. 28. Where should I store my bankcard and its PIN Keep your bankcard and PIN number separated, as the Bank does not take the responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with a correct PIN. Do not put your card near strong magnetic fields because the magnetic stripe may become unusable. Protect your card from heat because it may get deformed. Do not keep your bankcard near sharp objects (e. g. together with keys in your pocket) without holder because the magnetic stripe might get scratched. Dropping your card in water, especially salt water, may disable the card. Platinum MasterCard Debit card 1. Why do I need a Platinum card Especially designed for our most prestigious clients the Platinum Card gives you access to a wide range of services and the Platinum Card has three key benefits: A dedicated Key Account Manager, Concierge Service, Platinum Customer Service, and a Family Package are all available We bring you the best investment solutions (Forex, Precious metal purchase, Term Deposit). Maximum Flexibility ndash Your Platinum Card has extended ATMPOS facilities, Emergency card replacement, Price Purchase Protection, ATM Robbery and Assault Protection, Emergency Cash Advances etc. 2. What are the benefits of the Platinum card Cash withdrawals and purchases, accessible through 31 million Point of sales and 1.8 million ATM all over the world. Dedicated Key Account Manager, a special Platinum Customer Service and an exceptional MasterCard Concierge Service. If your family is traveling the Family package is a cost - and time-effective solution to give them a bank account and card. Special investment offers: Forex, Precious metal purchase, Term Deposit. Access to the MasterCard Global Service which provides emergency customer service to report lost or stolen cards, emergency card replacement, and emergency cash advance Easy to keep track of your expenses since all transactions are listed on your bank statement and in our NetBank This card allows you to make purchases at the point of sale, on the internet and at mail ordertelephone order merchants. The amount from your purchases will be automatically deducted from your bank account therefore there are no finance charges. 3. What is a CVC2 code The CVC2 code is the card validation code you will find on the back of your Platinum card and which follows the last 4 digits of your printed card number. Please use the CVC2 card validation code whenever you buy something online and the seller requests you give them the three digit code. Use of the CVC2 code is completely secure and will protect you against wrongful impersonation of your card. Most online purchase transactions made with our bank cards will require the use of the three digit quotCVC2quot code. 4. Can I make an online purchase with my Platinum Debit card on a website which doesn39t require the use of a CVC2 code We can process transactions initiated by you on websites that don39t require the use of the CVC2 code by temporarily disabling the CVC2 code. For disabling CVC2 control of your bank card please login to the NetBank with your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code, or call our Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 . 5. How can I control CVC2 code In order to disable CVC2 control of your MasterCard debit card please log in to the NetBank and follow the instructions in the NetBank Users39 Guide You can also call our HelpDesk at 36 1 383 0853 to disable CVC2 control of your bankcard. Please have available your personal and account details so that we will be able to securely identify you. 6. How is this card different from my MasterCard card The Platinum Card ATM and POS limits are higher than for your standard MasterCard, giving you more freedom and it also gives you access to a wider range of services, because is embossed. This means that you are able to use it in both online points of sales as well as in manual bankcard imprinters. 7. How can I apply for a Platinum card If you are a new client please send us the completed and signed account opening documentation. Forms and the list of required documents for account opening are available here for personal account and here for a Corporate Account. If you are an existing Loyal Bank client please request a Platinum bankcard in the NetBank. 8. What are the Platinum card requirements and conditions The due diligence procedures and documentary requirements are the same as for all our accounts but a minimum monthly average deposit of USDEUR 5,000 is requested to be maintained to access the Platinum card services. 9. What is MasterCard Global Services MasterCard Global Services is a worldwide customer service program that is available to assist Platinum cardholders with card-related needs anytime, anywhere in any language. The toll free number is 1 800 307 7309 from US and Canada and 1 636 722 7111 outside US. The services provided are: lost and stolen card reporting, emergency card replacement, emergency cash advance. 10. When will I receive my Platinum card The Platinum card will usually be issued in two days after the account is fully funded and the account opening fee can be debited by Loyal Bank. We will send the bankcard and PIN envelope in two separate packages by courier. The courier fees are already included in the account opening fee. For security reasons, your bank card will be sent to you in inactive status. 11. How can I activate my Platinum card The bank card will be sent to you in inactive status. You can activate your bank card in our NetBank and at the same time you will create a PIN code for it. Please follow the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide. You can also call our dedicated Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 to activate your bankcard. Please have available your personal and account details so that we will be able to securely identify you. However, the PIN code can only be created at the NetBank by you. 12. What should I do upon expiry date of my Platinum card Your Platinum bank card is valid for one year until the last day of the month stated on your bank card. The Bank will automatically issue your new bank card before the expiry date for free. When you receive your new bank card and activate it before the expiry date, your existing bank card will be deactivated automatically at the same time. Please safely destroy your old card by shredding or burning. 13. Is there a limit on my Platinum Card The Platinum Card limit for ATM cash withdrawal is USD 5,000 (standard MasterCard limit USD 2,000) and EUR 5,000 ( standard MasterCard limit EUR 2,000) with a maximum of 15 transactions a day. The limit for POS purchase is USD 40,000 and EUR 40,000 with up to 20 transactions per day. These limits are valid for 24 hours from 24:00 CET till next day 24:00 CET. 14. Where can I use the Platinum Card This card is valid wherever the MasterCard logo is displayed. 15. Is it easy to use Yes, it is. Merchants will accept and handle this card like a premium credit card. 16. Can I use my Platinum card on the internet Yes, the Loyal Bank Platinum card is accepted for payments on the internet and pre-authorisations. 17. What happens if my POS transaction is rejected for some reason In order to know the reason for a rejected transaction, please contact our Platinum Customer Service via e-mail at or by phone at 36 1 439 4700 18. What can I do if my POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant namequot problem If our Platinum Customer Service confirms that your POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant name problemquot which means that the merchant name is not sent to the MasterCard system, please disable quotno merchant name controlquot (this is the CVC2 control) of your bankcard in the NetBank for 15 minutes, or please contact our Customer Service to disable the quotno merchant namequot control manually until your further notice to us. There is no charge for this service. 19. How do I authorize my transactions When making purchases with your Platinum card you will be asked to sign the transaction receipt authorizing the transaction and the debit to your account. Online transactions are authorized by a three digit CVC2 code displayed on the back of the card. 20. Can I really use my card for purchases without paying interest charges Yes. The money from your purchases comes directly from your bank account therefor, there are no interest charges. 21. How do I keep track of my transactions Each transaction that you make with your Platinum card will appear in your bank account statement and you can check it in the NetBank. The transaction will show detailed information such as: name and location of merchant, date, amount. 22. What fees should I pay All the fees are included in Fees and Charges 23. Can I apply for an additional debit card The account holder can have only one Platinum MasterCard bankcard on hisher name attached to hisher account however you can add up to two Additional Authorized Persons to your one account. Each Authorized Person can have their own a bankcard linked to the account of the Account Holder. To order an additional card for an Authorized Person please fill in the appropriate form or request a card in the NetBank. 24. What if my card is denied at ATM or POS-terminal Please call our dedicated Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 to notify us as soon as possible of the incident, by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice advising the date and place of the incident. Please try to provide a copy of your transaction slip or receipt too (e. g. for a cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 25. What do I do if I forget my PIN Number You will need to create a new one in the NetBank. 26. What can I do if an ATM or POS merchant charges my card with a transaction I did not make Please call our dedicated Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 to notify us as soon as possible of the incident, by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice advising the date and place of the incident. Please try to provide a copy of your transaction slip or receipt too (e. g. for a cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 27. When does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with the lost or stolen card You should promptly advise us of the loss to our dedicated Platinum Customer Service centre at 36 1 439 4700 or via our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point Card stoppage option or by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice advising the date and place of the loss. The Bank takes responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen cards only when the stoppage becomes effective, which is within one hour after receipt of the stoppage instructions. 28. Does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen card but made with correct PIN No, the Bank declines responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with correct PIN. 29. What happens if my bankcard gets lost during postage Loyal Bank will take responsibility for the lost packages and will stop and replace your lost package(s) free of charge in the following cases: If the package(s) are mailed to a mailing address registered by the Bank wrongly. If the package(s) are lost during the courier postage. Loyal Bank will not take any responsibility for banking packages sent to the correct address provided by you but lost during airmail transit because air mail is not fully secure or efficient in a number of countries and packages cannot be tracked or traced. In all circumstances Loyal Bank recommends the use of courier delivery. 30. Where should I store my bankcard and its PIN Keep your bankcard and PIN number separated, as the Bank does not take the responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with a correct PIN. Do not put your card near strong magnetic fields because the magnetic stripe may become unusable. Protect your card from heat because it may get deformed. Do not keep your bankcard near sharp objects (e. g. together with keys in your pocket) without holder because the magnetic stripe might get scratched. Dropping the card in water may disable the card, especially salt water. CHIP Bankcards 1. What is a CHIP card A CHIP card looks just like a traditional debit card with an embedded chip in addition to the standard magnetic stripe on the back of the card. The small chip encrypts all data and information to make the card more secure when making transactions. 2. What is a smart card or an EMV card These are just different names for the CHIP card. ldquoCHIP and PINrdquo is another name. By the way, EMV stands for Europay MasterCard VISA, which is a technical standard for smart payment cards and for payment terminals and automated teller machines which can accept them. 3. Are CHIP cards safe Yes, CHIP cards are safe the technology has been developed especially to make cards more secure and this is the main benefit. It is much more difficult to steal card data from the encrypted chip than from cards only with a magnetic stripe. 4. How are CHIP cards different from regular cards They are the same and provide the same benefits the only difference is that CHIP cards are safer. 5. How do I use my CHIP card It is easy rather than swiping your card, you will simply insert your CHIP card into the terminal to complete the transaction. The card stays in the terminal until the transaction is finished. The rest of the process remains the same as using your regular (magnetic stripe) bank card. For online, mail order or telephone order transactions, nothing changes. If the shop does not accept CHIP cards, just swipe your card as you do now. 6. Where can I use my CHIP card CHIP technology is already used in more than 130 countries around the world, with more countries adopting this technology annually. In some countries CHIP cards are the only widely accepted cards to make transactions with. Your CHIP card will still work at terminals where only magnetic stripe transactions are accepted. To give you more precise information, CHIP cards are widely accepted in Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, while in Asia and the United States adoption is yet low. Contactless Bankcards 1. Are CHIP and contactless technologies the same No, these are different features of cards. CHIP technology is to make transactions more secure, while contactless technology is an optional feature to make transactions faster. 2. What is contactless Contactless is a new technology for cards which lets you pay small amounts without handing your bank card to anybody. In other words, paying without the need of the card and terminal touching each other the card needs to be placed around 1 to 4 millimetres close to the terminal and the transaction takes place. 3. What are the benefits of contactless cards It is fast and ideal for small payments. It is safe because the card never leaves your hand. Better record keeping for small amount purchases usually made with cash. It is easier than carrying coins wherever you go. 4. Where can I use my Contactless bank card 5. Is it secure Yes, here is why: The card stays in your hands at all times The card needs to be really close to the reader for a transaction to happen You will pay only once, even if you get the card close to the reader twice LB Digipass Application 1. What is the LB DIGIPASS Application The LB DIGIPASS Application is a smartphone application available for all Android, IOS and Windows phones and such devices. The application generates one time Digipass Response Codes used to securely access our Internet bank and to authenticate transaction and transfer instructions. 2. How do I access the LB DIGIPASS Application You can download the LB DIGIPASS Application onto your Android, IOS and Windows phone or such device through the relevant app store. Once installed on your phone, follow the activation instructions in the manual of the app or on the Loyal Bank website . 3. How do I use the LB DIGIPASS Application Please follow the instructions in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website . 4. Can I manage more accounts with one LB DIGIPASS Application If you are authorized to access data of more than one customer, you may need to have more than one DIGIPASS. LB DIGIPASS can be configured to support multiple DIGIPASS instances inside the same application. Press Menu button on your phone on the bdquoSelect a DIGIPASSrdquo screen and choose bdquoAdd a DIGIPASSrdquo. 5. What happens if I forget my PIN You need to reinstall the application and activate it with the parameters provided by LB NetBank. Select the Reactivation menu within the application and follow the activation procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website . 6. What happens if my mobile device with the LB DIGIPASS Application gets loststolen For your own safety, we suggest that you stop the Digipass via the NetBank or Loyal Bank customer service, and order a new one. If your loststolen device cannot be accessed by unauthorized people, it may be sufficient to reactive your existing Digipass. You need to reinstall and activate the application on the new device with the parameters provided by LB NetBank. Select the Reactivation menu within the application and follow the activation procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website. After reactivation, the LB DIGIPASS Application will be connected to the new device only and any Response Codes generated by the loststolen phone wonrsquot be accepted in NetBank. 7. What happens if I want to change the mobile device on which I use the LB DIGIPASS Application You need to reinstall and activate the application on the new device with the parameters provided by LB NetBank. Select the Reactivation menu within the application and follow the activation procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website. After reactivation, the LB DIGIPASS Application will be connected to the new device only and any Response Codes generated by the previous device wonrsquot be accepted in NetBank. 8. Can I use the same LB DIGIPASS Application on more devices No, you cannot. For security reasons, LB DIGIPASS Application is connected to one device only. Should you want to change the device on which you use the LB DIGIPASS Application, you can easily do so by reactivating the application on the new device. Please follow the procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website. The LB DIGIPASS Application on the former device will still operate, however the generated Response Codes wonrsquot be accepted in our NetBank any more. Physical Digipass 1. What is Physical Digipass The Physical DIGIPASS is a battery-powered device used to securely access the NetBank and to authenticate transaction and transfer instructions. Click here for detailed information. A Physical DIGIPASS is provided to clients only upon specific client request, and attracts additional costs. As default, our clients are supplied with the LB DIGIPASS Application. 2. How can I initialise my Physical Digipass You will receive the Digipass User39s Guide together with your device in the banking package we shall send you after the receipt of your account opening documents. Please follow the steps on its 39 INIT PIN CHANGE FIRST USE ONLY 39 page OR click here for instructions. 3. Can I change the PIN of the Physical Digipass, and if yes, how often You will find the INIT PIN for the Physical DIGIPASSin the NetBank. Upon activation of your device, you will need to change the INIT PIN. You can modify this PIN later as often as you like. Should you forget the PIN, you will have to request a new Digipass (either a physical device or the LB DIGIPASS Application). 4. How to use the Physical Digipass Click here to see how to use your Physical Digipass. 5. What happens if someone steals my Physical Digipass The Digipass is PIN-code protected and entering the wrong PIN three times freezes its operations. Tampering with the Digipass by removing its back cover etc. wipes its circuits, so practically destroys the device. 6. What can I do if my Physical Digipass gets lost so I cannot enter the NetBank In this case please use the Internet Access Code instead of the Digipass Response Code as password to enter NetBank, then please order a replacement. 7. How many Physical Digipass devices and Additional Persons can belong to one account Two per account. You can apply for a Digipass in our NetBank. 8. For how long can I use my Physical Digipass The Physical Digipass operates with a battery, which cannot be changed. Depending on how often the device is being used, the battery usually lasts 2-3 years. Once the battery is low, and the response codes or electronic signatures are not accepted by the system, and the Digipass must be replaced. In such cases, you may request a new Digipass via the NetBank, or by calling our Customer Service Helpdesk at 36 1 383 0853 . 1. How do I login to my Loyal Bank account Please go to loyalbank and enter our NetBank by clicking on the quot Login to NetBank quot button. You can login in the NetBank using your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code . The former give you view only access, the latter the ability to set up transactions. 2. What is Loyal Bank online banking Loyal Bank offers you access to your accounts from anywhere in the world at any time of the day or night as well as to carry out all essential banking transactions instantly, securely and effortlessly. 3. What is the difference between online and PC home banking Online banking requires no special software and can be accessed from any internet connected device such as a laptop, tablet or from an internet cafeacute. PC home banking requires the use of software for budget planning and keeping track of transactions and not actually transferring money or making payments. 4. When can I use the online banking facility Our NetBank is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in the world. 5. Can I access my account from any computer What hardware do I need You can access your account from any computer - all you need is a laptop or PC with an Internet connection. You will need your Customer ID Number and the Digipass Response Code or your Internet Access Code to access your account. 6. Do I need to buydownload any kind of software No, as Loyal Bank uses the web to deliver your financial services all you need is an Internet connection and a browser. 7. Is online banking with Loyal Bank secure Yes. Loyal Bank security system ensures 3 elements. authentication assured by a password (either a Digipass Response Code or a secret Internet Access Code) confidentiality meaning that unauthorised parties cannot receive interpret information integrity meaning the assurance that the content of a transaction is as intended by the initiator of the transaction. 8. How does the Bank securely identify me through the NetBank Your secure identification is assured by your Digipass . Your Digipass : can only be used with your secret PIN number or fingerprint protection (available for the LB DIGIPASS Application on supported mobile devices). generates different, completely unique Response Code every time the Response Code is only valid for a limited time the server compares the Response Code received via the Internet with the one generated at the same time by itself and grants approval only if there is a match. 9. How do I transfer funds from one account to another within Loyal Bank Please see the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide . 10. I am having trouble accessing the Loyal Bank website - what should I do Please contact our HelpDesk on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. 11. What happens if my computer crashes while I am carrying out a transaction Completed transactions that you have submitted and confirmed will be OK. If you are in the middle of a transaction you will have to start again as your interrupted transaction is automatically cancelled. 12. What happens if I make a mistake while carrying out a transaction Before you confirm a transaction, please alwaysreview the information you have submitted You will be automatically halted in NetBank before you can sign your transfer request. 13. In the NetBank I can see that my transfer arrived but is not yet credited. Why There are two possible answers to this question: 1. Either the transfer is above our inward wire threshold and therefore requires submitting DSF and supporting documents for our Compliance Department to approve it for crediting, or : 2. The SWIFT MT950 statement from the correspondent bank concerned is missing, e. g. the funds have not yet appeared on our account with our correspondent bank(s), therefore out accounting system will not permit funds being credited to your account until we have the statement For any query on inward wire transfers please contact our Customer Services team on . How do I manage my PINs 1. How do I manage Internet Access Code You receive your initial IAC electronically right after your account has been opened Your initial IAC is five characters long You need to change your initial IAC upon your first login to the NetBank The new IAC has to be at least eight character long, an contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and a number You can change your IAC through your NetBank any time You will need to change your IAC through your NetBank every 60 days as a security precaution We advise you to change your IAC on a regular basis Please remember your new IAC and keep it safe Your IAC allows a view only access to your NetBank Your IAC will be blocked after three wrong attempts to log in. If this happens please call our Customer Service to request a new IAC on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. 2. How do I manage Card PIN You do not receive a bankcard printed PIN code together with your bankcard When you receive your (inactive) bankcard, you will need to activate it and create a PIN code for it at the NetBank by accessing to it with the help of your Internet Access Code or with your Digipass All instructions to do this will be on the screen and in the NetBank usersacuteguide Your PIN will be four characters long In case you need, you are able to change your PIN code in the NetBank anytime Your PIN will be blocked after three wrong attempts. If this happens you will need to log in to the NetBank, go the ldquoChange PINrdquo option in the Bank cards menu and generate a new PIN code. This PIN expires with the bankcard. 3. How do I manage Digipass device PIN You receive the init PIN in your banking packages Your init PIN is five characters long You will have to change the init PIN upon the first Digipass usage The new Digipass PIN has to be four characters long You can modify your Digipass PIN any time using the T button on your Digipass device Your PIN and Digipass device will be blocked after three wrong attempts. If this happens please call our Customer Service to request a new IAC on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. The Digipass PIN does not have an expiration date For more information about how to protect your PINs please click here . Standing orders 1. What is a standing order A standing order is an instruction you set up to execute outgoing transfers from your account periodically to another bank account, be it a Loyal Bank account or any other bank for frequent payments with fixed amounts, however in case the frequency, dates or amount you want to send changes, you will need to update your standing order. Standing orders in Loyal Bank are not direct debits. Standing orders are optional and set only by the payer (you) whilst direct debits are agreed formally with a pre-authorized debit and a pre-authorized payment. 2. How can I request standing orders This can be done via our NetBank if you have a Digipass, either for internal or external transfer standing orders. If you need to entirely cancel a standing order you can also do it via the NetBank with your Digipass, however if you need to modify a standing order, you will always need to contact our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . In case you do not have a Digipass you can only request standing orders for internal transfers by contacting our Customer Service team. 3. What information do I need to create or request a standing order You need to know: From which account you would like to make transfer (in case you have more than one account with Loyal Bank) You need to assign a name for the standing order (e. g. the name of the institution you are sending the payment to) The full beneficiary account details. If it is a standing order for an internal transfer the beneficiary account number should be active and open in our bank otherwise you cannot set up the standing order. If it is for an external transfer you need to have ready all of the beneficiary details such as the beneficiary account number and SWIFT code of their bank, beneficiary account name, beneficiary address, intermediary bank SWIFT code and name and the method to share transfer costs (SHA, OUR or BEN: see FAQ 28 ). In all cases you need transfer amount and currency, validity period, date for transfer execution, frequency of standing orders and due date. 4. What happens if the date for execution falls on a weekend or on a bank holiday The standing order will be executed on the last working date before the weekend or the bank holiday. If you would like it processed otherwise a modification is necessary. 5. Do I have to have the funds to process standing orders Can I pay afterwards Yes, you have to always have a sufficient cleared balance for the standing order to be executed on the date you specified. We cannot overdraw your account to pay a standing order and it will be missed, and only processed on the next date (funds permitting). If you deposit funds in no more than 10 calendar days after the due date, the standing order is still paid, but if funds arrive after 10 days payment is not until the next due date. 6. What happens when the standing order is for a transfer that involves conversion Our banking system will always debit transactions in the currency of your account if the outward transfer is in a different currency this conversion will be calculated and will take place on the due date. The conversion will not be recalculated in case funds arrive in the account later on, the calculation that the system performed on the originally set date for execution will only be valid for that date. Any subsequent payment is at the conversion rate on that day only, not the previous day. 7. Can I create standing orders to initiate transfers to non ndash bank financial institutions No. Standing orders can only be created to initiate transfers to banks with a SWIFT code. There is no possibility to initiate standing orders for transfers to remittance companies such as MoneyGram, e-commerce services such as PayPal, nor to electronic cash systems such as Bitcoin. 8. What happens if the standing order does not takes place due to lack of balance in my account The transfer stays in Pending status until it receives enough funds to be processed. In the case of internal transfers, the pending status changes to cancelled status after 10 calendar days and the transfer will not take place. In the case of external transfers, the pending status changes to cancelled status after 14 calendar days and the transfer will not take place. 9. Starting from when a standing order is valid If you create, request or cancel a standing order your instruction is executed two days after you set it up. If you create, request or cancel the same day or one day before the required execution date, the request or cancellation will not be valid. 10. How can I modify an existing standing order You can modify standing orders by calling our Customer Service team who will be able to help you after identifying you as a client asking you our standard security questions. Using a Digipass you can, instead of modifying, delete the existing standing order and create a new one. 11. What are the options for standing orders frequency Weekly, monthly, every 2 months, quarterly, every 6 months or yearly. Governance 1. What is the status of St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines is rated quotfully compliantquot by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, an agency of the United Nations). This is the international body with oversight of international tax transparency which places countries on quotblackquot, quotgreyquot, or quotwhitequot lists depending on their level of cooperation, black being non co-operative and white been fully co-operative. St. Vincent is on the white the list and it has completed the requisite number of Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) mdash 21 in total mdash with other states to illustrate its commitment to tax transparency and information exchange. This is more than the number required to meet international standards. 2. Are Disclosures made by Loyal Bank about client39s information There are some circumstances where Loyal Bank will disclose client information. These are guided by the rule in the legal case Tournier v National Provincial and Union Bank of England 1924 1 KB 461 which was a landmark legal case in the United Kingdom. St. Vincent follows English Common Law so this would set a precedent here. Tournier established the conditions under which banks owed confidentiality to their clients, allowing four circumstances wherein banks could reveal information and were not required to guard privacy. These are: where compelled by (1) the law of the land, i. e. St. Vincent law to do (2) as a public duty, (3) to safeguard the interests of the bank itself, or (4) where the client had requested or consented, even implicitly, to such disclosure. 3. Are there tax treaties, TIEAs and other tax-related regulations affecting St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tax treaties: St. Vincent and the Grenadines has signed the CARICOM treaty ndash a Multilateral Double Taxation Treaty signed by the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago. TIEA: Tax Information Exchange Agreements exist with Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Curacao, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Saint Maarten, Sweden, and United Kingdom. TIEAs are established pursuant to the International Co-operation (Information Exchange Agreement) Act, 2011. Other regulations: The Mutual Legal Assistance is the formal process of cooperation between two or more jurisdictions. For example: on cross-border money laundering, asset recovery and tax evasion cases. This co-operation is usually enacted through a treaty a state can ask for and receive assistance in gathering information and evidence from sources for use in official investigations and prosecutions of criminal matters. Each jurisdiction has a Competent Authority which is authorised to respond to a request from another Competent Authority on matters related in tax information. The request must fulfil detailed requirements and will not be honoured if too vague and is deemed to be a so ndash called fishing expedition (frivolous extraction of information). Ownership: Revealed in criminal tax matters only. Bearer shares must be held by an approved custodian. 4. Why aren39t the Loyal Bank audited Financial Statements on the website It is not a legal requirement in St. Vincent to make our financial statements publicly available and that is the reason they cannot be found on our website. On a case by case basis we do supply our financial statements to certain business partners or stakeholders. By law the Financial Statements are supplied to our regulator the Financial Services Authority in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by 31st March each year. 5. Can I meet your auditors, or write to them so I can find out more about your bank No. Loyal Bank39s dealings with its external auditors KPMG Caribbean are entirely confidential and no such meeting can be considered. KPMG will not respond to any such inquiries as they too are bound by the laws of confidentiality. 6. Can a client opt out of FATCA reporting, or tell us not to report on him under FATCA No. FATCA reporting is mandatory for Loyal Bank and will soon be law in SVG. There is no option for any client, who is eligible to be reported on under FATCA, to quotopt outquot or to instruct the bank not to report. Any such instruction from a client must be declined and the client informed that we are unfortunately unable to carry out his request as we are obliged to report by law. 7. Who does the bank actually report to SVG, in common with all Caribbean states, adopted FATCA IGA Model 1B: this means that we report to the SVG Inland Revenue (SVG IR) rather than direct to the USA IRS. By reporting to the SVG IR we meet our legal requirements under SVG legislation and FSA instructions. The SVG IR will tell us what and when to report, with the first reports not expected to be made by us until 2015. 8. Can we give a client any advice what to do about FATCA No, as the reporting entity, this would be a clear conflict of interest on our part and also we are not lawyers. The client should be advised to consult an attorney in his country or the USA who is able to give expert advice on FATCA. Investments 1. Does Loyal Bank invest client39s deposits and how Yes. All banks invest client deposits. We invest in a diversified range of equities, bonds and funds using robust and world ndash class evaluation techniques and a risk ndash adverse conservative investment philosophy. 2. Does the bank have safe custody facilities I can use to hold my valuables No. We don39t offer safekeeping as a service and we suggest you approach a specialist provider in your own jurisdiction. 3. Can I have details of your Gold Investment programme Yes, however to use this service you do need to have an account with Loyal Bank (personal or corporate) opened in the usual way and with Due Diligence completed. Please visit our Loyal Gold web site myloyalgold . 4. I want to invest in a holiday home or retirement home in St. Vincent. Can you finance me No, unfortunately we cannot assist you. Loyal Bank does not carry out lending activities for this purpose as we are not permitted under our banking license engage in any such banking activities in St. Vincent. Customer ServiceHelp Desk 1. When are Customer Service and Help Desk available The Loyal Bank Help Desk is in Budapest, Hungary, and is available 24 x 7. whereas our Customer Service is available during the opening hours of the Bank (07.00-16.00 GMT). 2. How can I contact Customer Service and Help Desk Please call Customer Services or the Help Desk at 36 1 383 0853 or on or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. For instructions about languages and topics selection when calling us please click here . When you call our Helpdesk, please select the preferred language for communication as follows: For English press 1 For Russian press 2 For French press 3 For Japanese press 4 For Spanish press 5 For Portuguese press 6 For Italian press 7 For Polish press 8 For other languages press 9 and select from the following options: For German press 1 For Croatian press 2 For Romanian press 3 For Serbian press 4 If the language is selected, your 8-digit Customer ID will be requested for your identification. If you are identified by our system, please select from the following topics: For Account opening Account management press 1 For Bankcard related issues press 2 For incoming and outgoing transfers press 3 For NetBank inquiries press 4 For Corporate Payment System press 5 For Other inquiries press 6 Once the topic is selected, our Helpdesk Operator will be connected. Please kindly note that our maximum e-mail size limit is 6 MB (including all attachments) and e-mails exceeding this limit cannot be accepted, so please break down large files into separate e-mails not exceeding 6 MB. 3. In what cases do I contact Customer Service and Help Desk Please call Help Desk at 36 1 383 0853 if you are experiencing problems with your Digipass or bankcard, have lost your bank card or Digipass or it has been stolen etc. Please call Customer Service for support in the execution of transactions. 4. Do you have specialists on hand to help with specific questions We have established, monitored and world ndash class standards for responding to e-mails and phone calls and Skype calls to ensure that all enquiries or questions are answered on time. In most cases e-mails will be answered within 12 hours. however in some situations it can be within 24 hours of receipt. Our call standard is to respond within 90 seconds or less. To further ensure quality of customer service all incoming emails and subsequent responses are monitored and recorded In case you are unsatisfied with any aspect of our Customer Service, please mail us. 5. Can I visit your office in St. Vincent Yes, but please make a prior appointment and only between 10 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. Secondly we appreciate knowing in advance what the requested meeting is for (i. e. the purpose and ideally your agenda) so that we can prepare for the meeting. 6. I want to move to St. Vincent, can Loyal Bank help me We can provide a list of real estate agents active in St. Vincent for you to contact. We can also recommend a suitable agent or lawyer to handle land purchase or residency applications. There is a fee for this service over and above any fee the service provider requests. The Key Customer status in the Customer Programme will reward you when you do all your banking with Nordea. Our Key Customers get many valuable benefits on banking and insurance services. You get many valuable benefits and discounts on banking and insurance services. If you join our Customer Programme, we can ensure that as your banking with us increases, you will automatically become a Preferred or Key Customer and get immediate access to all the relevant benefits. You will get a Nordea Electron or a Nordea Debit card as well as access codes free of charge, an affordable Check-in insurance package tailored to the needs of young people and good advice from our Customer Service. Nordea provides services for easy and safe banking. You get your own Premium Banker, who helps you manage your wealth and, if needed, with other banking as well. You also get many valuable benefits. Nordea Forest is a free of charge service for our customers who own forest. It provides you with information on finances related to forest and puts you in contact with forestry experts. Signing up online is easy and convenient. Personal customersLoyal Bank Accounts 1. Will I receive account statements If you asked for account statements upon account opening you will receive them as requested as soon as your account receives the initial funding. Your current account balance and transactions are available to view in our NetBank using your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code to log on. You can also create a statement and download it from our NetBank however there is a small fee for this service. You also have the option to receive SMS notifications of your transactions on your cellphone. You can request SMS notifications upon account opening or at any time in our NetBank however there is a small fee for this service. 2. Can I give other people full or limited access to my Loyal Bank Account Yes, you can authorise this for those specific individuals who you have appointed as an additional authorized person (AAP) at account opening. You can add an additional Authorised Person at any time after account opening by filling in and sending us the appropriate form . Full due diligence documentation is required for any AAP as described in FAQ 8. 3. Handling of accounts of deceased clients Once death is reported we must obtain an officialnotarized copy of a Death Certificate or Death Notification Entry. As the death of a customer terminates the legal contract between the customer and the Bank the customer39s account will be blocked at once and all debit transactions refused even if properly authorised by the customer before his reported death. The handling of the account depends on whether the deceased was a sole signatory or a joint owner and special requirements apply to Intestate accounts. 4. What is the difference between current balance and available balance The Current Balance is the balance remaining in your account after all transactions have been posted for the current business day together with the blocked sum on it. The Available Balance equals your Current Balance minus the blocked sum. 5. What do I do if I forget my Customer ID Number The 247 Loyal Bank Help Desk will provide you with your Customer ID Number. Please contact the Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. The request may also be sent via fax. Our fax numbers are 1 784 451 27 57 or 36 1 221 57 45 . 6. Can I change my Customer ID Number to something else that might be easier for me to remember No, we are sorry but for security reasons your Customer ID Number is a computer-generated number that is assigned by Loyal Bank and cannot be changed. 7. How can I change my address phone or other information To change your address or any other information concerning your account, please send us a fax message with your request signed by yourself. For legal reasons we can only accept signed data changes or updates. A notarized copy or original of a utility bill that includes the new address is also required for any address change. Our fax numbers are 1 784 451 27 57 or 36 1 221 57 45. Please clearly identify yourself in the message by quoting your Client ID (for security reasons please do not quote your account number), provide us with the required static data changes and send supporting documentation if necessary. 8. Is there a limit to the number or value of ATM or POS transactions I can carry out with my card during one day Is there a NetBank limit Due to security reasons there are limits, please check the daily limits for Master Card and Cirrus Maestro here and the daily limited for a Platinum bankcard can be seen here . There are no limits to the number of inquiries etc. that can be carried out through the NetBank daily, nor of transfers, however your account does need a sufficient balance for transfers to be processed. 9. How much time is required to finalise a transaction In the case of internal transfer (from one account to another within the Bank) the transfer is processed and the funds appears on the destination account instantly, whilst in the case of external transfer please allow 2 ndash 4 working days for the funds to reach their destination. 10. When does the close of business day take place The close of business day takes place once every 24 hours Monday to Friday at 7:00 am GMT. Our business hours in St. Vincent are 8.00 am to 4.00 pm local time (Atlantic Standard Time or AST) Monday to Friday. 11. How do I close an account Please send us an account closure request via fax 1 784 451 27 57 or 36 1 221 57 45. which should contain your original signature along with your personal details (e. g. account number and ID and contact number) and settlement details. The account closure procedure takes 30 days. Your account will be charged with the account closure fee as well as applicable transfer fees and the remaining balance will be transferred to the bank account stipulated by you in settlement details upon the expiration of the 30 day closure period. 12. When is Extraordinary Termination of bank account applied If the account application process is terminated because of the failure of the due diligence on the client or the non-payment of MID or any other reason, a termination fee of USD 350 may apply. If Loyal Bank has to terminate an account with immediate effect, for example if the customer fails to fulfill hisher obligations as set out in the current account contract or if hisher activity violates regulations against money laundering or harms the interests or reputation of the Bank, the Bank has grounds for Extraordinary Termination of the account relationship. In all cases of Extraordinary Termination a closure charge of USD 350 or the entire balance of the account - if less than USD 350 - will apply. 13. What is a dormant account and when are such accounts closed A dormant account is a customer account with Loyal Bank that has been inactive for at least 12 consecutive months due to lack of customer activity or insufficient funds to effect payment of fees, commissions andor costs due and owing to the Bank on any date. Closure of such dormant accounts will take place according to the Bankrsquos internal procedures. 14. Is it possible to re-open a closed account without changing the account details It is not possible to re-open a closed account with the same account number however a new account can be opened. In some situations Loyal Bank can decline such a new account application, if, for instance, the previous account was not operated satisfactorily. 15. What is an e-mail notification E-mail notifications advise you of your transactions on your Loyal Bank account. The notifications contain data such as amount, currency, transaction type, transaction number and date. 16. What are the benefits of e-mail notifications Notifications are automatic and will reach you via email anywhere in the world. 17. How can I request e-mail notifications There are three available options: Request it when you are filling the point 8 of the account opening application form. Request it via our NetBank in the menu quotServicesquot Request it from our Customer Services team using a separate form that you will find on our website. First, select your language, go to bank account, then update (personal or corporate) account and you will find it on the list 18. Can I deposit a cheque into my account No. LB is an internet and electronic bank and so our method of account funding is by SWIFT transfers (sometimes called quotwire transfersquot) rather than paper payments such as cheques. 19. Can I deposit cash into my account or can I be paid in cash No. Loyal Bank does not pay or receive cash in any currency, either directly at any of our offices or through any correspondent bank, and for account funding we accept SWIFT wire transfers only. 20. Can I have a cheque book for my account No. Loyal Bank does not issue cheque books for any client account in any currency. The reason is that we are not part of any national cheque clearing system. 21. Does Loyal Bank offer Merchant Accounts No. At the moment Loyal Bank does not offer merchant accounts (accounts that can be used to receive online card payments). 22. Can I get an authorisation for a cash advance at another bank via the telephone We do not give such authorisations as our Maestro and MasterCard Debit cards are purely electronic, i. e. manual processing using old ndash style card imprinting machines is specifically not supported and there is no system for giving such telephone authorisations. Please use any ATM with the MasterCard, Cirrus or Maestro logo for your cash withdrawal needs. 23. Can I receive letters of creditbank guarantees through my Loyal Bank account No, unless a prior arrangement is made with us. There are a large number of forged or non ndash existent quotletters of creditbank guaranteesquot in circulation and so please contact us if you are in any doubt as to the genuiness of any transaction proposed to you. 24. Does the bank issue reference lettersaudit responses Yes, we issue a standard Bank Reference Letter for a fee plus courier fee, if applicable, to send you or a third party the original. The same cost applies to audit opinionsresponses fees can be checked at our tariff guide. We require a written authority with your signature to issue a reference letter, and for an audit response, both you and your auditor must sign the request. 25. Does the bank issue confirmations of holdings of securities with Loyal Bank Yes, we can issue such confirmations for a fee of USD 50 for the item plus USD 65 courier fee if applicable. Here again, the bank requires your signed authority to issue the confirmation. We can only confirm securities actually held with us or a custodian where we hold them on your behalf: those in transit, advised or promised cannot be confirmed. 26. Can payment be made to a beneficiary in St. Vincent in EC Dollars Yes, this is possible but subject to the following conditions: The funds should be wired to us in USD or we can debit your account and we convert to EC Dollars 2.6882 and issue an EC Dollars cheque. To do this we need the full name, address and phone number of the beneficiary of the intended payment and they must call at our offices with full identification to collect the payment. Please add USD 25 service charge for our processing costs. No payments in cash are possible. 27. Are Loyal Bank accounts interest-bearing No, unless they are specifically designated as interest-bearing: This only applies to Term Deposits. 28. Can I obtain a credit card from Loyal Bank No, we only issue debit cards, however our MasterCard Debit and the Platinum Debit cards can do everything a credit card does, subject to there being available funds on your account. Account Opening 1. What is a Loyal Bank Account A Loyal Bank Account is a current account in the name of a private person or a legal entity such as a Company, Trust, Foundation etc. 2. How can I open an account The required documents and steps for account opening can be found here . 3. What is the minimum balance or what amount should be transferred at account opening There is no minimum balance, but there is a Minimum Initial Deposit (MID) requirement at account opening defined in the Notification Letter . Please see the exact definition of MID here below: Minimum Initial Deposit (MID) After allocating and advising a client account number to the client account applicant, the bank will request that a Minimum Initial Deposit (MID) be paid into the account by wire SWIFT transfer. This is not a fee but an account credit, and the funds belong to the client, however the bank may debit its full account opening charges once the MID payment is received and credited into the account. The amount required for the MID is no less than USD 1500 or Euro equivalent and there is no maximum amount. Subsequent payments into the account can be of any amount, of any frequency and there is no minimum amount per month required (except in the case of Platinum accounts). If the MID is not received by the bank within 30 days of the MID amount being requested from the client applicant, the bank reserves the right (and at its discretion) to suspend the client applicant39s account opening process until the MID funds are received. If, after a reasonable period, funds have still not been received, the Bank reserves the right (and at its discretion) to terminate the client applicant39s account opening process. Account openings declined If, having already received the MID, the bank is later compelled to decline to proceed with any client account opening due to circumstances beyond its control and including (but not limited to) breach of contract, cancellation by the applicant, proven fabrication of any document, evidence from verifiable external sources of the unsuitability of the applicant, process or compulsion of law, etc. than the bank reserves the right (and at its discretion) for charging a USD 350 termination fee. Wire remittance charges to return the balance of the MID are an additional charge. 4. How do I access my account You can access your account online using your Customer ID Number and the Digipass Response Code or your Internet Access Code. To access your account online click quot Login to NetBank quot on our home page. 5. What are my Customer ID Number, Internet Access Code, and Digipass Response Code Your Customer ID Number is an 8 digit number that is assigned to you when your account is approved. The Internet Access Code is a 5 digit code that enables you to log onto your account to view balances, etc. but not to conduct or authorise transactions. The Digipass Response Code consists of 6 digits generated by the LB DIGIPASS Application or a Physical DIGIPASS and can be used to access your account and to conduct or authorise transactions. 6. Are there any costs associated with a Loyal Bank Account Yes, there is a one-time account opening fee and also a monthly service charge. Fees are also charged for services that you request and use. For information about fees and charges please click here . 7. When can I start using my account When the due diligence on you and the account opening process has been completed and the account opening approved by the bank, as well as the Minimum Initial Deposit (MID) paid in full to the bank, the bank will (1) inform you with a Welcome Letter and (2) send you the banking package (see details at point 10). As part of the client account application process the bank will supply a unique account number to the client account applicant for the account to be allocated to the applicant, however until the account opening process has been completed and the account opening approved by the bank, as well as the Minimum Initial Deposit (MID) paid in full to the bank, the account number is not active for any purpose other than receiving the MID and the account cannot be accessed in any way by the client account applicant until the bank agrees that a Legal establishment of an account relationship is approved and exists. The bank will demonstrate and legally confirm this by issuing to the client the means to access the account, namely debit cards and or Digipass and or Internet Access Code (IAC) as well as signing the account contract, a copy of which may be provided to the applicant on request. The account number allocated is determined by the bank and there is no opportunity for the client account applicant to change or alter it unless the account application process is terminated and begun again. Legal establishment of an account relationship Until the bank agrees that the Due Diligence documentation provided by the client account applicant is completed to the standards required by the bank, mere submission of the Due Diligence and payment of the Minimum Initial Deposit does and will not create any form of contractual account relationship between the bank and the client account applicant: this is also the case even if the bank has supplied an account number to the client account applicant. 8. Why do I have to provide identification when opening an account Loyal Bank strictly abides by the legislation of our jurisdiction, the international regulations of the OECD, FATF, IMF and the Patriot Act and international best practice. This means that we always positively establish the identity of our clients, their physical location, nature of business or employment, etc. before any client account is set up and there are no exceptions to this. For these reasons we ask for notarised copies of your identification documents. All documentation provided is checked and verified using state of the art screening technology. Loyal Bank will not open any client account: If any item of due diligence is incomplete, unsigned, illegible or otherwise unusable ndash we will advise you of the problem and ask you to provide a usable document If any item of due diligence is found to have been altered, superimposed, photo shopped, otherwise forged or is found to be in any way not genuine ndash in such cases the account application is permanently terminated and an official report filed. If any international warning or alert is found, as part of our due diligence process, to exist against the account applicant39s name ndash in such cases the account application is permanently terminated and an official report filed. Loyal Bank also does not open any client account that is not in the name of the client. We will not open any account that is Proposed to be anonymous, or numbered only, or is: An alias A non ndash existent or fabricated name A pseudonym Copying or spoofing the name of a real person or company (i. e. Elvis Presley or Citibank) 9. How and when will I receive my bankcard and its PIN code, and my Digipass and its PIN When the due diligence on you and the account opening process has been completed and the account opening approved by the bank, as well as the Minimum Initial Deposit (MID) paid in full to the bank, the Bank sends you a banking package that contains: Your debit card belonging to your USD or EUR Current Account Your Account Number (15 digits) and Customer ID (8 digits) Internet Access Code for enquiries on your account via our NetBank Your bankcard PIN code will not be sent to you. You have to create it in the NetBank at the same time you activate your bankcard using your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code. For instructions to activate your bankcard and create the PIN code, please visit the banking guide tab and look for the NetBank usersrsquo guide . Clients can download the LB DIGIPASS Application onto their mobile device and set up a preferred PIN code or use fingerprint protection. A Physical DIGIPASS device will not be delivered to you unless you specifically requested a Physical DIGIPASS device. PIN code of the Physical DIGIPASS can be set up in the NetBank . Your Customer ID is unique to you and covers all the accounts in your own name with us. Please keep this available since you will need this number each time you would like to enter our NetBank. 10. How do I get started Once you have read Loyal Bank Business Rules and Regulations and the terms and conditions outlined in the Bank Account Conditions. please click here to begin the process of opening account. Please also see FAQ 2, 3 and 8 which have useful information connected with account opening. 1. How Do I transfer money to my Loyal Bank Account Loyal Bank is a full member of the SWIFT Network and our SWIFT is LOYAVCVX however the routing instructions we send may contain alternative routes which may have a different SWIFT. The Bank accepts only funding of client accounts by electronic SWIFT transfer via its confirmed intermediary partner institutions and we supply a personalised routing instruction to each client of the bank. We are not able to accept funding of our client accounts by any of the following methods: Any form of eWallet transfer such as PayPal Bitcoin or any other form of cyber currency Cash or bank notes in any currency or in any amount Credit or Debit card Cyber gold or other electronic means of precious metal transfer Our inward wire transfer routing details and wire transfer disclosure threshold information are available from our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice in each case giving your Loyal Bank customer ID (for security reasons please do not identify yourself by your Loyal Bank account number) and we will send you the details by return. All new customers will receive these details at account opening as part of our standard Welcome Letter. Different correspondent accounts are used for different currencies and so the different routings are not in any way interchangeable. The inward routings depend on the currency and the physical location of the bank that initiates the transfer of the funds to us. The transfer details should be specified in your wire order form as shown in the instructions. As a prerequisite of each transfer the bank must hold valid due diligence documents of its clients: a copy of a valid passport or ID for private customers and a Certificate of Good Standing (COGS) or similar for corporations. Please note that a Certificate of Good Standing is valid for a year, therefore corporations must submit a copy of the COGS annually. We may also ask you to provide us with documentary evidence or supporting documentation about the purpose of the payment, e. g. a copy of an invoice, contract or agreement. The Bank reserves the right to request additional documentation for transfers of any amount as we are legally obliged by the laws of our jurisdiction to hold this information in our files. You can also transfer your funds from one account at Loyal Bank to another one (an internal transfer) through the NetBank . 2. How much money can I transfer from one account to another within the Bank There is no minimum or maximum amount that can be transferred as long as the cleared amount is available on your own account to send and does not cause any other conditions to be breached. 3. Why are the amounts of outwards wire transfers sometimes reduced by unannounced fee The fees provided on our website are just Loyal Bank fees. Correspondent banks may sometimes charge their fees as well and each correspondent bank has different fees therefore there is no fixed transfer fee. According to banking practice the commissions of correspondentintermediary banks (if any) are debited from the amount transferred through them: Loyal Bank does not receive any part of these fees and has no control over whether they are charged or not. 4. Can Loyal Bank trace incoming wires, which are not received yet No, we regret there is no internationally agreed system for this as it would involve us having access to another bank39s processing systems, which they generally object to. Only the sending Bank can trace a transfer which has not yet reached us. 5. What is the difference between SWIFT charging codes SHA, OUR and BEN The SWIFT messaging system used by all banks worldwide allows for client payments to be sent out with one of three different charging codes. These codes cover who pays for certain wire transfer fees, the sender or receiver of the funds (or both). Once a SWIFT transfer has been sent out, the SWIFT code cannot be changed en route. The codes: SHA ndash all correspondent bank transfer fees are shared between the ordering customer and the beneficiary customer. The ordering customer only pays Loyal Bank39s standard fee, the beneficiary customer the rest (by deduction from the amount sent). Most SWIFT wire transfers are sent with charges SHA and this is the default charging code used by Loyal Bank if our client does not specify another. OUR - all correspondent bank transfer fees are paid by the ordering customer including any fees charged by any foreign bank. With charges OUR the beneficiary receives the exact amount sent by the ordering customer although the beneficiary39s bank might still make a charge for receiving the funds. BEN - all bank fees are paid by the beneficiary customer by a deduction from the amount of the transfer except for Loyal Bank39s standard fee which is paid by the ordering customer. Loyal Bank has no control over the amounts that foreign banks might deduct and senders should agree with the beneficiary that the beneficiary pays these charges if a wire is sent with charges BEN. 6. Are there any limitations on transfers with conversion No, none at present. 7. Can I have payments from PayPal received and credited to my Loyal Bank account No. PayPal does not offer its full range of services (paying and receiving) in all countries and in some cases, like St. Vincent, payments cannot be received by us from anyone, only made by someone in SVG for purchases. This is a restriction of PayPal and not of Loyal Bank. 8. Can I send funds to my Loyal Bank account via Western Union or MoneyGram No. Although Western Union and MoneyGram are genuine and reputable companies we do not accept Western Union or MoneyGram electronic transfers into accounts, we only accept wire (SWIFT) transfers because Western Union or MoneyGram in St. Vincent are only paid in East Caribbean Dollars cash (see item 46 ). 9. Can I ask for a manual funds transfer Yes, but the reason must be explained to us in full. Additional documentation is also required, and the bank may decline the request if the circumstances do not appear to justify a manual transfer. 10. What is the IBAN for my Loyal Bank Account Loyal Bank accounts are not part of the IBAN system as we are not located in Europe so no Loyal Bank has an IBAN. Your account number begins with ldquo104rdquo and is advised to you at the time of account opening. CirrusMaestro Bankcards 1. What is Cirrus Maestro debit card issued by Loyal Bank The Cirrus Maestro card is a PIN ndash based Debit card that operates on the MasterCard International platform. Loyal Bank discontinued issuing new CirrusMaestro branded debit cards effective 1st April 2016, however all existing cards remain fully valid and are usable until their expiry date. Instead of CirrusMaestro cards Loyal Bank offers Contactless MasterCard debit cards and Platinum MasterCards exclusively for its private and corporate clients. For more information, please contact our customer services team. 2. When do I get my Cirrus Maestro debit bankcard Loyal Bank discontinued issuing new CirrusMaestro branded debit cards effective 1st April 2016. Instead of CirrusMaestro cards Loyal Bank offers Contactless MasterCard debit cards and Platinum MasterCards, but the procedure below remains unchanged. After receiving the account opening fee and the minimum deposit (or within 5 business days of the receipt of your request for an additional bank card, for an account already opened and funded) we will send you the bank card to your mailing address. The time the postage takes depends on your place of residence but is usually 1 -2 weeks. The PIN code for your debit card is created by you when you are activating the card in the NetBank. 3. How can I activate my Cirrus Maestro bank card Loyal Bank does not issue any more new CirrusMaestro cards. For all of our cards the card activation procedure is the following. The bank card will be sent to you with an inactive status. You can activate your bank card in our NetBank by following the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide and at the same step you will need to create the PIN code for your bankcard. You can also call our HelpDesk on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice to activate your bankcard. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. The PIN code however can only be created by you in the NetBank, Customer Service colleagues can only help you with card activation. 4. What should I do upon expiry date of my Cirrus Maestro bank card Your CirrusMaestro bank card is valid for one year until the last day of the month stated on your card. The Bank will automatically issue your new bank card before the expiry date provided that there is available balance on your account covering the bank card renewal fee. Please note that Loyal Bank discontinued issuing new CirrusMaestro branded cards, so you new card will be a ContactlessMasterCard by default. When you receive your new bank card and activate it before the expiry date of your expiring card, your existing bank card will be deactivated automatically at the same time. Once deactivated, please destroy your old card by shredding or burning only. 5. What happens if my bankcard gets lost during postage Loyal Bank will stop and replace your lost package (s) free of charge in the following cases: If the package(s) are mailed to the wrong mailing address by the Bank. If the package(s) are lost during courier transit. Loyal Bank will not take any responsibility for banking packages sent to the correct address provided by you but lost during airmail transit because air mail is not fully secure or efficient in a number of countries and packages cannot be tracked or traced. In all circumstances Loyal Bank recommends the use of courier delivery. Please notify our Help Desk at or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice if you have not received your bankcard. 6. Can I apply for an additional debit card The Authorised Person (the AP, or account holder) can have only one CirrusMaestro and one MasterCard bankcard in hisher name for hisher account but you can have up to two Additional Authorized Persons (AAP) for each account. Each Authorised Person can have a bankcard linked to the account of the Account Holder. To order an additional card for an Authorized Person please fill in the appropriate form or apply for a new bankcard in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point 39New card39 option. 7. Where should I safely store my bankcard and its PIN Keep your bankcard and PIN number separated. as the Bank does not take the responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with a correct PIN. Do not put your card near strong magnetic fields because the magnetic stripe may become unusable. Protect your card from heat because it may get deformed. Do not keep your bankcard near sharp objects (e. g. together with keys in your pocket) because the magnetic stripe might get scratched. Dropping your card into water, especially salt water, may also make the magnetic stripe unusable. 8. How do I get cash Cash withdrawals can be made at the approximately 1,000,000 ATM cash machines displaying the MasterCard, Maestro or Cirrus logos. From the account options displayed by the ATM choose the 39 Debit 39 or the 39 No Account Specified 39 Option. 9. Is there any daily limit on my Cirrus Maestro debit card Loyal Bank issues bankcards with limit of USD 2,000 USD or EUR 2,000 for a maximum 5 transactions per day, both for ATM cash withdrawal and POS purchase. The above limits are valid for 24 hours, from 24:00 CET till next day 24:00 CET. 10. What fees should I pay All the fees are included in Fees and Charges 11. What if my card is denied at ATM or POS-terminal If your card is denied please contact us immediately by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice and provide the following: the error message received, your card number and expiration date, amount, time and date of transaction. 12. What do I do if I forget my PIN Number You will need to create a new one in the NetBank. 13. What can I do if an ATM or POS merchant charges my card with a transaction I did not make You should notify as soon as possible by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice defining the date and place of the transaction and your bankcard number. It also helps if you can provide a transaction receipt, too (e. g. for cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 14. When does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with the lost or stolen card You should first stop the card as as soon as possible by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice or in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point Card stoppage option. The Bank takes responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen cards when the stoppage becomes effective, i. e. within 1 hour after receipt of the stoppage instructions, if not otherwise defined stipulated in the Bankcard Account Conditions. See the next FAQ. 15. Does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen card but made with correct PIN No, the Bank declines responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with correct PIN. MasterCard Debit Card 1. What is a MasterCard Debit card MasterCard Debit is a signature ndash authorised debit card that is linked to the cardholder39s Loyal Bank bank account. It runs on the MasterCard International platform. Loyal Bank issues such cards in USD or EUR. 2. Why I need a MasterCard Debit card The MasterCard Debit card is a debit card with all the benefits of a credit card. 3. What are the benefits of the MasterCard Debit card Access to MasterCard Global Service which provides emergency customer service to report lost or stolen cards, emergency card replacement, and emergency cash advance Access to make purchases at merchant through a signature ndash based an online POS terminal Ability to withdraw cash from ATMs This card allows you to make purchases at the point of sale, on the internet and at mail ordertelephone order merchants. You also make reservations for hotels, car hire, etc. The amount from your purchases will be automatically deducted from your bank account therefore there are no finance charges. 4. What is a CVC2 code The CVC2 code is the card validation code you will find on the back of your MasterCard Debit card and which follows the last 4 digits of your printed card number. Please use the CVC2 card validation code whenever you asked to do when you buy something online and the seller requests you give them the three digit code. Most of online purchase transactions made with our bank cards will require the use of the three digit quotCVC2quot code. 5. Can I make an online purchase with my MasterCard Debit card on a website which doesn39t require the use of a CVC2 code Yes, we can process transactions initiated by you on websites that don39t require the use of the CVC2 code. 6. How can I control CVC2 code If you find you have to temporarily disable the CVC2 control of your bank card please login to the NetBank with your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code, or call our 247 Helpdesk by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . In order to disable CVC2 control of your MasterCard debit card via the NetBank please log on to the NetBank and follow the instructions in the NetBank Users39 Guide. 7. How is this card different from my Maestro card Cirrus Maestro cards can only be used at merchants that have POS terminals with PIN validation and cannot be used on the internet and at mail ordertelephone order merchants, to make reservations for hotels, car hire, etc. Your MasterCard Debit card can be used anywhere and also online or at a merchant as it has Signature-based authorisation. 8. How can I apply for a MasterCard Debit card If you are an existing Loyal Bank client you just need to complete the MasterCard debit card application form and send it to us. You can also apply for a new bankcard in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point New card option. If you are a new client you must open an account as this is a debit card linked to a bank account with us, not a standalone credit card. The list of required documents for account opening is available at here 9. What is MasterCard Global Services MasterCard Global Services is a worldwide customer service programme that is available to assist cardholders only with card-related needs. The toll free number is 1 800 307 7309 from US and Canada and (636) 722 7111 from outside US. The services provided are: lost and stolen card reporting, emergency card replacement, emergency cash advance, MasterCardCirrus ATM locations. 10. When will I receive my MasterCard Debit card The MasterCard Debit card will be usually issued two days after the account is funded and the account opening fee has been debited by us. Loyal Bank will send the bankcard by regular airmail or courier service, which is strongly recommended. The courier fee can be checked in the fees and charges tab in our website. For security reasons, your bank card will be sent to you in inactive status. 11. How can I activate my MasterCard debit card You can activate your bank card in our NetBank. Please follow the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide . You can also activate by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details so that we will be able to securely identify you. 12. What should I do upon expiry date of my MasterCard debit card Your MasterCard Debit bank card is valid for one year until the last day of the month stated on your card. The Bank will automatically issue your new bank card before the expiry date provided that there is available balance on your account covering the bank card renewal fee (USD 10 or EUR 8). When you receive your new bank card and activate it before the expiry date of your expiring card, your existing bank card will be deactivated automatically at the same time. Once deactivated, please destroy your old card by shredding or burning only. 13. Is there a limit on my MasterCard Debit Card Please check the daily limits for Master Card and Cirrus Maestro bankcards here 14. Where can I use the MasterCard Debit Card This debit card is part of the MasterCard network so it can be used wherever the MasterCard or Cirrus or Maestro logos are displayed. 15. Can I use my MasterCard Debit card on the internet Yes the Loyal Bank MasterCard Debit card is accepted for all payments on the internet and also for pre-authorisations. 16. What happens if my POS transaction is rejected for some reason Please call our 247 Helpdesk by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . 17. What can I do if my POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant namequot problem If our Customer Service confirms that your POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant name problemquot which means that the merchant name is not sent to the MasterCard system, please follow the steps specified here in order to temporarily disable quotno merchant name controlquot of your bankcard (and CVC2 control of your MasterCard debit card). This disabling is valid for 15 minutes, or please contacts our Customer Service to disable quotno merchant namequot control manually until your further notice. 18. How do I authorize my transactions When making purchases with your MasterCard Debit card most of the times you will be asked to sign the transaction receipt authorizing the transaction and the debit to your account. When the card is used in ATMs, you will be asked to enter your PIN number to authorize the transaction. Online transactions authorized by a 3 digit CVC2 code displayed on the back of the card. 19. How do I keep track of my transactions Each transaction that you make with your MasterCard Debit card will appear in your bank account statement or you can check it in the NetBank. The transaction will show detailed information such as name and location of merchant, date, and amount. 20. What fees should I pay All the fees are included in Fees and Charges 21. Can I apply for an additional debit card The account holder can have only one CirrusMaestro and one MasterCard bankcard in hisher name to hisher account however you can have up to two Additional Authorised Persons ( AAPs ) added to one account. Each Authorised Person can have a bankcard linked to the account of the Account Holder. To order an additional card for an AAP please fill in the appropriate form or apply for a new bankcard in our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point 39New card39 option. Note that we will require full Due Diligence to be provided (see FAQ 2, 3, and 8 in the first section of this FAQ) for each new AAP as they are added. 22. What if my card is denied at ATM or POS-terminal You should notify us by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice defining the date and place of the transaction and your bankcard number. It also helps if you can provide a transaction receipt, too (e. g. for a cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 23. What do I do if I forget my PIN Number You will need to create a new one in the NetBank accessing with your Internet Access Code (password) or Digipass (if you have one). 24. What can I do if an ATM or POS merchant charges my card with a transaction I did not make You should notify us by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice defining the date and place of the transaction and your bankcard number. 25. When does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with the lost or stolen card You should first stop the card through the through NetBank in the Bankcards menu point Card stoppage option or by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . The Bank takes responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen cards when the stoppage becomes effective which is within 1 hour after receipt of the stoppage instructions, if not otherwise defined stipulated in the Bank Account Conditions. See the next FAQ. 26. Does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen card but made with correct PIN No, the Bank declines responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with correct PIN. 27. What happens if my bankcard gets lost during postage Loyal Bank will take responsibility for the lost packages and will stop and replace your lost package(s) free of charge in the following cases: If the package(s) are mailed to a mailing address registered by the Bank wrongly. If the package(s) are lost during the courier postage. Loyal Bank will not take any responsibility for banking packages sent to the correct address provided by you but lost during airmail transit because air mail is not fully secure or efficient in a number of countries and packages cannot be tracked or traced. In all circumstances Loyal Bank recommends the use of courier delivery. Please notify our HelpDesk by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. if you have not received your bankcard. 28. Where should I store my bankcard and its PIN Keep your bankcard and PIN number separated, as the Bank does not take the responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with a correct PIN. Do not put your card near strong magnetic fields because the magnetic stripe may become unusable. Protect your card from heat because it may get deformed. Do not keep your bankcard near sharp objects (e. g. together with keys in your pocket) without holder because the magnetic stripe might get scratched. Dropping your card in water, especially salt water, may disable the card. Platinum MasterCard Debit card 1. Why do I need a Platinum card Especially designed for our most prestigious clients the Platinum Card gives you access to a wide range of services and the Platinum Card has three key benefits: A dedicated Key Account Manager, Concierge Service, Platinum Customer Service, and a Family Package are all available We bring you the best investment solutions (Forex, Precious metal purchase, Term Deposit). Maximum Flexibility ndash Your Platinum Card has extended ATMPOS facilities, Emergency card replacement, Price Purchase Protection, ATM Robbery and Assault Protection, Emergency Cash Advances etc. 2. What are the benefits of the Platinum card Cash withdrawals and purchases, accessible through 31 million Point of sales and 1.8 million ATM all over the world. Dedicated Key Account Manager, a special Platinum Customer Service and an exceptional MasterCard Concierge Service. If your family is traveling the Family package is a cost - and time-effective solution to give them a bank account and card. Special investment offers: Forex, Precious metal purchase, Term Deposit. Access to the MasterCard Global Service which provides emergency customer service to report lost or stolen cards, emergency card replacement, and emergency cash advance Easy to keep track of your expenses since all transactions are listed on your bank statement and in our NetBank This card allows you to make purchases at the point of sale, on the internet and at mail ordertelephone order merchants. The amount from your purchases will be automatically deducted from your bank account therefore there are no finance charges. 3. What is a CVC2 code The CVC2 code is the card validation code you will find on the back of your Platinum card and which follows the last 4 digits of your printed card number. Please use the CVC2 card validation code whenever you buy something online and the seller requests you give them the three digit code. Use of the CVC2 code is completely secure and will protect you against wrongful impersonation of your card. Most online purchase transactions made with our bank cards will require the use of the three digit quotCVC2quot code. 4. Can I make an online purchase with my Platinum Debit card on a website which doesn39t require the use of a CVC2 code We can process transactions initiated by you on websites that don39t require the use of the CVC2 code by temporarily disabling the CVC2 code. For disabling CVC2 control of your bank card please login to the NetBank with your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code, or call our Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 . 5. How can I control CVC2 code In order to disable CVC2 control of your MasterCard debit card please log in to the NetBank and follow the instructions in the NetBank Users39 Guide You can also call our HelpDesk at 36 1 383 0853 to disable CVC2 control of your bankcard. Please have available your personal and account details so that we will be able to securely identify you. 6. How is this card different from my MasterCard card The Platinum Card ATM and POS limits are higher than for your standard MasterCard, giving you more freedom and it also gives you access to a wider range of services, because is embossed. This means that you are able to use it in both online points of sales as well as in manual bankcard imprinters. 7. How can I apply for a Platinum card If you are a new client please send us the completed and signed account opening documentation. Forms and the list of required documents for account opening are available here for personal account and here for a Corporate Account. If you are an existing Loyal Bank client please request a Platinum bankcard in the NetBank. 8. What are the Platinum card requirements and conditions The due diligence procedures and documentary requirements are the same as for all our accounts but a minimum monthly average deposit of USDEUR 5,000 is requested to be maintained to access the Platinum card services. 9. What is MasterCard Global Services MasterCard Global Services is a worldwide customer service program that is available to assist Platinum cardholders with card-related needs anytime, anywhere in any language. The toll free number is 1 800 307 7309 from US and Canada and 1 636 722 7111 outside US. The services provided are: lost and stolen card reporting, emergency card replacement, emergency cash advance. 10. When will I receive my Platinum card The Platinum card will usually be issued in two days after the account is fully funded and the account opening fee can be debited by Loyal Bank. We will send the bankcard and PIN envelope in two separate packages by courier. The courier fees are already included in the account opening fee. For security reasons, your bank card will be sent to you in inactive status. 11. How can I activate my Platinum card The bank card will be sent to you in inactive status. You can activate your bank card in our NetBank and at the same time you will create a PIN code for it. Please follow the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide. You can also call our dedicated Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 to activate your bankcard. Please have available your personal and account details so that we will be able to securely identify you. However, the PIN code can only be created at the NetBank by you. 12. What should I do upon expiry date of my Platinum card Your Platinum bank card is valid for one year until the last day of the month stated on your bank card. The Bank will automatically issue your new bank card before the expiry date for free. When you receive your new bank card and activate it before the expiry date, your existing bank card will be deactivated automatically at the same time. Please safely destroy your old card by shredding or burning. 13. Is there a limit on my Platinum Card The Platinum Card limit for ATM cash withdrawal is USD 5,000 (standard MasterCard limit USD 2,000) and EUR 5,000 ( standard MasterCard limit EUR 2,000) with a maximum of 15 transactions a day. The limit for POS purchase is USD 40,000 and EUR 40,000 with up to 20 transactions per day. These limits are valid for 24 hours from 24:00 CET till next day 24:00 CET. 14. Where can I use the Platinum Card This card is valid wherever the MasterCard logo is displayed. 15. Is it easy to use Yes, it is. Merchants will accept and handle this card like a premium credit card. 16. Can I use my Platinum card on the internet Yes, the Loyal Bank Platinum card is accepted for payments on the internet and pre-authorisations. 17. What happens if my POS transaction is rejected for some reason In order to know the reason for a rejected transaction, please contact our Platinum Customer Service via e-mail at or by phone at 36 1 439 4700 18. What can I do if my POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant namequot problem If our Platinum Customer Service confirms that your POS transaction is rejected due to quotno merchant name problemquot which means that the merchant name is not sent to the MasterCard system, please disable quotno merchant name controlquot (this is the CVC2 control) of your bankcard in the NetBank for 15 minutes, or please contact our Customer Service to disable the quotno merchant namequot control manually until your further notice to us. There is no charge for this service. 19. How do I authorize my transactions When making purchases with your Platinum card you will be asked to sign the transaction receipt authorizing the transaction and the debit to your account. Online transactions are authorized by a three digit CVC2 code displayed on the back of the card. 20. Can I really use my card for purchases without paying interest charges Yes. The money from your purchases comes directly from your bank account therefor, there are no interest charges. 21. How do I keep track of my transactions Each transaction that you make with your Platinum card will appear in your bank account statement and you can check it in the NetBank. The transaction will show detailed information such as: name and location of merchant, date, amount. 22. What fees should I pay All the fees are included in Fees and Charges 23. Can I apply for an additional debit card The account holder can have only one Platinum MasterCard bankcard on hisher name attached to hisher account however you can add up to two Additional Authorized Persons to your one account. Each Authorized Person can have their own a bankcard linked to the account of the Account Holder. To order an additional card for an Authorized Person please fill in the appropriate form or request a card in the NetBank. 24. What if my card is denied at ATM or POS-terminal Please call our dedicated Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 to notify us as soon as possible of the incident, by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice advising the date and place of the incident. Please try to provide a copy of your transaction slip or receipt too (e. g. for a cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 25. What do I do if I forget my PIN Number You will need to create a new one in the NetBank. 26. What can I do if an ATM or POS merchant charges my card with a transaction I did not make Please call our dedicated Platinum Customer Service at 36 1 439 4700 to notify us as soon as possible of the incident, by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice advising the date and place of the incident. Please try to provide a copy of your transaction slip or receipt too (e. g. for a cancelled purchase or ATM transactions). 27. When does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with the lost or stolen card You should promptly advise us of the loss to our dedicated Platinum Customer Service centre at 36 1 439 4700 or via our NetBank in the Bankcards menu point Card stoppage option or by sending a facsimile message to 1 784 451 27 57 or an e-mail to our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice advising the date and place of the loss. The Bank takes responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen cards only when the stoppage becomes effective, which is within one hour after receipt of the stoppage instructions. 28. Does the Bank take responsibility for transactions fulfilled with lost or stolen card but made with correct PIN No, the Bank declines responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with correct PIN. 29. What happens if my bankcard gets lost during postage Loyal Bank will take responsibility for the lost packages and will stop and replace your lost package(s) free of charge in the following cases: If the package(s) are mailed to a mailing address registered by the Bank wrongly. If the package(s) are lost during the courier postage. Loyal Bank will not take any responsibility for banking packages sent to the correct address provided by you but lost during airmail transit because air mail is not fully secure or efficient in a number of countries and packages cannot be tracked or traced. In all circumstances Loyal Bank recommends the use of courier delivery. 30. Where should I store my bankcard and its PIN Keep your bankcard and PIN number separated, as the Bank does not take the responsibility for fraudulent transactions made with a correct PIN. Do not put your card near strong magnetic fields because the magnetic stripe may become unusable. Protect your card from heat because it may get deformed. Do not keep your bankcard near sharp objects (e. g. together with keys in your pocket) without holder because the magnetic stripe might get scratched. Dropping the card in water may disable the card, especially salt water. CHIP Bankcards 1. What is a CHIP card A CHIP card looks just like a traditional debit card with an embedded chip in addition to the standard magnetic stripe on the back of the card. The small chip encrypts all data and information to make the card more secure when making transactions. 2. What is a smart card or an EMV card These are just different names for the CHIP card. ldquoCHIP and PINrdquo is another name. By the way, EMV stands for Europay MasterCard VISA, which is a technical standard for smart payment cards and for payment terminals and automated teller machines which can accept them. 3. Are CHIP cards safe Yes, CHIP cards are safe the technology has been developed especially to make cards more secure and this is the main benefit. It is much more difficult to steal card data from the encrypted chip than from cards only with a magnetic stripe. 4. How are CHIP cards different from regular cards They are the same and provide the same benefits the only difference is that CHIP cards are safer. 5. How do I use my CHIP card It is easy rather than swiping your card, you will simply insert your CHIP card into the terminal to complete the transaction. The card stays in the terminal until the transaction is finished. The rest of the process remains the same as using your regular (magnetic stripe) bank card. For online, mail order or telephone order transactions, nothing changes. If the shop does not accept CHIP cards, just swipe your card as you do now. 6. Where can I use my CHIP card CHIP technology is already used in more than 130 countries around the world, with more countries adopting this technology annually. In some countries CHIP cards are the only widely accepted cards to make transactions with. Your CHIP card will still work at terminals where only magnetic stripe transactions are accepted. To give you more precise information, CHIP cards are widely accepted in Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, while in Asia and the United States adoption is yet low. Contactless Bankcards 1. Are CHIP and contactless technologies the same No, these are different features of cards. CHIP technology is to make transactions more secure, while contactless technology is an optional feature to make transactions faster. 2. What is contactless Contactless is a new technology for cards which lets you pay small amounts without handing your bank card to anybody. In other words, paying without the need of the card and terminal touching each other the card needs to be placed around 1 to 4 millimetres close to the terminal and the transaction takes place. 3. What are the benefits of contactless cards It is fast and ideal for small payments. It is safe because the card never leaves your hand. Better record keeping for small amount purchases usually made with cash. It is easier than carrying coins wherever you go. 4. Where can I use my Contactless bank card 5. Is it secure Yes, here is why: The card stays in your hands at all times The card needs to be really close to the reader for a transaction to happen You will pay only once, even if you get the card close to the reader twice LB Digipass Application 1. What is the LB DIGIPASS Application The LB DIGIPASS Application is a smartphone application available for all Android, IOS and Windows phones and such devices. The application generates one time Digipass Response Codes used to securely access our Internet bank and to authenticate transaction and transfer instructions. 2. How do I access the LB DIGIPASS Application You can download the LB DIGIPASS Application onto your Android, IOS and Windows phone or such device through the relevant app store. Once installed on your phone, follow the activation instructions in the manual of the app or on the Loyal Bank website . 3. How do I use the LB DIGIPASS Application Please follow the instructions in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website . 4. Can I manage more accounts with one LB DIGIPASS Application If you are authorized to access data of more than one customer, you may need to have more than one DIGIPASS. LB DIGIPASS can be configured to support multiple DIGIPASS instances inside the same application. Press Menu button on your phone on the bdquoSelect a DIGIPASSrdquo screen and choose bdquoAdd a DIGIPASSrdquo. 5. What happens if I forget my PIN You need to reinstall the application and activate it with the parameters provided by LB NetBank. Select the Reactivation menu within the application and follow the activation procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website . 6. What happens if my mobile device with the LB DIGIPASS Application gets loststolen For your own safety, we suggest that you stop the Digipass via the NetBank or Loyal Bank customer service, and order a new one. If your loststolen device cannot be accessed by unauthorized people, it may be sufficient to reactive your existing Digipass. You need to reinstall and activate the application on the new device with the parameters provided by LB NetBank. Select the Reactivation menu within the application and follow the activation procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website. After reactivation, the LB DIGIPASS Application will be connected to the new device only and any Response Codes generated by the loststolen phone wonrsquot be accepted in NetBank. 7. What happens if I want to change the mobile device on which I use the LB DIGIPASS Application You need to reinstall and activate the application on the new device with the parameters provided by LB NetBank. Select the Reactivation menu within the application and follow the activation procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website. After reactivation, the LB DIGIPASS Application will be connected to the new device only and any Response Codes generated by the previous device wonrsquot be accepted in NetBank. 8. Can I use the same LB DIGIPASS Application on more devices No, you cannot. For security reasons, LB DIGIPASS Application is connected to one device only. Should you want to change the device on which you use the LB DIGIPASS Application, you can easily do so by reactivating the application on the new device. Please follow the procedure in the manual of the application on your phone, or on the Loyal Bank website. The LB DIGIPASS Application on the former device will still operate, however the generated Response Codes wonrsquot be accepted in our NetBank any more. Physical Digipass 1. What is Physical Digipass The Physical DIGIPASS is a battery-powered device used to securely access the NetBank and to authenticate transaction and transfer instructions. Click here for detailed information. A Physical DIGIPASS is provided to clients only upon specific client request, and attracts additional costs. As default, our clients are supplied with the LB DIGIPASS Application. 2. How can I initialise my Physical Digipass You will receive the Digipass User39s Guide together with your device in the banking package we shall send you after the receipt of your account opening documents. Please follow the steps on its 39 INIT PIN CHANGE FIRST USE ONLY 39 page OR click here for instructions. 3. Can I change the PIN of the Physical Digipass, and if yes, how often You will find the INIT PIN for the Physical DIGIPASSin the NetBank. Upon activation of your device, you will need to change the INIT PIN. You can modify this PIN later as often as you like. Should you forget the PIN, you will have to request a new Digipass (either a physical device or the LB DIGIPASS Application). 4. How to use the Physical Digipass Click here to see how to use your Physical Digipass. 5. What happens if someone steals my Physical Digipass The Digipass is PIN-code protected and entering the wrong PIN three times freezes its operations. Tampering with the Digipass by removing its back cover etc. wipes its circuits, so practically destroys the device. 6. What can I do if my Physical Digipass gets lost so I cannot enter the NetBank In this case please use the Internet Access Code instead of the Digipass Response Code as password to enter NetBank, then please order a replacement. 7. How many Physical Digipass devices and Additional Persons can belong to one account Two per account. You can apply for a Digipass in our NetBank. 8. For how long can I use my Physical Digipass The Physical Digipass operates with a battery, which cannot be changed. Depending on how often the device is being used, the battery usually lasts 2-3 years. Once the battery is low, and the response codes or electronic signatures are not accepted by the system, and the Digipass must be replaced. In such cases, you may request a new Digipass via the NetBank, or by calling our Customer Service Helpdesk at 36 1 383 0853 . 1. How do I login to my Loyal Bank account Please go to loyalbank and enter our NetBank by clicking on the quot Login to NetBank quot button. You can login in the NetBank using your Internet Access Code or Digipass Response Code . The former give you view only access, the latter the ability to set up transactions. 2. What is Loyal Bank online banking Loyal Bank offers you access to your accounts from anywhere in the world at any time of the day or night as well as to carry out all essential banking transactions instantly, securely and effortlessly. 3. What is the difference between online and PC home banking Online banking requires no special software and can be accessed from any internet connected device such as a laptop, tablet or from an internet cafeacute. PC home banking requires the use of software for budget planning and keeping track of transactions and not actually transferring money or making payments. 4. When can I use the online banking facility Our NetBank is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in the world. 5. Can I access my account from any computer What hardware do I need You can access your account from any computer - all you need is a laptop or PC with an Internet connection. You will need your Customer ID Number and the Digipass Response Code or your Internet Access Code to access your account. 6. Do I need to buydownload any kind of software No, as Loyal Bank uses the web to deliver your financial services all you need is an Internet connection and a browser. 7. Is online banking with Loyal Bank secure Yes. Loyal Bank security system ensures 3 elements. authentication assured by a password (either a Digipass Response Code or a secret Internet Access Code) confidentiality meaning that unauthorised parties cannot receive interpret information integrity meaning the assurance that the content of a transaction is as intended by the initiator of the transaction. 8. How does the Bank securely identify me through the NetBank Your secure identification is assured by your Digipass . Your Digipass : can only be used with your secret PIN number or fingerprint protection (available for the LB DIGIPASS Application on supported mobile devices). generates different, completely unique Response Code every time the Response Code is only valid for a limited time the server compares the Response Code received via the Internet with the one generated at the same time by itself and grants approval only if there is a match. 9. How do I transfer funds from one account to another within Loyal Bank Please see the instructions in our NetBank Users39 Guide . 10. I am having trouble accessing the Loyal Bank website - what should I do Please contact our HelpDesk on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. 11. What happens if my computer crashes while I am carrying out a transaction Completed transactions that you have submitted and confirmed will be OK. If you are in the middle of a transaction you will have to start again as your interrupted transaction is automatically cancelled. 12. What happens if I make a mistake while carrying out a transaction Before you confirm a transaction, please alwaysreview the information you have submitted You will be automatically halted in NetBank before you can sign your transfer request. 13. In the NetBank I can see that my transfer arrived but is not yet credited. Why There are two possible answers to this question: 1. Either the transfer is above our inward wire threshold and therefore requires submitting DSF and supporting documents for our Compliance Department to approve it for crediting, or : 2. The SWIFT MT950 statement from the correspondent bank concerned is missing, e. g. the funds have not yet appeared on our account with our correspondent bank(s), therefore out accounting system will not permit funds being credited to your account until we have the statement For any query on inward wire transfers please contact our Customer Services team on . How do I manage my PINs 1. How do I manage Internet Access Code You receive your initial IAC electronically right after your account has been opened Your initial IAC is five characters long You need to change your initial IAC upon your first login to the NetBank The new IAC has to be at least eight character long, an contain at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and a number You can change your IAC through your NetBank any time You will need to change your IAC through your NetBank every 60 days as a security precaution We advise you to change your IAC on a regular basis Please remember your new IAC and keep it safe Your IAC allows a view only access to your NetBank Your IAC will be blocked after three wrong attempts to log in. If this happens please call our Customer Service to request a new IAC on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. 2. How do I manage Card PIN You do not receive a bankcard printed PIN code together with your bankcard When you receive your (inactive) bankcard, you will need to activate it and create a PIN code for it at the NetBank by accessing to it with the help of your Internet Access Code or with your Digipass All instructions to do this will be on the screen and in the NetBank usersacuteguide Your PIN will be four characters long In case you need, you are able to change your PIN code in the NetBank anytime Your PIN will be blocked after three wrong attempts. If this happens you will need to log in to the NetBank, go the ldquoChange PINrdquo option in the Bank cards menu and generate a new PIN code. This PIN expires with the bankcard. 3. How do I manage Digipass device PIN You receive the init PIN in your banking packages Your init PIN is five characters long You will have to change the init PIN upon the first Digipass usage The new Digipass PIN has to be four characters long You can modify your Digipass PIN any time using the T button on your Digipass device Your PIN and Digipass device will be blocked after three wrong attempts. If this happens please call our Customer Service to request a new IAC on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. The Digipass PIN does not have an expiration date For more information about how to protect your PINs please click here . Standing orders 1. What is a standing order A standing order is an instruction you set up to execute outgoing transfers from your account periodically to another bank account, be it a Loyal Bank account or any other bank for frequent payments with fixed amounts, however in case the frequency, dates or amount you want to send changes, you will need to update your standing order. Standing orders in Loyal Bank are not direct debits. Standing orders are optional and set only by the payer (you) whilst direct debits are agreed formally with a pre-authorized debit and a pre-authorized payment. 2. How can I request standing orders This can be done via our NetBank if you have a Digipass, either for internal or external transfer standing orders. If you need to entirely cancel a standing order you can also do it via the NetBank with your Digipass, however if you need to modify a standing order, you will always need to contact our Customer Service team on or by phone to 36 1 383 0853 or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice . In case you do not have a Digipass you can only request standing orders for internal transfers by contacting our Customer Service team. 3. What information do I need to create or request a standing order You need to know: From which account you would like to make transfer (in case you have more than one account with Loyal Bank) You need to assign a name for the standing order (e. g. the name of the institution you are sending the payment to) The full beneficiary account details. If it is a standing order for an internal transfer the beneficiary account number should be active and open in our bank otherwise you cannot set up the standing order. If it is for an external transfer you need to have ready all of the beneficiary details such as the beneficiary account number and SWIFT code of their bank, beneficiary account name, beneficiary address, intermediary bank SWIFT code and name and the method to share transfer costs (SHA, OUR or BEN: see FAQ 28 ). In all cases you need transfer amount and currency, validity period, date for transfer execution, frequency of standing orders and due date. 4. What happens if the date for execution falls on a weekend or on a bank holiday The standing order will be executed on the last working date before the weekend or the bank holiday. If you would like it processed otherwise a modification is necessary. 5. Do I have to have the funds to process standing orders Can I pay afterwards Yes, you have to always have a sufficient cleared balance for the standing order to be executed on the date you specified. We cannot overdraw your account to pay a standing order and it will be missed, and only processed on the next date (funds permitting). If you deposit funds in no more than 10 calendar days after the due date, the standing order is still paid, but if funds arrive after 10 days payment is not until the next due date. 6. What happens when the standing order is for a transfer that involves conversion Our banking system will always debit transactions in the currency of your account if the outward transfer is in a different currency this conversion will be calculated and will take place on the due date. The conversion will not be recalculated in case funds arrive in the account later on, the calculation that the system performed on the originally set date for execution will only be valid for that date. Any subsequent payment is at the conversion rate on that day only, not the previous day. 7. Can I create standing orders to initiate transfers to non ndash bank financial institutions No. Standing orders can only be created to initiate transfers to banks with a SWIFT code. There is no possibility to initiate standing orders for transfers to remittance companies such as MoneyGram, e-commerce services such as PayPal, nor to electronic cash systems such as Bitcoin. 8. What happens if the standing order does not takes place due to lack of balance in my account The transfer stays in Pending status until it receives enough funds to be processed. In the case of internal transfers, the pending status changes to cancelled status after 10 calendar days and the transfer will not take place. In the case of external transfers, the pending status changes to cancelled status after 14 calendar days and the transfer will not take place. 9. Starting from when a standing order is valid If you create, request or cancel a standing order your instruction is executed two days after you set it up. If you create, request or cancel the same day or one day before the required execution date, the request or cancellation will not be valid. 10. How can I modify an existing standing order You can modify standing orders by calling our Customer Service team who will be able to help you after identifying you as a client asking you our standard security questions. Using a Digipass you can, instead of modifying, delete the existing standing order and create a new one. 11. What are the options for standing orders frequency Weekly, monthly, every 2 months, quarterly, every 6 months or yearly. Governance 1. What is the status of St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Vincent and the Grenadines is rated quotfully compliantquot by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, an agency of the United Nations). This is the international body with oversight of international tax transparency which places countries on quotblackquot, quotgreyquot, or quotwhitequot lists depending on their level of cooperation, black being non co-operative and white been fully co-operative. St. Vincent is on the white the list and it has completed the requisite number of Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEAs) mdash 21 in total mdash with other states to illustrate its commitment to tax transparency and information exchange. This is more than the number required to meet international standards. 2. Are Disclosures made by Loyal Bank about client39s information There are some circumstances where Loyal Bank will disclose client information. These are guided by the rule in the legal case Tournier v National Provincial and Union Bank of England 1924 1 KB 461 which was a landmark legal case in the United Kingdom. St. Vincent follows English Common Law so this would set a precedent here. Tournier established the conditions under which banks owed confidentiality to their clients, allowing four circumstances wherein banks could reveal information and were not required to guard privacy. These are: where compelled by (1) the law of the land, i. e. St. Vincent law to do (2) as a public duty, (3) to safeguard the interests of the bank itself, or (4) where the client had requested or consented, even implicitly, to such disclosure. 3. Are there tax treaties, TIEAs and other tax-related regulations affecting St. Vincent and the Grenadines Tax treaties: St. Vincent and the Grenadines has signed the CARICOM treaty ndash a Multilateral Double Taxation Treaty signed by the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago. TIEA: Tax Information Exchange Agreements exist with Aruba, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Curacao, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Saint Maarten, Sweden, and United Kingdom. TIEAs are established pursuant to the International Co-operation (Information Exchange Agreement) Act, 2011. Other regulations: The Mutual Legal Assistance is the formal process of cooperation between two or more jurisdictions. For example: on cross-border money laundering, asset recovery and tax evasion cases. This co-operation is usually enacted through a treaty a state can ask for and receive assistance in gathering information and evidence from sources for use in official investigations and prosecutions of criminal matters. Each jurisdiction has a Competent Authority which is authorised to respond to a request from another Competent Authority on matters related in tax information. The request must fulfil detailed requirements and will not be honoured if too vague and is deemed to be a so ndash called fishing expedition (frivolous extraction of information). Ownership: Revealed in criminal tax matters only. Bearer shares must be held by an approved custodian. 4. Why aren39t the Loyal Bank audited Financial Statements on the website It is not a legal requirement in St. Vincent to make our financial statements publicly available and that is the reason they cannot be found on our website. On a case by case basis we do supply our financial statements to certain business partners or stakeholders. By law the Financial Statements are supplied to our regulator the Financial Services Authority in St. Vincent and the Grenadines by 31st March each year. 5. Can I meet your auditors, or write to them so I can find out more about your bank No. Loyal Bank39s dealings with its external auditors KPMG Caribbean are entirely confidential and no such meeting can be considered. KPMG will not respond to any such inquiries as they too are bound by the laws of confidentiality. 6. Can a client opt out of FATCA reporting, or tell us not to report on him under FATCA No. FATCA reporting is mandatory for Loyal Bank and will soon be law in SVG. There is no option for any client, who is eligible to be reported on under FATCA, to quotopt outquot or to instruct the bank not to report. Any such instruction from a client must be declined and the client informed that we are unfortunately unable to carry out his request as we are obliged to report by law. 7. Who does the bank actually report to SVG, in common with all Caribbean states, adopted FATCA IGA Model 1B: this means that we report to the SVG Inland Revenue (SVG IR) rather than direct to the USA IRS. By reporting to the SVG IR we meet our legal requirements under SVG legislation and FSA instructions. The SVG IR will tell us what and when to report, with the first reports not expected to be made by us until 2015. 8. Can we give a client any advice what to do about FATCA No, as the reporting entity, this would be a clear conflict of interest on our part and also we are not lawyers. The client should be advised to consult an attorney in his country or the USA who is able to give expert advice on FATCA. Investments 1. Does Loyal Bank invest client39s deposits and how Yes. All banks invest client deposits. We invest in a diversified range of equities, bonds and funds using robust and world ndash class evaluation techniques and a risk ndash adverse conservative investment philosophy. 2. Does the bank have safe custody facilities I can use to hold my valuables No. We don39t offer safekeeping as a service and we suggest you approach a specialist provider in your own jurisdiction. 3. Can I have details of your Gold Investment programme Yes, however to use this service you do need to have an account with Loyal Bank (personal or corporate) opened in the usual way and with Due Diligence completed. Please visit our Loyal Gold web site myloyalgold . 4. I want to invest in a holiday home or retirement home in St. Vincent. Can you finance me No, unfortunately we cannot assist you. Loyal Bank does not carry out lending activities for this purpose as we are not permitted under our banking license engage in any such banking activities in St. Vincent. Customer ServiceHelp Desk 1. When are Customer Service and Help Desk available The Loyal Bank Help Desk is in Budapest, Hungary, and is available 24 x 7. whereas our Customer Service is available during the opening hours of the Bank (07.00-16.00 GMT). 2. How can I contact Customer Service and Help Desk Please call Customer Services or the Help Desk at 36 1 383 0853 or on or by Skype to loyalbankcustomerservice. Please have available your personal and account details (User ID) so that we will be able to securely identify you. For instructions about languages and topics selection when calling us please click here . When you call our Helpdesk, please select the preferred language for communication as follows: For English press 1 For Russian press 2 For French press 3 For Japanese press 4 For Spanish press 5 For Portuguese press 6 For Italian press 7 For Polish press 8 For other languages press 9 and select from the following options: For German press 1 For Croatian press 2 For Romanian press 3 For Serbian press 4 If the language is selected, your 8-digit Customer ID will be requested for your identification. If you are identified by our system, please select from the following topics: For Account opening Account management press 1 For Bankcard related issues press 2 For incoming and outgoing transfers press 3 For NetBank inquiries press 4 For Corporate Payment System press 5 For Other inquiries press 6 Once the topic is selected, our Helpdesk Operator will be connected. Please kindly note that our maximum e-mail size limit is 6 MB (including all attachments) and e-mails exceeding this limit cannot be accepted, so please break down large files into separate e-mails not exceeding 6 MB. 3. In what cases do I contact Customer Service and Help Desk Please call Help Desk at 36 1 383 0853 if you are experiencing problems with your Digipass or bankcard, have lost your bank card or Digipass or it has been stolen etc. Please call Customer Service for support in the execution of transactions. 4. Do you have specialists on hand to help with specific questions We have established, monitored and world ndash class standards for responding to e-mails and phone calls and Skype calls to ensure that all enquiries or questions are answered on time. In most cases e-mails will be answered within 12 hours. however in some situations it can be within 24 hours of receipt. Our call standard is to respond within 90 seconds or less. To further ensure quality of customer service all incoming emails and subsequent responses are monitored and recorded In case you are unsatisfied with any aspect of our Customer Service, please mail us. 5. Can I visit your office in St. Vincent Yes, but please make a prior appointment and only between 10 am and 4 pm Monday to Friday. Secondly we appreciate knowing in advance what the requested meeting is for (i. e. the purpose and ideally your agenda) so that we can prepare for the meeting. 6. I want to move to St. Vincent, can Loyal Bank help me We can provide a list of real estate agents active in St. Vincent for you to contact. We can also recommend a suitable agent or lawyer to handle land purchase or residency applications. There is a fee for this service over and above any fee the service provider requests.


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