145 ملفا على شبكة الإنترنت عن إقليم بريمودا البريطاني المتمتع بالحكم الذاتي في برمودا في دليل جغرافي شامل ومستكمل باستمرار. الإقامة وشركات الطيران والمطار وكأس الأمريكتين 2017 والشقق والفن وسجل الطيران والبنوك والشواطئ والمواطنة برمودا حسب الحالة، الدولار برمودا، حكومة برمودا، وشركات برمودا الدولية والمحلية، البرموديين والكتب والمنشورات والطرق السريعة والجمعيات الخيرية، والكنائس، مدينة هاميلتون والتجارة والمجتمعات المحلية وبطاقات الائتمان والسفن السياحية والثقافة والمطبخ والعملة والجمارك والإعاقة الوصول، ديفونشير، المناطق، حوض بناء السفن والاقتصاد والتعليم وأرباب العمل، والعمل والترفيه والبيئة وندورشيبس والعقارات والحيوانات ، والعبارات، والنباتات، والقواعد العسكرية السابقة، الحصون والحدائق والجغرافيا والتجول ودور الضيافة والغولف والحكومة وبيوت الضيافة والتاريخ والملفات التاريخية والمنازل، هاملتون، مجلس النواب، والإسكان، والفنادق، والهجرة، ورسوم الاستيراد، شركات التأمين وشركات إعادة التأمين، والأعمال التجارية الدولية، والوصول إلى الإنترنت، والجزر، والقوانين، والنظام القانوني، والتشريعات، والمشرعين، والموقع، والطرق الرئيسية، والمجلات، والزواج، ووسائل الإعلام، وأعضاء البرلمان، والمركبات، والبلديات، والموسيقى، وأقرب البر الرئيسي، والقادمين الجدد، والصحف، والمنظمات، والرعايا، والحدائق، باجيت، بيمبروك، المقيمين الدائمين، والمعاشات التقاعدية والأحزاب السياسية والطوابع البريدية والعطلات الرسمية، والنقل العام، السكك الحديدية درب والأديان وتجار التجزئة، حوض السفن، سانديس، سميثس، سومرست، ساوثامبتون، سانت دافيدس جزيرة، سانت جورج، كبار السن، سجل الشحن، سومرست، الإسبانية نقطة، سبيتال بركة والرياضة والضرائب والاتصالات والمنطقة الزمنية والتقاليد والسياحة، ، توكرز تاون، والمرافق، والرياضات المائية، وارويك، والطقس، والحياة البرية، وتصاريح العمل. بيرمودس المناخ والطقس على مدار السنة درجات الحرارة والأعاصير، برودة في فصل الشتاء من منطقة البحر الكاريبي 1،000 ميل جنوب بواسطة كيث أرشيبالد فوربس (انظر عنا) حصرا ل برمودا أون لاين المناخ شبه استوائي، معتدل في فصل الشتاء والربيع والخريف (الخريف) ، ولكن من أواخر مايو إلى أكتوبر، يمكن أن تكون ساخنة بشكل غير مريح ومع ارتفاع نسبة الرطوبة خاصة. سخونة جزء من السنة هو من مايو حتى منتصف أكتوبر، عندما درجات الحرارة تحوم بين 75F 23C و 85 F 29C. والرطوبة، التي غالبا ما تكون أكثر من 85، هي في أعلى مستوياتها من يوليو وحتى منتصف أكتوبر. وعلى الرغم من خط العرض وخط الطول - وموقعه حتى الآن شمال منطقة البحر الكاريبي، على بعد ألف ميل تقريبا شمالا في الواقع - برمودا خالية تماما من الصقيع، وخالية من الثلوج وخالية من الجليد. لماذا لأن المياه الدافئة من تيار الخليج تمر بالقرب من برمودا. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون مواتية لمرضى حمى القش. الخنازير الحشائش غير موجود في برمودا وحبوب اللقاح من الأعشاب الضارة الأخرى في مهب بسرعة إلى البحر. ولكن لاحظ أنه بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يعانون من الحساسية. والمناخ رطب دائما يولد العفن والعفن والعث. بعض المستحضرات الصيدلانية المتاحة بدون وصفة طبية في مكان آخر تتطلب وصفات طبية في برمودا من أطباء محليين مسجلين. ليس كل الصيدليات في برمودا مرخصة الصيدليات صرف. سيكون لديك لزيارة واحدة من هذه الأخيرة في مدينة هاميلتون أو مدينة سانت جورج للحصول على أي شيء وصفه محليا ولكن ربما لا يحملها صيدلية الفندق. وتتعرض الرياح الخليجية لبرمودس للتهوية من خلال تيار الخليج، ولكن عندما تسود الرياح الجنوبية، تحدث الرطوبة وترتفع أحيانا العواصف الرعدية. أشهر شهر الرطوبة هي يوليو وأغسطس. نادرا ما تنخفض درجات الحرارة إلى أقل من 55 درجة فهرنهايت أو تتجاوز 90 درجة فهرنهايت. وكانت أدنى درجة حرارة للهواء سجلت 43.6 درجة مئوية. وكان أعلى 94F. درجات حرارة المياه خلال أشهر الشتاء هي إلى حد كبير نفس درجة حرارة الهواء، تتراوح من حوالي 66F (في يناير) من خلال 75F حتى أواخر الربيع. يكفي هطول الأمطار السنوي هو أحد الأسباب التي تجعل برمودا عادة الخصبة في أوراق الشجر والمساحات الخضراء على الرغم من التربة القلوية الضحلة جدا. لا يوجد موسم موسمية أو موسم ممطر لأن برمودا ليست في منطقة البحر الكاريبي، ولكن بعض الشهور تميل إلى أن تكون أكثر رطوبة من غيرها. ولكن البعض الآخر يمكن أن يكون خاليا من الكثير من الأمطار. أيضا، عدة - مثل أواخر يونيو ويوليو وأغسطس على وجه الخصوص وأوائل سبتمبر - يمكن أن تكون للغاية (وغير سارة) الرطبة. إذا كان هذا يؤثر عليك بشكل سيء، وكنت لا تمانع في تبريد المياه للسباحة، ثم حاول مايو أو يونيو أو أواخر سبتمبر إلى أكتوبر. للاطلاع على تنبؤات الطقس، راجع صفحة خدمة الطقس في برمودا. وهي خدمة حكومة برمودا، تقدمها إدارة النقل الجوي التابعة لوزارة النقل الجوي. بيرمودا متوسط درجات الحرارة وهطول الأمطار حسب الشهر عرض متوسط (متوسط ارتفاع وانخفاض في الشهر) الأرقام، أكثر برودة في فصل الشتاء من منطقة البحر الكاريبي أو فلوريدا. A متوسط الأرقام اليومية. ويمكن أن تختلف بشكل كبير من شهر إلى آخر. ولكن على أساس سنوي، فإن الأرقام المتراكمة لا تختلف كثيرا. وتولد الأمطار والعواصف الممطرة الجزر فقط إمدادات المياه العذبة. ولا توجد إمدادات مركزية في أنابيب المياه إلا لعدد قليل من الأماكن. وعندما لا يكون هناك أمطار كافية، يتم طلب المياه ودفع ثمنها من الخزانات الحكومية أو محطات التقطير في مياه البحر وتسليمها بواسطة سائقي الشاحنات. في الهواء الطلق في ديسمبر-فبراير يمكن أن تكون باردة في بعض الأحيان، وخاصة في العواصف الشتاء المتكرر. في الداخل، معظم البرموديين ليس لديهم التدفئة المركزية في منازلهم كما تفعل في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكندا وأوروبا والمملكة المتحدة، ولكن حرائق مفتوحة في غرفة واحدة أو سخانات كهربائية. جلب بعض الملابس الصوف في أشهر الشتاء. برمودا تباين درجات الحرارة. على مدار السنة يعني الرطوبة النسبية 77. ولكن في الأشهر من مايو حتى أكتوبر، هو أعلى من ذلك بكثير. فمن الطاقة الخفض، المنهكة والمزمنة، مع الحاجة إلى تغيير الملابس ثلاث مرات في اليوم. معظم شمال الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، المملكة المتحدة، الأوروبيين والكنديين المواطنين لا يخبرون عن ذلك، والبعض يمكن أن تحصل على درجة حرارة شديدة جدا والرطوبة والطفح الجلدي منه. بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يحتمل أن تتأثر سيئة من قبل مزيج من الحرارة والرطوبة العالية، فمن المستحسن أنه عندما كنت عطلة في برمودا، كنت تأتي في غيرها - الشتاء - أشهر عندما الرطوبة أقل. الأعاصير حذار كتاب الإعصار من قبل الكاتب البرمودي الراحل تيري تاكر. 2016. 12 أغسطس / آب قد يكون على السكان أن يستعدوا لعاصفة قوية أخرى بعد أن توقع المتنبؤون الأمريكيون أن هذا العام يمكن أن يكون الأكثر ازدحاما موسم الأعاصير الأطلسي منذ عام 2012. وذكرت وكالة انباء اسوشييتد برس ان التوقعات المستقبلية للادارة الوطنية للمحيطات والغلاف الجوي تشير الى وجود 12 الى 17 عاصفة، منها خمسة الى ثمانية اعاصير من 2 الى 4 يمكن ان تكون كبيرة. في المتوسط، الولايات المتحدة يحصل على 12 اسمه العواصف الأطلسية الموسم، بما في ذلك ستة الأعاصير، ثلاثة منهم الكبرى. ويتبدد الآن تأثير النينيو في المحيط الهادئ الذي يميل إلى الحد من نشاط الأعاصير الأطلسية. وقال جيري بيل، من مركز التنبؤ المناخ نوا، وظاهرة المعاكس، لا نيا، قد تشكل كما قمم موسم ستة أشهر، ولكن لا ينبغي أن يكون لها تأثير كبير. 2016. 28 مايو / أيار توقعت الإدارة الوطنية للمحيطات والغلاف الجوي، التي تتخذ من الولايات المتحدة مقرا لها، أن يكون موسم الأعاصير في المحيط الأطلسي شبه متواصل، ولكنها تشير إلى عدم اليقين في الإشارات المناخية المعتادة. وتوقعت وكالة "نوا" في بيان أمس احتمال 70 في المئة من أن يتراوح الأطلسي بين عشرة و 16 عاصفة. ومن بين تلك العواصف المذكورة، يمكن أن يصبح من أربعة إلى ثمانية أعاصير في حين أن واحد إلى أربعة يمكن أن تصبح أعاصير كبيرة، تصل إلى الفئة 3 قوة أو أعلى. وقال البيان إنه على الرغم من أن الموسم شبه العادي هو على الأرجح مع فرصة 45 في المائة، فإن هناك أيضا فرصة بنسبة 30 في المائة لموسم أعلى من العادي، و 25 في المائة فرصة لموسم أقل من العادي. واشار البيان ايضا الى ان الاعصار اليكس الذى فجر شمال الاطلنطى فى يناير قد شمله التقدير. وقال جيري بيل، المسؤول في مجال التنبؤ الموسمية في مركز التنبؤات المناخية في نوا: "إن هذه التوقعات أكثر تحديا من موسم الأعاصير من معظمها، لأن من الصعب تحديد ما إذا كان سيتم تعزيز أو تنافس التأثيرات المناخية على تنمية العواصف المدارية. ومع ذلك، فإن التنبؤ شبه الطبيعي لهذا الموسم يشير إلى أننا يمكن أن نرى المزيد من النشاط الأعاصير مما رأيناه في السنوات الثلاث الماضية، والتي كانت أقل من المعتاد. بيد أن البيان أشار إلى وجود درجة من عدم اليقين بشأن حالة التذبذب المتعدد الأعراق في المحيط الأطلسي، وهو نمط من درجات حرارة المحيطات يعتقد أنه يؤدي إلى زيادة نشاط الأعاصير خلال مرحلته الحارة، كما أن نظام الطقس المرتبط بالزيادة إعصار. وجاء البيان عندما كانت الهيئة تراقب نظام شبه استوائي جنوب غرب برمودا كان من المتوقع أن تصبح العاصفة الثانية التي سميت عام 2016. وقال جيمس دودجسون، المدير بالنيابة لدائرة الطقس في برمودا أنه في حين أن بعض العوامل المساهمة جعلت من الصعب التنبؤ بدقة كيف مشغول الموسم سيكون، حتى عاصفة واحدة يمكن أن يكون لها تأثير كبير. أفضل نصيحة يمكن أن توفر بوس، بالتزامن مع أي من هذه التنبؤات الموسمية، ما إذا كانت تشير إلى سنة نشطة أو غير نشطة، أن تكون دائما على استعداد، بغض النظر عن ما تقول الأرقام. ولا يستغرق الأمر إلا إعصار استوائي واحد (عاصفة مدارية أو إعصار) لجعله موسم مزدحم لبرمودا، مع آثار كبيرة محتملة. إعصار قبالة برمودا في حالة حدوث تنبؤات بالأعاصير، انظر وصلات الإعصار الخاصة إلى المركز الوطني للأعاصير في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية أو قناة الطقس. تتمتع بعض فنادق برمودا وخصائص النزلاء بضمانات إعصار، مما يضمن شروطا معينة إذا ما ألغيت بسبب إعصار يمنعها من الوصول، فلا توجد عقوبة. وقد خلصت الدراسات التي أجرتها دائرة الطقس في برمودا إلى أن العواصف المدمرة تؤثر على الجزيرة كل ستة إلى سبع سنوات من 1609 إلى اليوم. إعصارنا المداري، أو الإعصار، هو موسم من مايو حتى نوفمبر، بمتوسط عاصفة واحدة تمر على بعد 180 ميلا بحريا من الجزيرة كل عام. الأعاصير هي عاصفة شبه استوائية شديدة أو استوائية مع الأمطار الغزيرة والرياح الشديدة التي تهب في حركة دائرية كبيرة حول مركز cuteye. quot موسم الأعاصير في المحيط الأطلسي يدير رسميا لمدة ستة أشهر، من 1 يونيو إلى 30 نوفمبر. معظم الأعاصير تحدث في أغسطس، سبتمبر وأكتوبر. وعادة ما تكون برمودا محمية بشكل جيد من قبل الشعاب المرجانية ولكن موجات عالية على رأس عاصفة العواصف يمكن أن يسبب مشاكل في المناطق المنخفضة الكذب القريبة من البحر. والأعاصير ليست منتشرة كما هو الحال في منطقة البحر الكاريبي، ولكنها تزور جزيرتنا مرة كل سبع سنوات أو نحو ذلك. فعندما تضرب الأعاصير، فإن أضرارها للفنادق ودور المساكن الخاصة غالبا ما تكون سطحية مقارنة بأماكن أخرى. ويتمثل أحد الأسباب الرئيسية في ذلك أنه بموجب القانون يجب أن تكون جميع المباني مبنية بقوة من الحجر الجيري أو كتل الإسمنت في برمودا. قارن هذا إلى المناطق الساحلية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية حيث الخشب، وليس الحجر، تسود. في حين أن كل برمودا الساحلية - لا يوجد جزء من برمودا أكثر من 1.5 ميل من البحر - برمودا تفتقر إلى منحدر تحت البحر التدريجي، والذي هو السبب الرئيسي للعواصف العاصفة الشديدة. ولكن النباتات برمودا - الأشجار والزهور والنباتات وما شابه ذلك - والحيوانات ليست محمية من الأعاصير في الطريقة العديد من المباني. برمودا غالبا ما يحصل انقطاع التيار الكهربائي من الرياح قوة العاصفة. وهذا يعني عدم وجود قوة في بعض الأحيان لساعات أو أيام أو أسابيع - وبسبب الانقطاعات الكهربائية لا يمكن سحب المياه، إلا يدويا في دلاء إذا كانت متاحة، من الدبابات تحت الأرض في المنازل المحلية. الطريقة الوحيدة للحصول على المياه للأحواض والحمامات والمصارف والدش والمراحيض هي بواسطة مضخات كهربائية من خزانات المياه من كل الممتلكات. ولا توجد إمدادات مركزية للمياه الجوفية. أيضا، يمكن أن تكون الهواتف خارج لأسابيع - وتلفزيون الكابل لأكثر من شهر، كما هو الحال في سبتمبر 2003. وكانت الأعاصير الأخيرة في عام 2014. الأعاصير التي تؤثر على برمودا، وجزر الكاريبي، وأمريكا الشمالية، وما إلى ذلك كان اسمه بعد القديسين ، وفقا لكتاب الأعاصير، من قبل إيفان ر. تانهيل. ضرب إعصار سانتا آنا بورتوريكو في عام 1825، ووصل اثنان من الأعاصير سان فيليبي الجزيرة في 1876 و 1928. بدأ مركز الإعصار إعطاء الأطلسية الاستوائية أسماء الشعوب في عام 1953، عندما تخلت الولايات المتحدة عن خطة لتسمية لهم بعد الأبجدية العسكرية الصوتية، مثل أبل، بيكر وشارلي. وتحتفظ المنظمة العالمية للأرصاد الجوية التي يوجد مقرها في جنيف الآن بقوائم المحيط الأطلسي وقوائمها في ثلاثة مناطق من المحيط الهادئ، وهما قسمان من مناطق المحيط الهندي والفلبين وبابوا غينيا الجديدة وفيجي واستراليا. يتم إعادة استخدام هذه القوائم على فترات مختلفة وتحتوي على أسماء السكان الأصليين، مثل الاسم التايلاندي برابيرون. وكانت جميع الأسماء من النساء حتى عام 1978، عندما أدرج الرجال لبعض العواصف في المحيط الهادئ. في عام 1979، أضيفت أسماء الذكور إلى قائمة لمنطقة المحيط الأطلسي وخليج المكسيك، والمعروفة باسم حوض الأطلسي. أسماء بديلة بين الذكور والإناث وأيضا بين اللغة الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية الأصل. 2017 إعصار الأسماء وفيما يلي العواصف اسمه التي قد تشكل في شمال الأطلنطي في عام 2016: تليها الأبجدية اليونانية، إذا لزم الأمر. وتعطى أسماء للعواصف الاستوائية، وهي تلك التي لها رياح مستدامة لا تقل عن 39 ميلا في الساعة. عندما تهب الرياح باستمرار على 74 ميلا في الساعة أو أكثر، تصبح العاصفة إعصار. تاريخ الإعصار (أ) 1609-1962 الذي أثر على برمودا 1609 - استعمرت برمودا في تموز / يوليه كنتيجة مباشرة لإعصار. في 24 يوليو / تموز، غرق إعصار سفينة واحدة وألقى مشروع البحر الرئيسي حتى الآن بعيدا عن المسار الذي دمر على الشعاب المرجانية في برمودا يوم 28 يوليو. وتم حفظ جميع 150، بمن فيهم جون رولف وزوجته الحامل. ولكن السيدة رولف وابنتها برمودا توفيتا في برمودا. أعاد المستوطنون بناء قاربين من الحطام. انظر الأميرال السير جورج سومرز المستعمرة برمودا. 1619. نوفمبر 1619. بعد عقد من عاصفة البحر فينتيور، ضرب إعصار آخر الجزيرة، وإرسال سفينة إيرل أوف وارويكس، وارويك. إلى، ال التعريف، ضئيل، أرض منخفضة، بسبب، حصن، هاربور. 1620. بعد الإطاحة بالإعصار، أعيد بناء جبل موريس بعد عيد الفصح مباشرة من قبل الحاكم بتلر كعمل ثلاثي. 1629. في سانت جورج، ألقيت برج مراقبة بوتلرز أسفل التل عن طريق إعصار عابر. 1689. اشتكى الحاكم ريتشارد كوني إلى مجلس اللوردات في لندن كيف جعلت العواصف العظيمة باستمرار له وأسرته مأوى في منزل الجيران. 1712. 8 سبتمبر / أيلول. أصابت الجزيرة أول إعصارين شديدين. وتضررت العديد من المباني التاريخية في برمودا، بما في ذلك كنيسة سانت بيترس في سانت جورج. وبما أن المستوطنين الأوائل في برمودا قاموا ببناء كل شيء تقريبا من خشب الأرز، بما في ذلك المباني التجارية والكنائس، تم تدمير العديد منها. وكان نتيجة مباشرة لهذه الأعاصير أن القرار اتخذ لبناء مباني من الحجر الجيري، بدلا من الخشب، وبالتالي تحمل الأعاصير على نحو أفضل. وقد تم تطوير طرق بناء جديدة لقطع الحجر من سفوح التلال لإنشاء مبان صلبة من الحجر الجيري لا يزال العديد منها قائما. 1780. 10 أكتوبر / تشرين الأول. أحد أعنف الأعاصير المسجلة على الإطلاق ضرب برمودا. وقد دفعت خمسون سفينة إلى الشاطئ، مع أضرار كبيرة. دمرت المنازل. تمزق أشجار الأرز جسديا من قبل الجذور. ارتفع المد إلى ارتفاع كبير. وكان يعرف باسم "غريت هريكانيكوت" بعد أن ضرب بربادوس في وقت سابق مع رياح تصل إلى 200 ميل في الساعة، وتسبب في الموت والوفيات على نطاق واسع، قبل مسيرة سلسلة جزر الهند الغربية وما بعدها إلى برمودا. ولم يتم تجاوز عدد القتلى. 1831. 11 أغسطس 12، 13. البرموديين دهشت لرؤية الشمس مع مظهر الأزرق بالتأكيد، وإعطاء ضوء أزرق غريب عندما أشرق في غرف وأماكن مغلقة أخرى. وأفادت السفن في البحر إلى أقصى الغرب كما رأس هاتيراس أن أشرعة بيضاء بيضاء ظهرت اللون الأزرق الفاتح. وتعلم بعد شهر علمت أن أشعة الشمس الزرقاء المذهلة قد تزامنت مع إعصار رهيب الذي تسبب في فقدان 1447 شخصا حياتهم. وافترض أن الإعصار كان مكثفا بما فيه الكفاية لإحداث اضطراب غير عادي في الطبقات العليا من الغلاف الجوي، وانكسار أو انعراج أو امتصاص أشعة الضوء، لتسبب الانعكاس الأزرق. 1832. يونيو. اجتاحت العواصف قوية برمودا. 1839. سبتمبر. تسبب الإعصار ضررا كبيرا. حدث ذلك في حين كان السير ويليام ريد هنا حاكما، الذي أعطاه المزيد من الأفكار حول الأعاصير، التي كان قد نشر أول تلة علمية حول هذا الموضوع العاصف في العام السابق. 1880. كوتريدسكوت ضرب الإعصار. 1889. سبتمبر 1213، دمر إعصار جسر الطريق الذي يربط جزيرة سانت جورج بالجزيرة الرئيسية. وكان لا بد من إعادة بنائها. كما دمرت "برياك ووتر" في حوض بناء السفن، الذي كان لا بد من إصلاحه. 1900. 17 سبتمبر رياح قوة الإعصار. افتقدتة من مدة قريبة. 1915. 34 سبتمبر، إعصار تسبب في باخرة بولوكشيلدز أن تحطم على الشعاب المرجانية من الشاطئ الجنوبي. فقد سيد حياته. الأمطار الغزيرة والرياح 82 ميلا في الساعة. 1916. إعصار يوم 23 سبتمبر. 1917. 4 سبتمبر، العاصفة مع المد والجزر لم يسبق لها مثيل. 1918. 45 سبتمبر. إعصار مباشر. 1921. 15 سبتمبر. إعصار تقريبا ضرب مباشرة، مع هبوب 120 ميلا في الساعة. 1922. وقع الإعصار مباشرة فى 21 سبتمبر الماضى. الرياح إلى 120 ميلا في الساعة و 8 أقدام عاصفة العواصف. 1923. 30 سبتمبر العاصفة مرت إلى نو مع الرياح تصل إلى 62 ميلا في الساعة. 1 926. 22 أكتوبر / هافانا برمودا إعصار الفئة 4 مباشرة. رياح من 114 ميلا في الساعة. وقد قتل 88 شخصا في برمودا، وأحدث الدمار الذي لحق ببيرمودا حتى الآن، وتسبب في أضرار بلغت 100 مليون. الفئة الرابعة. عندما مرت مباشرة على الجزيرة، كانت هناك هبوب الرياح تصل إلى 143 عقدة. وقد غرقت سفينتان حربيتان بريطانيتان، كلكتا وفاليريان، و 88 شخصا توفوا خلال هذه العاصفة كانوا جميعا بحارة وضباط على متن السفينة فاليريان. وكانت مسؤولة في نهاية المطاف عن ما مجموعه 738 حالة وفاة، من بينهم 650 شخصا في كوبا. انظر تحت هذا التاريخ في برمودا-online. orghistory1900-1951.htm 1932. 12 نوفمبر. اجتاحت العاصفة 100 ميل إلى الشرق. مع هبوب الرياح إلى 91 ميلا في الساعة. 1 939. 16 أكتوبر. إعصار مرت 50 ميلا شرقا، الرياح تصل إلى 100 ميلا في الساعة مع الهبات 131 ميلا في الساعة. مطر غزير. 1 947. أكتوبر 20 إعصار 40 ميلا إلى شمال غرب مع الرياح تصل إلى 100 ميلا في الساعة. 1948 (ط). 13 سبتمبر. إعصار 50 ميلا إلى الغرب، و 800-100 ميل في الساعة من الرياح والهواتف وقطع الكهرباء. 1948 (ب). 7 أكتوبر / تشرين الأول. الرياح 110 ميلا في الساعة. 1953 (ط). 5 سبتمبر. إعصار كارول مرت 200 ميل غربا، مما يعطي برمودا الرياح 50-60 ميلا في الساعة. 1953 (ب). سبتمبر 12. العاصفة الاستوائية دوللي مرت على، ولكن فقط مع المطر والرياح. 1953 (ج). 17 سبتمبر. إعصار إدنا مرت في غضون 50 ميلا مع رياح من 120 ميلا في الساعة، والأمطار الغزيرة والكثير من الأضرار التي لحقت الأسقف. وأصيب ثلاثة أشخاص بجراح. 1958. 28 سبتمبر. إعصار كان 230 ميلا قبالة. مع 30 ميلا في الساعة الرياح ولكن قصف الأمواج. 1961. أكتوبر / تشرين الأول 67. هرب الإعصار فرانسيس، الرياح قليلا ولكن قصف الأمواج. 1962. أكتوبر 6. إعصار ديزي يفتقد 120 ميلا، الرياح إلى 66 ميلا في الساعة مع الأمواج الثقيلة. تاريخ الأعاصير (ب) 1963-الحاضر التي أثرت برمودا 1963. أغسطس 9. إعصار أرلين ضربة مباشرة، الرياح إلى 90 ميلا في الساعة، الكثير من الأضرار التي لحقت الغطاء النباتي. كانت تهدد الجزيرة لمدة أسبوع تقريبا قبل أن تأتي إلى الشاطئ. في أعقابها غادرت مئات من القوارب والمنازل ومناطق واسعة من الغطاء النباتي دمرت أو تضررت. وكانت هذه هي المرة الأولى منذ عقد من الزمان الذي لا يعرقل فيه الإعصار طريقه بعيدا عن الجزيرة. 964- وأصيبت العصابات الخارجية للإعصار غلاديس برمودا بالرياح، ولكنها لم تلحق أضرارا طفيفة في حال الإبلاغ عنها رسميا. ومع ذلك، فإنه تسبب بعض المشاكل. في قاعدة العمليات البحرية الأمريكية، برمودا. كان مركز العمل في حالات الطوارئ للأفراد العسكريين الموجودين هناك هو التجمع الحركي الذي كان موجودا في ذلك الوقت في شماعات الطائرات القديمة. كانت آمنة بما فيه الكفاية، ولكن محاصرين أساسا دون طعام. حاول العديد منهم الوصول إلى المطبخ للحصول على الإمدادات لكنهم عادتهم العاصفة. عند نقطة واحدة مرت العين مباشرة فوق القاعدة. قفزوا إلى عدة سيارات وسابقوا إلى قاعة الفوضى لتخزين الطعام وركضوا إلى الشماعات التي مرت بها العين واستؤنفت العاصفة. بخلاف القاعدة البحرية الأمريكية المذكورة أعلاه في باريش ساوثامبتون، التي كان لها منزل القوة الخاصة بها والمرافق تحت الأرض كان الضوء الوحيد المرئي من القاعدة منارة جيبس هيل. 1965 - لم يكن الإعصار آنا يشكل تهديدا مباشرا لبرمودا. 1966. 31 أغسطس هامش الإعصار الإيمان. والأمطار الغزيرة والرياح إلى 62 ميلا في الساعة. 1971. 23 سبتمبر. إعصار جنجر يمر جنوب برمودا، مع موجات ثقيلة والرياح قوة العاصفة لمدة 17 ساعة. ولكن لم تقع خسائر في الأرواح أو أضرار. فشل مرور الأعاصير في التخفيف من ظروف الجفاف المستمرة. بيد ان التهديد تسبب فى وجود البحرية الملكية فى برمودا لاجلاء سفينة، وقام الجيش الامريكى باجلاء بعض الطائرات وسفرتين سياحيتين زائرتين تركتا فى وقت مبكر لتجنب التهديد. 1 973. يوليو 34. إعصار أليس، على بعد 26 ميلا، ولكن الأمطار الغزيرة. 1975. 26 سبتمبر إعصار فايي على بعد 40 ميلا، والرياح القوية والأمطار الغزيرة. 1977. 27 سبتمبر. إعصار دوروثي 60 ميلا إلى سي، الأمطار الغزيرة. 1981. 7 سبتمبر. إعصار إميلي مرت، فقط مع 35 ميلا في الساعة الرياح. 1987. 25 سبتمبر إعصار إميلي. سوى فئة واحدة، تحركت بشكل غير متوقع بسرعة، مما تسبب في الأعاصير والفوضى والكثير من الضرر. مع تسجيل هبوب الرياح حتى 125 ميلا في الساعة، تم القبض على العديد من الحراس حيث من المتوقع أن تفوت الجزيرة العاصفة. وقد تسببت إميلي في حدوث العديد من الفوضى والضرر على نطاق واسع في السيارات والقوارب، على الرغم من أن المنازل تعرضت لأضرار جسيمة أثناء مرور العواصف أيضا. أصيب القديس جورج بجروح بالغة، كما كان فندق هاميلتون برينسيس عندما تحطمت جميع النوافذ ال 80. وقد تم علاج اكثر من 100 شخص فى مستشفى الملك ادوارد السابع التذكارى لعظام مكسورة من الحطام المتساقط وانفجرت جزء من سقف المستشفيات. في نهاية المطاف تسببت إميلي 35 مليون في الأضرار التي لحقت الجزيرة. وقتل N واحد ولكن إميلي كان أقوى إعصار لضرب برمودا منذ عام 1948. 1989. أغسطس 4. العاصفة الاستوائية عميد 23 ميلا مع 90 ميلا في الساعة الرياح. 1991. أكتوبر 2729. أشكال الإعصار غريس في منطقة برمودا، تحوم، أعطى البحار الضخمة. 1995. 14 أغسطس إعصار فيليكس 50 ميلا بعيدا، الرياح تصل إلى 75 ميلا في الساعة، وقصف تصفح لمدة 3 أيام على الشاطئ الجنوبي. وكان من المتوقع أن تمر فيليكس في غضون 14 ميلا من برمودا ولكن انحرف فجأة بعيدا، وتوفير الجزيرة من تأثير مباشر. وعلى الرغم من ذلك، شعرت برمودا بالرياح القوية التي عصفت بها الأعاصير لأكثر من ثماني ساعات، وكان لا بد من تأجيل استفتاء استقلال طال انتظاره. وقد خفضت العاصفة القوة إلى حوالي 18 ألف منزل وتسببت في أضرار تقدر ب 2.5 مليون شخص. 1996. أكتوبر 20. إعصار ليلي 140 ميلا إلى سي والمطر والرياح 42 عقدة. 1997. أكتوبر 89. إعصار إريكا 300 ميلا، لا ضرر. 1998 (ط). 23 سبتمبر. إعصار دانيال 200 ميل شمال غرب. المطر، والعواصف الرعدية، والرياح إلى 46 ميلا في الساعة. 1998 (ب). سبتمبر 2122. شكل إعصار كارل بالقرب من برمودا. كانت الرياح تصل إلى 44 ميلا في الساعة مع الاستحمام الثقيلة و ثوندرشورز. 1 998 '3'. 6 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني إعصار ميتش. أضرار جسيمة خارج برمودا ولكن الأمطار الغزيرة وهبوب الرياح في برمودا إلى 69 ميلا في الساعة. 1999. 21 سبتمبر. إعصار جيرت مرت 120 ميلا شرق برمودا. هبوب الرياح تصل إلى 75 ميلا في الساعة، العديد من الشواطئ التالفة. 2000 سبتمبر 16. إعصار فلورنسا على بعد 60 ميلا. رياح تصل إلى 50 عقدة. 2001 (ط). 9 سبتمبر. إعصار إيرين كان 90 ميلا إلى E. ولكن مع الرياح الاستوائية فقط العاصفة التي تسبب موجات الضرب وبعض التآكل الساحلي. 2001. '2' 7 تشرين الأول / أكتوبر هددت العاصفة الاستوائية ميشيل بالنهج. الضرر قليلا. 2001. '3'. شهر اكتوبر. وعلى الرغم من أن كارين لم تصبح إعصارا حتى كانت قد ابتعدت بالفعل عن الجزيرة، فإن النظام استولى على برمودا على حين غرة. بسرعة بناء من اضطراب الضغط المنخفض لعاصفة استوائية على عتبة بابنا. وصلت الرياح إلى 74 ميلا في الساعة، بالقرب من الأعاصير، وتدمير النباتات والحد من خطوط الكهرباء، مما ترك أكثر من ثلثي الجزيرة بدون سلطة. 2002. 30 سبتمبر. إعصار كايل جاء ضمن 100 ميل بحري إلى الجنوب. ولكن مع تأثير يذكر. 2003. 5 سبتمبر / أيلول. دمر الإعصار فابيان برمودا. كانت أقوى عاصفة لضرب ساحل برمودا خلال أربعة عقود. وبدأت أقل ما يقال عندما استيقظت برمودا على رياح تتأرجح بين 25 ميلا في الساعة و 37 ميلا في الساعة كما كان إعصار فابيان مشاهد على برمودا. واقترب الإعصار من الجزيرة من الجنوب والجنوب الغربي وانتقل إلى الشمال. وعاصفة العاصفة، التي كانت على بعد 50 ميلا من الشمال إلى الجنوب و 30 ميلا من الشرق إلى الغرب، ثم سافرت عبر الجزيرة وبذلك أعلى رياح. وكان جدار العين متجاورا للغرب الذي يجلس على الجزيرة لمدة ثلاث ساعات تقريبا في الربع الشمالي الشرقي، وهو عادة أقوى جزء من العاصفة. بحلول الساعة 55/51 عندما سجلت أقوى رياح تبلغ 150 ميلا في الساعة، فقدت الجزيرة بالفعل أربعة أرواح على جسر. ماتوا جميعا عندما اجتاحوا من جسر خلال الإعصار. الكمبيوتر. ستيفن أنطوان سيمونز، 37، P. C. نيكول أوكونور (29 عاما)، ضابط غلاف الطائرة، غلاديس سوندرز، 48 عاما، كانا محاصرين على الجسر في سيارة واحدة. ستيفن أنطوان سيمونز الدجاج، 37 عاما، كان واحدا من اثنين من الضباط يرافقون ضابط واجب المحطة غلاديس سوندرز، والعودة إلى منزلها في داكس بادل، باريش هاميلتون. وكان مانويل باتشيكو / 23 عاما / وهو موظف بمؤسسة هاميلتون، عالقا فى الرعاية الثانية خلفه فى حوالى الساعة 2.30 بعد الظهر. وكان عائدا إلى دياره بعد تأمين زورقه في سانت ديفيدز. وعلى الرغم من بذل محاولات لإنقاذهم، فإن رجال الإطفاء وضباط الشرطة والعاملين في البناء اضطروا إلى إحباط المهمة عندما أصبحت العاصفة سيئة للغاية. إن جثة P. C. تم العثور على سيمونز بعد يومين ولم ينظر إلى الضحايا الآخرين مرة أخرى. وخلال يوم فابيان، أفادت التقارير بأن العواصف تقترب من 160 ميلا في الساعة، في حوالي الساعة 4.55 مساء. فإن معدات رصد خدمات الطقس في برمودا قد قلت بسبب ارتفاع المياه لمسافة ثمانية أقدام فوق مستوى سطح البحر وتوقف التسجيل لمدة ساعتين. وكان طاقم طاقم الارصاد الجوية محظوظين بامتلاك معدات لمراقبة بعد ان قال عالم الارصاد الجوية برايان كولتس للصحيفة الملكية ان خمسة عقدة اخرى ستفجر سقف ملاجئها الذى قصفته القوات الامريكية. وفى حوالى الساعة 6.55 مساء كانت العين شمال برمودا واتجاه الرياح تحولت من اتجاه غربي على الجانب الأضعف نسبيا من العاصفة. وبحلول الساعة 11.55 مساء من اليوم التالي، مرت الرياح الإعصارية رسميا فوق الجزيرة، مع سرعات ثابتة تبلغ 40 عقدة (46 ميلا في الساعة) تصل إلى 52 عقدة (60 ميلا في الساعة) لتصل إلى الجزيرة. من ذلك الحين، كان هناك انخفاض مطرد في سرعة الرياح كما فابيان انفجرت في المحيط الأطلسي شمالا، وبحلول 4.55 صباحا يوم السبت كان مركز الطقس بالكاد تسجيل الظروف العاصفة الاستوائية، مع رياح مستمرة في 36 عقدة (41 ميلا في الساعة). ولكن ما تركه في أعقابه كان شيئا سوى الهدوء. وقدرت التكاليف المقدرة للضرر الناجم عن العاصفة في منطقة 300 مليون نسمة. وقد تركت حوالى 25 الف منزل و 32 الف منزل بدون سلطة، بيد انه بحلول منتصف بعد ظهر يوم الاحد ذكرت بيلكو ان 11 الف منزل استعيدت قوتها. وصل فريق مكون من 20 عضوا من جمعية الكاريبى الكهربائية فى كايمان الى يوم الثلاثاء لتقديم المساعدة حيث يمكنهم ذلك. غير أن الطرف الشرقي للجزيرة قد توقف لمدة أيام بعد أن كان جسر الطريق غير مقبول. بعد أيام كان مفتوحا لحركة المرور في اتجاه واحد، ولكن لا تزال مغلقة ليلا، وأخيرا في أكتوبر الشريان الرئيسي للجزيرة كان يعمل كالمعتاد. فقد عانت فنادق برمودا من ارتفاع سقف فندق سونستا بيتش هوتلز، كما كافح فندق فيرمونت ساوثامبتون لتحل محل سقفه. فابيان ضرب بسهولة في بداية العام الدراسي، وكان يعني افتتاح المدارس الحكومية تأخر أسبوعا وأنها لم تفتح حتى سبتمبر 15. قضى سانت جورج الإعدادية أشهر تعافى بعد العاصفة التي ألحقت فسادا في المبنى وبعد عامين إعصار فابيان دمر الجزيرة بدأت وزارة الحدائق ووزارة الأشغال والهندسة إصلاح مدخل خليج الكنيسة، الذي أصيب بأضرار بالغة. وفي وقت لاحق، قامت مؤسسة 5 سبتمبر، وهي مؤسسة خيرية مسجلة، ببناء مقعد تذكاري في كيندلي فيلد بارك، بالقرب من مكان المأساة. الأساس منذ إنشاء صندوق للمنح الدراسية للأطفال الضحايا فابيان. سبتمبر. تسبب الإعصار فلورنسا فقط في أضرار سطحية بشكل عام. وكان 23،000 من أصل 68،500 من سكان انقطاع الكهرباء. وقد تضرر فندق واحد فقط، مع اختفاء شاطئ آخر. وقد أعطت الصحف الأمريكية والكندية وخدمات الإنترنت ومصادر إخبارية أخرى الإعصار تغطية واسعة النطاق ولكن لم يرد ذكر لها في هيئة الإذاعة البريطانية في المملكة المتحدة أو في الصحف أو ما يعادلها في أوروبا. 19 سبتمبر. إعصار إيغور. وتوقع أن تكون عاصفة الوحش على نطاق 500 ميل بحري ميلا الفئة الثالثة انهار النظام قبل الهبوط، ولكن الجانب تمرير الجزيرة خلال الليل مع الرياح العاتية والموجات والأمطار وبعض الفيضانات في الأماكن. ومع ذلك، لم تسبب أي وفيات أو إصابات خطيرة. كان الضرر سطحيا في الغالب حيث المنازل والفنادق هي مبنية من الحجر، وليس الخشب. ولكن الأشجار سقطت على الطرق والكهرباء، وتلفزيون الكابل، والإذاعة والتلفزيون وانقطاع الإنترنت وقعت. لا يوجد ذكر في المملكة المتحدة. وتم تخفيض الإعصار إلى عاصفة من الفئة الأولى عند اقترابه من الجزيرة، ولم يقترب من أقرب ما كان متوقعا. بيد ان العاصفة مازالت تسبب الفيضانات فى سومرست وسانت جورج ومزقت العديد من القوارب من مراسيها بما فى ذلك العطاء الحكومى البرمودي. حوالي 80 في المئة من عملاء بلكو، 28،700 المنازل والشركات، فقدت السلطة. وتم استعادة الكهرباء إلى جميع المنازل، باستثناء 5.600 منزل في اليوم التالي. 2012. سبتمبر 5. العاصفة الاستوائية ليسلي تشكل تهديدا ولكن لم يدوم. 2014. 12 أكتوبر / تشرين الأول تعرضت برمودا لضربة شديدة من قبل العاصفة الاستوائية فاي التي كان يتوقع من مصادر أمريكية لتمرير إلى الشرق مجرد عاصفة مدارية أو فئة واحدة إعصار. وبدلا من ذلك، عززت فجأة ومرت مباشرة فوق برمودا دون أي إنذار مسبق. سكان شهدت 80-120 ميلا في الساعة الرياح العاصفة في وقت لاحق ذكرت أن بلغت ذروتها في 155 ميلا في الساعة. انهارت أشجار جوز الهند وغيرها من الأشجار، ومنع الوصول إلى المنازل. وتضرر العديد من الأسطح. وأغلقت جميع المدارس وفقدت أحدها سقفها. وفقد ثلثا المنازل الكهرباء عندما انفجرت خطوط الكهرباء العلوية. انقطاع التيار الكهربائي يعني عدم وجود الطاقة، لا المياه الجارية، لا المراحيض بيغ، لا الثلاجات أو تكييف الهواء، لا راديو أو التلفزيون أو الإنترنت. وقد دمرت العديد من القوارب وحلقت حاويات الشحن من ميناء هاميلتون إلى الميناء. كان هذا إعصار سريع، غاضب ولكن قصير الأجل. أكتوبر 2015. وتلقت برمودا ضربة مباشرة من إعصار غونزالو بعد أسبوع واحد فقط من حدثها الأخير، ولكن بسبب التحذيرات السابقة، كانت هذه المرة على استعداد جيد. وقد توقفت الخطوط الجوية عن الطيران قبل ذلك لمدة طويلة، وسفينة الرحلات البحرية المخصصة لبرمودا، وقامت بزيارة الموانئ الأخرى بدلا من ذلك. مرة أخرى انهارت أشجار جوز الهند وغيرها من الأشجار، ومنع الوصول إلى المنازل. بعض الأسطح تضررت أو فقدت. أغلقت جميع الأعمال والمدارس في وقت مبكر. فقد ثلثا المنازل الكهرباء. انقطاع التيار الكهربائي يعني عدم وجود الطاقة، لا المياه الجارية، لا المراحيض بيغ، لا الثلاجات أو تكييف الهواء، لا راديو أو التلفزيون أو الإنترنت. وقد دمرت بعض القوارب. ارسلت البحرية الملكية البريطانية سفينة حربية للمساعدة فى جهود الانتعاش وكانت شركات الكهرباء فى منطقة البحر الكاريبى (على بعد 900 ميل) فى حالة استعداد. 2015. 4 أكتوبر. إعصار جواكين مرت ضمن 75 ميلا من برمودا. غرق الجزيرة مع هطول أمطار غزيرة. ولكن لم يكن هناك ضرر كبير. 2016. 24 سبتمبر. العاصفة الاستوائية كارل نحي الماضي الجزيرة مع الحد الأدنى من التأثير، ولكن أكثر من 800 العملاء بيلكو كانوا من دون السلطة، وإدارة الحدائق وينصح السباحين لتجنب المياه على جميع الشواطئ الشاطئ الجنوبي، مع ارتفاع لا يزال مرتفعا. 2016. 13 أكتوبر. ضرب إعصار نيكول، ثم في الفئة 4، برمودا. وهو وراء بعض الأضرار الجسيمة التي لحقت بالبنية التحتية للجزيرة. It caused walls and roads to collapse, tore roofs off buildings, ripped up trees, smashed boats against rocks and flooded numerous homes and roads. Walls were damaged along the Causeway, the only route to and from the airport. The Royal Bermuda Regiment was a principal player during and after. Many power lines were downed. Flooding victims included Victor Scott Primary School, while Baileys Bay Cricket Clubs structure suffered extensive damage. Residents near Elbow Beach report a significant outflow from a broken pipe. Other damages are significant. No major marine incidents took place during the storm. Many houses around the island were damaged. Nicole was the biggest hurricane of recent years to make landfall. American system of hurricane assessment - used in Bermuda The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale classifies hurricanes thus: 1 . Pressure 28.94 inches or more. Wind speed of 74 to 95 mph, 4-5 foot storm surge but not much damage. 2 - Pressure 28.50-28.93 inches. Wind speed of 96 to 110 mph, storm surge 6-8 feet. moderate damage. 3 - Pressure 27.91-28.49 inches. Wind speed of 111 to 130 mph, storm surge 9-12 feet, damage extensive. 4 - Pressure 27.17-27.9 inches. Wind speed of 131 to 155 mph, storm surge 13-18 feet, damage very extensive. 5. Pressure less than 27.17 inches, winds greater than 155 mph, storm surge higher than 18 feet, catastrophic damage Last Updated: February 20, 2017. Multi-national 2017 by Bermuda Online. All Rights Reserved. Conversational Hypnosis Conversational Hypnosis Training quotMaster Hypnotist Reveals Forbidden Secret Of How To Control Peoples Minds ( Without Their Knowledge) And Make Them Obey Covert Commands During Normal Conversationquot Best Part: Subjects wont have a clue whats going on as you quickly and easily put them in a hypnotic trance. implant your specific suggestions. و. direct their thoughts and actions to do exactly what you want all while they are wide awake and talking with you. Keep reading to find out what the American Medical Association, the quotGreatest Hypnotist of All Timequot and the current hypnosis establishment kept hidden under quotlock and keyquot for decades and hoped youd never discover. You really can hypnotize people in every day situations. Quickly and easily. Without them knowing whats going on. While theyre fully awake. yet. under your hypnotic spell. Instantly obedient. Ready, willing and able to do as you say. While that may sound a little far-fetched I will prove every word is true. So take a few short minutes and read this web page. Because youre about to discover some amazing things including. Why The quotGreatest Hypnotist of All Timequot Tried To Keep This Powerful Secret Out Of The Mainstream. Dr. Milton H. Erickson, MD, Ph. D. was the leading authority on hypnosis. He spent 60-years learning, studying and testing hypnosis techniques. Many of them he pioneered. His skills became so proficient he could hypnotize subjects while talking with them. They had no idea what was happening. Yet they followed Dr. Ericksons commands on cue. The main focus of his work was on applying hypnosis in medical or therapeutic environments. He also used his knowledge in daily situations to gain a considerable advantage over others. For example, up until 1953 doctors were banned from using hypnosis while treating patients. The American Medical Association (AMA) prohibited members from the practice. Dr. Erickson believed hypnosis was a viable and effective therapeutic tool. To keep his medical license, he became an expert at hypnotizing patients during quotnormalquot conversation. He broke the rules and taught himself. How To Put People In A Waking Trance Without Anyone Knowing About It. Complete secrecy was of the utmost importance. At the same time, Dr. Erickson refused to teach hypnosis to anyone other than licensed doctors, dentists and psychologists. He felt his techniques were too powerful for the average person. They could be used irresponsibly to the detriment of others. With negative consequences like these. As reported by CBS News, ABC News, BBC News, Associated Press and Reuters. Man Caught On Video Hypnotizing Cashiers Into Handing Over Cash Without Resistance Or Memory Of What Happened. The full BBC report states: Hypnotist thief hunted in Italy Police in Italy have issued footage of a man who is suspected of hypnotising supermarket checkout staff to hand over money from their cash registers. In every case, the last thing staff reportedly remember is the thief leaning over and saying: quotLook into my eyesquot, before finding the till empty. In the latest incident captured on CCTV, he targeted a bank at Ancona in northern Italy, then calmly walked out. A female bank clerk reportedly handed over nearly 800 euros (1200). The cashier who was shown the video footage has no memory of the incident, according to Italian media, and only realised what had happened when she saw the money missing. CCTV from the bank showed her apparently being hypnotised by the man, according to the reports. Italian police believe the suspect could be of Indian or North African extraction. Of course, the above is an extreme case of using the power of hypnosis illegally. It does prove the point, however, that hypnosis in the wrong hands is a devastating tool . The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. quot was formed to promote and advance the contributions made to the health sciences by the late Milton H. Erickson, MD. quot The foundations official position is no one can practice hypnosis other than licensed doctors, dentists or psychologists. In fact, no one but licensed members of one of those professions, can join the society, attend their meetings, buy or borrow items from their library or practice hypnosis. Anyway, the AMA got wind of what Dr. Erickson was doing behind their backs. They scheduled a quotdisciplinary hearingquot (more like a professional massacre) to publicly shame and strip him of his license. They didnt count on the shocking events about to happen next. American Medical Association Lifts Ban And Allows Doctors To Use Hypnosis In Their Practice. Heres the story and why it matters to you. The hearing was set to take place in New York City. Dr. Erickson knew he had to take matters into his own hands before attending. He had to strike preemptively to secure his license and reputation. Legend has it, Dr. Erickson found out when the president of the AMA was flying to New York. و. he arranged to be on the same flight. You can imagine the tension when the president saw Dr. Erickson boarding the airplane. You could probably cut it with a knife. After a few minutes the atmosphere changed dramatically. Both the president and another board member who came along with him felt at ease with Dr. Erickson. They actually liked him. After all, he was the same Dr. Erickson who snubbed his nose at their sacred rules. He was the same man who practiced hypnosis without their permission. He was the same man they had every intention of crucifying at the hearing just hours away . Now they both felt a deep sense of respect and a binding rapport with him. The reason that happened is simple: Dr. Erickson applied his covert hypnosis techniques - while they were conversing - to win the other men to his side. They suspected nothing. As a result, the hearing went without a hitch. Dr. Erickson got to keep his license and was vindicated. The following year, the American Medical Association reversed its position on hypnosis. It was now an acceptable form of therapeutic treatment. What this means to you is. Hypnosis Works And Is Accepted By The Leading Medical Organizations In The Country. Hypnosis happens naturally all the time . Ever get into your car and arrive to a destination without remembering how you got there Thats a perfect example of quotnatural hypnosisquot at work. You were literally in a self-induced trance. و. your unconscious mind was quotdrivingquot the car for you. Im sure youve experienced something similar. Its nothing unusual. This occurs all the time. To all of us. Keep in mind, Dr. Erickson used covert hypnosis (actually, he was a quot semi-covertquot hypnotist) techniques in many varied instances. He used them to help people overcome fears and phobias. He used them to help the chronically ill ease their pain. And, of course, he used them to influence, ethically control and persuade others. These techniques can be applied in any situation in life, work or personal relationships by. Therapists . Health Professionals. Counselors . SalespeopleConsultants. Business Owners . AgentsNegotiators . ExecutivesManagers. Coaches . ParentsTeachers. Anyone But there are two big (very big) problems: (1) Unless you are a licensed doctor, dentist or psychologist you cant access Dr. Ericksons discoveries. و. (2) Even if you can get access good luck trying to learn it. Because he did not leave a step-by-step program teaching his techniques. ( Side note: Dr. Erickson passed away in 1980. He published an enormous amount of material on the subject of hypnotherapy. But he did not write an instructional quotblueprintquot about covert hypnosis.) Piecing together the puzzle took me nearly a decade. Do you have that kind of time Finding and learning true covert hypnotic techniques is almost impossible. No matter who you are. The simple truth is they are not available to you . unless. you discover. The Little-Known Secrets They Dont Want You To Know. مرحبا. My name is Igor Ledochowski. Back in 2002, I was the first hypnotist to release a full audio course on conversational hypnosis. That course is still the number one best-selling hypnosis course in the world . المزيد عن ذلك في وقت لاحق. You may have read my book The Deep Trance Training Manual Vol. 1 - It sent shock waves throughout the hypnosis community. The first printing sold out in record time. Or maybe youve heard about my successful Conversational Hypnosis Professional Hypnotherapy certification program. This six-day training program is enthusiastically endorsed by the International Association of Professional Conversational Hypnotists . Maybe youve attended one of my Master Classes for hypnotherapists. Or perhaps bought one of my many other programs or publications. The point is, I am one of the worlds foremost experts and trainers on covert hypnosis. In the rest of this message Im going to reveal. How to get your hands on the secrets Dr. Erickson, the American Medical Association. و. the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. would prefer you never come across on your own. I stumbled upon hypnosis while attending Exeter University in England. At the time, my dream was to become a hot-shot lawyer. Which I accomplished. To make that happen, I needed to learn a lot as quickly as humanly possible. A friend mentioned that hypnosis could help me . So I watched some tapes. listened to some audios. و. began applying the information. Pretty soon, I was able to. Accomplish Twice The Work In Half The Time. The results were fantastic. كنت مدمن مخدرات. And I decided to figure out ways to use hypnosis in every day situations. I went on a learning frenzy with the same intensity as a school of starving piranhas. First, I found out Dr. Milton Erickson was the best source of information on hypnosis. So I dug deep and uncovered five volumes of unpublished works - academic texts - he authored. I poured over those texts night and day. until. the information became second nature. Then, I researched any available papers, journals, articles and whatever else I could find written by Dr. Erickson from whatever source I could tap. Somehow I came across a few videos where Dr. Erickson trained a group of hypnotherapists. I probably watched those videos several dozen times. What can I say I was a man on a mission. Finally, I went so far as to track down several top Ericksonian therapists and trainers and study directly with them. Some of these hypnotherapists had worked side-by-side with Dr. Erickson for a number of years. I also took several 4 - 7 day and 2 - 3 week training courses. و. probably spent over 1,000 hours reading, watching videos and studying. Unfortunately, some of the training I received was wrong and counter-productive. It took several years to finally get the whole truth about hypnosis. Once that happened, I applied everything I learned in the real world. I practiced hypnosis on my friends, family and eventually (using covert methods) on complete strangers. And then I was ready to take my knowledge into the professional world. I became obsessed with the idea of using hypnosis to. Influence And Persuade People (Without Them Being Aware Of It) In Everyday Situations. After a few years as a lawyer I decided that wasnt really for me. And I started working with corporations as a coach. In fact, several Fortune 500 companies hired me. In that environment, I had to figure out a quotstealthyquot undetectable way to make others accept my suggestions. Because you cant just sit a corporate executive down and hypnotize them. The covert hypnosis techniques I developed needed to work quickly at the unconscious level. وفعلوا. I easily gained control, commanded attention and compelled compliance from anyone. How did I develop these totally covert techniques Good question. The answer is I took everything I had discovered from Dr. Erickson. و. isolated the main principles he taught. Thats when I realized he was using semi-covert hypnosis on subjects. I wanted to use completely covert hypnosis . By isolating the principles behind his techniques I knew what made them work. I then tested different ways to turn his semi-covert strategies into truly quotunder-the-conscious-radarquot strategies . Ones you can use any time during normal conversations. Without being detected by the subject or bystanders. Success at the corporate level led me to open a hypnotherapy clinic. In private practice, I dealt with everything from relationship problems, smoking issues, weight loss, fears, phobias and just about anything else a therapist encounters. And again, my covert methods worked like a charm. I had finally learned how to use the forbidden secret of true covert hypnosis. Something even Dr. Erickson was not totally familiar with. Because in reality Dr. Erickson relied on semi-covert techniques (not completely covert ones) to hypnotize subjects. I began training others in my covert hypnosis methods. And my schedule was booked up in no time. Private coaching students cheerfully shelled out 6,900 per person . It dawned on me more people could be reached if I packaged my private coaching sessions into a home study course. Thats what I did in 2002 when I released the first version of my conversational hypnosis course. Now, Im releasing a bigger and better version . quotThe Brand New Power of Conversational Hypnosisquot The Number One Best-Selling Home Study Hypnosis Course In The World. Let me point something out before I go on. The Milton H. Erickson Foundation, Inc. is staunchly against hypnosis being taught to average people. However, my work has so impressed them that one of the senior members of the foundation allowed my publishing company to use this quote about my book The Deep Trance Training Manual Vol. 1 published in 2003. quotEven after 40-years of studying hypnosis, I am impressed with Igor Ledochowskis contribution to the field. quot Dr. Daniel Araoz American Board of Professional Hypnosis Professor of Mental Health Counseling, Long Island University Director Emeritus Long Island Institute of Ericksonian Hypnosis Long Island, New York Why is this important Because Dr. Araoz is essentially endorsing me and the hypnosis techniques I developed and teach. Since my book was published, Ive gained far more knowledge and insights into the practical use of conversational hypnosis. The best part for you is that all the new secrets Ive discovered about covert hypnosis are covered in the new version of my best-selling program. Also, and this is really important : I designed the course to train your unconscious mind so it becomes automatic to use covert hypnosis any time in any situation. You get audio instruction of me demonstrating these powerful covert hypnosis techniques. Plus, you get full transcripts of every word as a downloadable PDF. And, you get simple exercises to hone your hypnotic skills from the very first session. The entire program is structured in a logical, step-by-step, easy-to-understand and easy-to-apply manner. By the time you read the main manual, listen to the audios and do the exercises you will become a master of conversational hypnosis. Ill take you by the hand and teach you the techniques that took me over a decade to discover and perfect. Just follow my lead and youre all set. Heres a quotsneak peekquot at the secrets each section of the course reveals. Section 1: How Conversational Hypnosis Gives You The Power To Get Others To Do Exactly What You Want The three crucial factors that make conversational hypnosis produce fantastic results in real-world situations (These factors almost force people to fall under your quotspellquot. because. they collapse a subjects defenses, pierce the unconscious mind and put you in control. If you dont use all three every time your attempts will fail.) The very first thing you must learn about hypnosis (It will set you straight about whats really possible. and impossible. when hypnotizing someone. Most people have a huge misconception about this and end up making big mistakes. Dont let that happen to you) Why - and when - hypnosis sometimes does not work (The true story of how Dr. Erickson - despite his best efforts - could not get a nurse to slap someone in the face under trance. Funny Maybe. But it illustrates using hypnosis in the wrong way can backfire. On the other hand, when you know this secret you can use hypnosis the right way and get what you want almost every single time) Why the CIA failed to create a quothypnotic assassinquot like in The Manchurian Candidate What you can learn from the infamous quothypnotic messengerquot story about getting people to willingly comply with your hypnotic commands, orders and suggestions (Youll like reading about this) A simple five-word definition of what hypnosis is (Write it down and commit it to memory because this is exactly what youll be doing to get others to comply with your requests) Why hypnosis is a perfectly natural state we all experience from time to time How to break a negative hypnotic spell thats been cast on you (Think your quotimmunequot to this Then think again. Because unproductive hypnotic inductions happen constantly. Some of them are effecting you without your knowledge right now. But there is one simple thing you can do - takes less than a minute - to purge yourself and keep these things from penetrating your mind) What quotmonoideaismquot is and why it matters to you as a practitioner of hypnosis How to tell when someone is in a self-induced or natural hypnotic trance The four mandatory stages of my hypnotic formula (Implement all four and you will have a conversational hypnotic interaction guaranteed Miss just one and you wont) An easy way to snag someones attention and keep them fixated on you Which is a critical skill to learn. إذا. becoming an expert at conversational hypnosis is important to you Section 2: How To Instantly Develop A Deep Connection With People So You Can Almost quotReadquot Their Minds The basic rule of thumb to building rapport with others fast How to properly use the technique of quotmatching and mirroringquot so complete strangers willingly to tell you their hidden secrets and welcome you with open arms (But watch out There is one big limitation to this technique. and. youd better find out what it is before using it) Why being quotnicequot is counter-productive and often a barrier to bonding with others While the explanation may sound illogical its the truth few students of hypnosis know How the quotLaw of Reversed Effectquot can kill your chances of establishing rapport How to use the quotLaw of Fractionationquot to get even hostile people to warm up to you Two simple ways to connect with people you find boring or dont particularly like (Sometimes the hypnotic subject is less than interestin ز. Heres how to overcome this hurdle and build a friendly rapport anyway that lets you gain their trust. و. gives you permission to quotcrawlquot inside their head ) The difference between Deep Rapport and Wide Rapport . و. which one is more important when youre in the process of creating trust Hypnotic Rapport: Why this is the most powerful formula for making people feel comfortable in your presence (5 easy steps to building an instant connection with almost any person - yes, even people who dont know you - on the planet) How to craft quotrapport hooksquot that practically force others to build rapport with you (An advanced rapport-building strategy that conditions people to look upon you as an authority figure. listen to your advice. and. accept your guidance. Which makes it a piece of cake to hypnotize them) How to quotreadquot people like an open book (This is how to recognize the often subliminal signals people give off so you can anticipate their every move. Milton Erickson was an expert at this fine art. In one instance, he was walking through a hospital and a female co-worker was about to walk past him. He noticed one subtle thing and congratulated her on being pregnant. Something she had just dis covered herself. Once you know this secret, youll have the power to tell what others are thinking even before they know) A fun exercise to help heighten your own sense of awareness (Now your powers of perception and intuition will become razor-sharp and subjects wont be able to resist your hypnotic influence) The Signal Recognition System: 12 signs to look for that reveal when someone is entering a hypnotic state and open to your suggestions Section 3: How To Alter Anyones State Of Mind On The Spot And Lead Them Into A Mesmerizing Hypnotic Trance The number one tool hypnotists use to alter someones state of mind (Youve been using this tool since you were about one-year old. Now Ill show you how to super-charge its powers.) How to focus someones attention on specific thoughts or ideas to the exclusion of everything else (The process I reveal takes people on a pleasant hypnotic journey and leads them to take the action you have in mind. Whether that action is: helping them make changes, overcome emotiona l issues, learn something new with ease or buy your product or service) Four principles to creating a quotsmooth-as-silkquot hypnotic conversation that flows naturally (Simple to learn. and once you do. youll never have trouble putting people under a hypnotic spell) How to pierce the critical conscious barrier and break through to the unconscious How the quotPiggy-Back Principlequot creates a resistance-free environment so your ideas get accepted (This is yet another way to by-pass the conscious barrier) How to use the quot4 Words of Powerquot to craft a powerful hypnotic theme A secret way to prime unconscious responses (I explain how to get someone to access certain experiences during hypnosis to unlock their unconscious mind and leave it unguarded. So I can implant any suggestion without struggle) How to master the art of hypnotic communication quickly (Here is the distilled wisdom of Milton Erickson simplified for anyone to learn Ive taken the quotMilton Modelquot and condensed it into the essentials of becoming proficient at communicating with others hypnotically Without having to spend decades learning this mandatory skill.) Why your success at hypnosis comes down to quothow you sayquot things . و. not necessarily the things you say (A famous scientific study - the Birdwhistell Study - proves this is true. And the implications for hypnotists are far greater than you might imagine.) 6 quotperformancequot principles master hypnotists rely on to gain (and keep) control of subjects Section 4: Secrets Of Getting People To Follow Your Suggestions Without Giving It A Second Thought Power tactics for establishing influential authority in personal and social situations (This is how you get others to look up to you with respect and deep admiration. Even if they never met you before.) How to quickly and easily gain a position as a quothigh statusquot figure others believe in . و. whose advice and direction they look forward to following (Youll be pleasantly surprised as your kids, spouse, co-workers and even people you usually quotbutt headsquot with begin doing what you ask.) A psychologically devastating strategy for getting someone with a dominant personality to give up control and finally be on your side (Theyll consciously think they still have the upper hand. yet. they unconsciously respond to you as an authority figure Amazing ) How the quotinstant power meditationquot technique installs the behavior patterns needed for you to stand out from the crowd. و. attract positive attention (Ill show you how to become the center of attention no matter how shy or introverted you are right now) 3 proven ways to project a calm and confident demeanor A fourth high status characteristic that conveys your personal power in no uncertain terms How to find out if someone is willing to be hypnotized. before . you even try How to bypass the quotcritical factorquot using these four strategic agreement tactics (Ill show you how to build a quotyes momentumquot that easily gets people to accept anything you tell them) The magic power of the hypnotic triple (How to condition someones mind to respond to your hypnotic suggestions eagerly) How to seed an outrageous idea (one that would normally get rejected) in someones mind so they eventually accept it without any critical thinking (I give you an example of how Milton Erickson did this with a patient who was uncomfortable being intimate with her partner. By using this subtle technique the patient overcame her problem in no time.) How a fundraiser used the quotsalami tacticquot to secure huge donations from donors who previously refused to give How to make people more responsive to your requests Section 5: The Key To Changing Another Persons Behavior And Getting Them To Act Now On Your Specific Commands The number one most important rule of persuasi on (Master hypnotists and sales people rely on this rule to easily change the way others think and behave. Do this youll have people wrapped around your little finger too) How to trigger the emotional responses needed to activate a peak performance state (Just this one single skill improves ability to focus, solve problems and achieve the so-called impossible) How the discovery of the quotknee-jerk reflexquot led scientists to the discovery of unconscious responses and emotional triggers (While the scientific community credits Ivan Pavlov with this breakthrough its not true. A virtually unknown American scientist stumbled upon this concept and did the first known experiment on activating unconscious reactions. Fascinating to say the least) How to set an emotional trigger in someone How to plant an idea into someones unconscious and have them follow your instructions days, weeks and even months later (Oh yes you can. and. Ill show you how) Special techniques for intensifying a subjects emotional response (A key factor, by the way, to success with hypnosis) How to induce any emotional state y ou want by activating someones imagination with innocent questions that create a vivid movie inside their mind (I call it the quotSteven Spielbergquot technique. و. when you get really good at this people will actually experience the mental image as real.) The amazing quotABSAIL Formulaquot for easy influence (Heres a nice tidy summary of the steps you need to take to make powerful behavioral changes in people) Section 6: Advanced Hypnotic Language Secrets That Let You Slip Undetected Suggestions Into The Unconscious Mind Quickly And Easily How and why emotion-drenched quothypnotic wordsquot help induce a trance Why enriching your vocabulary with quothot wordsquot is critical to influencing the maximum number of people (And a perfect example that illustrates the importance of adopting these words into your every day conversations) 3 great sources of quothot wordsquot to inspire and motivate you (Plus. another source you pass by at the supermarket checkout counter ) How to infuse your conversations with an emotional quotback kickquot using the power of the contrast principle (You cant help but capture attention using this secret) How to build a hyp notic theme chock-full of emotion-arousing words and language What quotpersonal trance wordsquot are. و. how to spot them when talking with another person (This separates true hypnotists from the rest of the pack. The wannabes dont understand how these words tap deep into the very core of human nature to inspire and motivate people with ease ) An elegant way to quotpressurequot the unconscious mind into taking action more quickly. more effectively. و. more efficiently (Think of it as a way to accelerate unconscious response ) Why people cant help but want something more if you tell them they cant have it (A quotquirkquot of human nature you can exploit to get your way. Especially when you use my linguistic devices designed to arouse unconscious anticipation and make people respond) How to cushion your commands so they are more easily accepted. و. why messing up here could cause you to hit a brick wall of resistance How to distract the conscious mind with one message. while. giving the unconscious mind a different message to work on at the same time (A sophisticated concept that lets you communicate using multiple layers to bypass the critical factor and easily embed suggestions) 5 more ways to distract the critical conscious factor by using conversational jiu-jitsu (Ill teach you the secrets of linguistic confusion. double negation. overloading. changing meaning. and. shock and surprise Your subjects wont stand a chance of resisting being hypnotized ) The quotAmnesia Techniquequot An example of how to temporarily erase someones short-term memory so they forget certain things while being hypnotized (This is why the cashier in the video above couldnt remember how the thief got her to hand over cash out of the register) How Dr. Milton Erickson discovered the concept of embedded suggestions (Up until the 1950s no one in the mental health field had a clue they existed. Then one day, Dr. Erickson had a flash of enlightenment and tested a theory that proved embe dded suggestions are real. و. can be easily placed in the unconscious mind. In his first experiment, a secretarys migraine headache vanished within 10 minutes) Section 7: How To Tell Hypnotic Stories That Captivate A Subjects Full Attention And Put You In Total Control Of Their Actions Part I Why stories are such a powerful tool of stealth influence How to create the most effective and enjoyable hypnotic experience using stories the subject identifies with (All the great persuaders since the dawn of mankind exploited - and continue to exploit - this universal psychological truth in almost every culture on earth) Four strategies for telling hypnotic stories that capture focus. و. create intense interest so others are receptive to you (You can also use all four at the same time for even better results) The quotMuhammad Ali Factorquot for priming the unconscious mind (He was a great storyteller who planted images and impressions of his inevitable victory inside the competitions mind. Without a doubt this helped him win many fights Heres how to make his secret work for you) The four secret pillars of world-class storytelling (Miss any one and your story wont make sense. nor. will it have any hypnotic impact whatsoever) How the quotStrange New Worldquot technique trains your imagination to come up with fascinating and wonderful stories that spellbind anyone within earshot (Theyll listen attentively to every word you speak until the story is finished. and. they are fully under a trance) A startling side benefit of becoming a great storyteller (Hint: Its like steroids for your brain) How to unleash your natural creativity. و. train your unconscious mind to quotfeedquot you relevant stories that help you hypnotize just about anyone at any time (Do this often and pretty soon enchanting stories will roll off your tongue with almost no effort on your part) The quotForrest Gump Gamequot that trains you to dream up relevant stories right out of the blue (Youll find this fun, challenging. and most important. a great way to focus someones attention on you) How to turn any normal story into an irresistible hypnotic induction (Youll discover how to weave hypnotically-charged themes, concepts and ideas into stories by practicing this simple exercise) 5 insider tricks to polishing your stories into works of art A big mistake (and how to avoid it) people make when telling stories How to transform a boring quotho-humquot story into one jam-packed with emotional triggers and other material that creates a hypnotic interaction (This is the real secret to using stories that make people respond and become hypnotized quickly a nd easily) Section 8: How To Create A Hypnotic Induction During Normal Everyday Conversation Three secrets to becoming an expert at conversational hypnosis. theyll catapult your success to heights you never imagined How to hardwire the skills of the greatest hypnotists with this ultra-effective game that takes just 60-seconds to play ( Maybe the fastest and easiest way to practice the hypnotic process ) How to tell if you are destined to become a great hypnotist yourself (You might balk when you first hear this. but. its the truth The best hypnotists usually have this trait. Youll know if you possess too it by the end of this session.) The first hypnotic induction youll be doing during a real conversation (This is going to be fun) What science reveals about overpowering someones will to hypnotize them. و. why this is such a profound fact you absolutely must abide by The legend of the quotevil eyequot Why it has persisted for centuries. و. what it has to do with hypnosis (When you learn this getting others to respond to your inductions will be a cinch) How an ordinary bathroom mirror can help you flourish into a brilliant hypnotist How to create a quotdouble realityquot in your hypnotic subject. التي. builds a strong tie of rapport with their unconscious mind How talking to animals can help you develop powerful trance experiences in people Section 9: How To Tell Hypnotic Stories That Captivate A Subjects Full Attention And Put You In Total Control Of Their Actions Part II A secret way to tell stories that puts people in deep trances and produces quotamnesiaquot automatically (Only the savviest hypnosis experts know this) How to deliver embedded suggestions straight to the unconscious mind that are hidden within simple stories a child could tell (Youll read about the famous quotTomato Plantquot induction Milton Erickson performed with a cancer patient. The disease riddled the mans body as he suffered in great pain. Erickson told a story in which he embedded suggestions of health and wellness. The condition improved remarkably from this one session Heres how to model Ericksons success) How to install an quotemotional roller coasterquot in a subject while telling an innocent story (A r eliable way to help people change attitudes and behaviors in no time flat) Why metaphorical stories often allow people to accept suggestions they would otherwise reject in a New York minute (I relate the true account of how Milton Erickson helped a man who later became a famous therapist himself overcome a serious eating disorder ravaging his body. And it only took an hour to change his mind. Something no one had been able to do for years) How to quotpre-teachquot the unconscious mind so it guides a subject to do whatever you desire at just the right time (Start using this secret storytelling technique and youll become a true quotPuppet Masterquot) A perfectly legal and ethical way to quotbrainwashquot someone What a quotnested loopquot is . و. why its the key to keeping someones interest while telling stories. و. penetrating the unconscious mind without conscious interference (Very few people know how to use this technique. but. its perhaps the most powerful one ever developed to mesmerize people while dropping undetected ideas, thoughts and suggestions inside their unconscious mind) How to apply a special psychological strategy that: (1) Teases and piques curiosity to the point of frenzy. (2) Forces the mind to stay focused and engaged on your directions. و. (3) Allows you to predict how someone will react before they do (Hint: The nightly news does this at the beginning of every broadcast Its perhaps the surest way to keep hypnotic subjects glued to your every word. ) Why - as you become more proficient at storytelling - you should stockpile an arsenal of your favorite ones (Its probably not what you think Section 10: How To Become So Irresistible Others Willingly Allow You To Direct Their Reality And Obediently Do As You Say How to engineer an immediate quotparadigm shiftquot in other people (Within seconds turn a nasty conflict into a harmonious interaction This is how you control what things quotmeanquot to people - their reality - regardless of the situation.) What a quotframequot is. and. why it gives you the power to psychologically dominate others (even those who are smarter and more experienced than you) without being questioned The secret to changing someones perception so they see things your way How people really evaluate and j udge what you say and do (With this secret firmly in your grasp you can lead others to whatever outcome you decide) How to gain an almost unfair persuasive advantage over others when you first meet (Instead of clashing with them, you will now become the dominant personality - the one who calls the shots - by default with little to no effort This secret can help you overcome personality conflicts, bad attitudes and negative mindsets that try undermining your influence.) Four proven tactics for establishing your quotworld viewquot as the quotrightquot one (Very important when trying to convince someone to follow your lead) Why most people give in so easily to someone elses point of view (An often overlooked fact of human behavior that forces people to accept even the most ridiculous conclusions) How to eliminate objections from coming up in the first place (Theyll be embarrassed to try) How to guide people to change the way they look at things. وبالتالي. they look at things from your perspective An ingenious way to quotcall someones bluffquot when they challenge you that quickly has them back-peddling and accepting your position (Ill tell you how one of my partners used this technique to turn the tables on a tough client. and. get him to hire us for a very lucrative project. This works great when youre negotiating anything -- a raise, more time off, your kids going to be early -- anything) What you can learn from passionate enthusiasts. و. psychotic lunatics about maintaining a dominant posture in any interaction And why this attitude is absolutely mandatory as a hypnotist A real-life example of just how much a sane persons grasp of reality can be distorted given the right conditions How to deal with someone who challenges your position . بدون. sabotaging your ability to influence them in a positive way (These are the three. and only three . tactics guaranteed to work every time) Revealed The secret to attracting abundance The easiest way in the world to make a vast fortune fast (What I reveal here will go against the grain of everything youve ever learned at home or in school. yet. it is perhaps the most pragmatic secret to making all the money your heart desires. and then some It has everything to do with your ability to become an irresistible force) How to deliberately change your own reality so you can enjoy wealth. نجاح. health. and all the good things in life starting right now (Your hypnotic powers will increase at the same time as a result) How to quotfakequot your way to the life of your dreams Section 11: The Closely-Guarded Secrets Of Super Human Influence The surefire four-step checklist - I call it the LIFE Process - that guarantees you remember all the secrets. skills and techniques in the course and apply them in every day conversations as needed How to help the people you care about overcome an emotional slump. أو. some other life-sapping limitation making them miserable (The solution lies in my tidy quotPCAT Formulaquot that works like a charm to motivate people into action) A secret hypnotic technique Milton Erickson relied on when he didnt know how to help a patient (It basically forces the unconscious mind of your subject to quotrough outquot a solution for you) How to quotsee into the futurequot using hypnosis Advice from George Estabrooks (one of the greatest hypnotists who ever lived) on the power of post-hypnotic suggestions. (Now people will do as you say even when youre not there Because no amount of conscious resistance can overcome their compulsion to obey the suggestion you planted) Five steps to installing a post-hypnotic suggestion that cant be uprooted The single most important key to motivating anyone (Getting people to do as you say is a lot easier when you know this) Two types of motivation people respond to. و. which one is more effective than the other (Guessing here will absolutely destroy your chances at getting people to listen to you) My six-step checklist to effortless influence (Follow these six simple directions and you can quotlight a firequot under anyones butt Even the most sluggish and unmotivated people in your life will suddenly hop to attention and eagerly do what you tell them) The biggest secret scientists discovered about getting people to take action. even when. they just dont want to (Armed with this secret you really can get anyone to do almost anything ) Section 12: How To Master Conversational Hypnosis As Fast As Humanly Possible How to become proficient at using hypnotic language in daily interactions (The first and possibly most important step in creating a smooth hypnotic conversation) The 9-step sequence my private students rely on to make using covert hypnosis automatic 20 master-level techniques that drill these secrets into your mind faster (Youll marvel at how easily my techniques become part of how you communicate) How to learn everything in this program without feeling overwhelmed (This also works whenever you want to learn anything new All you need is to follow my directions and be a little patient. In no time, things will quotclickquot on auto-pilot) How to create an environment and atmosphere in which hypnosis happens spontaneously The quotmaster keysquot to shifting a normal conversation into a powerful hypnotic induction (He res where the quotrubber meets the roadquot and you begin drawing people deep into a mesmerizing trance) How to put people at ease so your directions seep into the unconscious mind (No one will resist your advice, instructions or commands) What to do once you master conversational hypnosis (You wont believe this piece of advice at first. لكن. its exactly the next step you must take. إذا. you want to live a life of freedom) And much, much more Hows that for an amazing quotsneak peekquot at the secrets youll discover And the above is just a small ( very small ) taste of everything my course covers. I left no stone unturned in making sure you receive a master-level education in conversational hypnosis. One you wont - and cant - get anywhere else. Because my course is truly a complete guide for learning the shortcut secrets, skills and techniques needed to hypnotize anyone in any situation. و. get them to obey your covert commands. But dont take my word for it, take a look at these. Real-Life Success Stories And Rave Reviews About quotThe Power Of Conversational Hypnosisquot. quotI didnt believe this material would be that good, but it turns out to be a breathtaking course on using hypnosis in everyday conversation. quotIve never seen or heard anything this complete, powerful, or convincing. quotI love it. -- Dr. Joe Vitale Star of quotThe Secretquot Movie. Interviewed On Oprah. CEO Hypnotic Marketing Inc. Author Of Over 20 Books Wimberely Texas, USA Mr. Fire quotI have devoured all the information. Ive listened to every single sound track, Ive made tons of notes, Ive practiced my new skills on the telephone . Ive enjoyed conversations with my friends, my neighbours and with my colleagues. quotIm getting amazing results quot The postman has stopped leaving my garden gate open, Ive persuaded a young lady to join me for a meal this evening . I got a discount on the cost of servicing my car. But Im behind schedule and its all your fault quotIm just going to have to persuade a couple of people to help me to catch up over the weekend. and thats likely to be so much easier now that I have a powerful new set of skills to help me to achieve my objectives . ملاحظة I havent even begun to use my new skills in coaching my clients yet -- John Taylor Entrepreneur Langholm, Dumfriesshire, Scotland LakeHost Within the first day . I was able to put people into deep trancesquot Your course taught my mind how to be a great hypnotist. Later on I flipped through a textbook and two things startled me. The first was that I was able to look over the pages and know exactly what was being written about The second was that I was reading the pages at a rate of 5 seconds per page (and improving) I have realized that a genuine knowledge of hypnosis allows the brain to automatically shift gears into higher states of learning. What youve shared with me has changed my life foreverquot -- Marcus Oakey Charisma Coach Staines, Surrey, U. K. quotIgors course gives amazing insights into how our language and gestures program the responses we get from others. I have long noticed that sometimes my communication connects me very deeply with people and sometimes it rips the connections apart. A lot of this has been explained by the course. I used to wonder how some people were so consistently good with connecting. Igors course is such an amazing revelation of what makes people tick. In one sense you could say it is manipulation, but I think of it as consciously guiding the aircraft of life through the sunshine, clouds and storms of life. As opposed to sitting in the passenger seat and being rocked and rolled to someone elses tune. Igor explains how we are being hypnotized all day long, so we may as well learn how to be in the drivers seat . I feel privileged to have taken Igors magnificent course. This meticulous course is a must have. quot -- Al. F. Author Professional Pilot Canada quotWhat can be said about Igors Power Of Conversational Hypnosis course that hasnt already been said In my opinion it has to be the best course on the market in both overt and covert situations . Igors course has many different layers to it. With each layer you peel back the deeper he will take you. Just take a look at the contents to see the breadth and range of what he over delivers . Then when you think youve gained as much knowledge and ability as you possibly could after going through it, something inside urges you to listen to the recordings again. And you discover You are learning as twice as much as you have learned the first time through I am constantly amazed how much as a novice I have been able to utilize on a dailybasis what I have learned from Igors course in my professional and personal life. In closing I will leave you with two words - Get It -- Muneer A. Rasheed President, Asia Consulting Advice Malaysia asia-consulting-advice Igor is the definitive expert on the mind . on fast results, and a genius in the field of subconscious influence and change. He influences you consciously and subconsciously to release an impressive potential in people. Its like magic: he gets absolutely amazing results If you want to work with the best work with him. But be warned: he gets exceptional results by doing exceptional things. sometimes unusual things happen when you are around him. -- David Taylor , Global Leadership Expert, Best selling Author The Naked Leaderquot nakedleader quotI got your fantastic course because I have wanted to learn this stuff for a while but never previously found such a useful tool. I am now ploughing through the info like a kid in a sweet shop. Amazing stuff. Thanks for all the info you have opened me and many others up to. Love and peacequot -- James Oshea Hypnosis Student Berkhamsted, England Its clear, your course is exceptional, and that after your total immersion, I have a real sense of knowing where I am heading on my exciting journey into hypnosis. In the past I was afraid of really doing hypnosis with people. I used other peoples scripts and would be terrified of changing even a single word Now I rarely use scripts any more and I do amazing work . I feel so confident and happy now that I have all these skills . I am a better hypnotherapist, a better language trainer and a better person. Thank you again for a Life-changing experience quot -- Lesley Hossner Language Trainer amp Hypnotherapist Stevenage, UK Hypnotherapist For easystop. co. uk Executive Member Of seal. org. uk quotI am enjoying the course, I have just gotten to the story telling part. I thought it would be hard to make up stuff continuously, but its getting easier. I live right next to the local college, so I have plenty of subjects to try it on. And Ive had real success in the bank with this type of hypnosis. I got them to front me some money. which is a shock. because my credit is horrible . I just relaxed them and asked for it. Thanks a lot. quot -- Jason Gillikin Sales amp Marketing Executive Wilmington, NC, USA quot I have never written a testimonial before . however this is a product that I have found to be very useful in my line of work. I am a program manager for an information technology company, and my days are filled with teleconference meetings with people spread all over the world. To bring the projects in on time and within budget, it is important to motivate individuals and groups to complete certain tasks within specific timeframes. I have been able to apply the materials contained in this course to improve my effectiveness in communicating the objectives to the teams and inspiring those folks to adjust their priorities to successfully reach the targeted completion dates of our projects. Anyone who interacts with other individuals through the course of their daily activities would be benefited from applying the information contained in this course to all of their conversations. There is a great deal of satisfaction in enlisting the cooperation of others while making them feel good about taking a part in the things you suggest to them. quot -- Larry Marcum IT Program Manager Twin Lakes, USA quot The investment made to purchase this course was the best decision Ive ever made . Communications skills are an often neglected part of our education, and our success in life is very much dependant in having a high degree of skill in this area. Igors course is the answer to the question of, quothow do I obtain those skills While the original course, was a fantastic product, the all brand new updated course has actually exceeded the benchmark that the first product set. Ive gone through an initial listening of the course, and have set a goal of listening to it many more times because while the first course has many tools, the new course has even more. And it would be wise for everybody to make a promise to themselves to absorb and comprehend completely everything that Igor presents to you in this new course. If you need more motivation, then imagine a time in the not too distant future, using the conversational tools learned from this course, and being able to give commanding, powerful verbal communications in which enrapture and absorb a persons or peoples attention, and being able to look back to the day that you made the investment and commitment to yourself to empower yourself by getting this course. This is what has happened to me, and I am truly grateful to Igor for creating such a fantastic product . quot -- Karl Krause Computer Support Representative New Jersey, USA quotFrom the first moment the course started. I was completely amazed. I found myself quickly putting people into hypnotic trances. Powerful hypnotic language suddenly seemed to naturally flow from my mouth. It seemed so simple, completely natural and very, very effective . quot -- Marc van der Linden Systems Engineer Antwerp, Belgium quotMy name is Paul M. and Im a practicing attorney in the field of intellectual property. I do trial work on cases involving patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. Out of curiosity, I became fascinated by hypnosis and the hypnotic process about a year ago. I avidly studied many different sources to learn how to become a great hypnotist. I even attended a seminar held in Bangkok. Yet throughout this, something was lacking. That something was the core belief deep inside me that I could easily hypnotize anyone at anytime, given enough time. After listening to Conversational Hypnosis, I now have that something and the confidence to talk to anybody at anytime with the purpose to influence, inspire and motivate. The course is original, powerful and filled with dozens of examples of captivating attention, evading the critical factor, evoking an unconscious response and providing hypnotic instruction -- all through normal enough sounding conversation . Bonus material is provided that shows powerful examples of hypnotic story telling that personally helped me a great deal . Now, I dont know if these hypnotic stories will motivate, inspire and educate you more than me, or not, but I found them personally fascinating in content, structure and delivery. Moreover, the course utilizes the very conversation skills it teaches, so it works at a deeper level within you while you learn at a conscious level. Suddenly, you start to notice that you are doing conversational hypnosis without even trying. How cool is that I cannot recommend this product enough. It is more than a fantastic bargain. quot -- Paul M. Intellectual Property Rights Attorney Montana, USA quotWhatever business you are in, if you communicate more powerfully you will be more successful . I challenge you to find an exception to this rule Ill save you some time, you wont. One of the most import things to know is that with every word you speak, you are hypnotizing the listener. The question is are you consciously and consistently hypnotizing them such that they are motivated to take the action you want them to take Igor Ledochowskis course will allow you to do just that. For those that have never been exposed to hypnosis, this is an invaluable way to get started. For those that are already seasoned hypnotists, I guarantee you will learn new distinctions. quot -- Dr. Ed Redard, M. D. Author of Hypnotic Motivation Physician, Master NLP practitioner, Hypnotherapist MindfulHealthnstitute My students come from all walks of life. Some are doctors, lawyers, hypnotherapists, engineers, sales people, business owners, etc. Im pointing this out because anyone who wants to learn the secrets of conversational hypnosis can. Because I give you a complete education in mastering conversational hypnosis. Plus, the course is structured so your unconscious mind soaks up these secrets like a sponge. Youll begin automatically using the information without having to think about it much. No other program does that for you In fact, just to make sure you understand the value of this information. Heres What You Get. I did my best to provide you with maximum value. First off, you wont find this information anywhere else at any price. Second, I made sure you get everything needed to master the art and science of covert conversational hypnosis. And third, I put the course together so you experience these secrets. This is the fastest way to internalize the secrets and make them your own. The course comes with. The Power of Conversational Hypnosis audio program (Almost 14 hours of riveting world-class instruction. By the way, in case my name quotscaresquot you, I speak excellent English with a soothing British accent. So youll be able to understand me perfectly without a problem.) The Power of Conversational Hypnosis manual (Full transcripts of each audio session. Including these extras in the appendix: the Language Pattern Cards. The Milton Model handouts for putting people in a conversational trance. and. the historic dialogue Gorgias written by Plato which is a masterful illustration of the Socratic Method of influence and persuasion. Something everyone involved in hypnosis should know.) The Power of Conversational Hypnosis quotcheat sheetsquot (Summarizing the 9-Step Blueprint for mastering conversational hypnosis. Shortcuts the learning curve so you absorb these secrets faster) You also get specific exercises in each section (over 63 total exercises in the entire course) that ingrain the lessons in your unconscious mind. The exercises are simple to do and the key to using these secrets in real-world every day situations. So you learn and internalize these covert hypnosis secrets. Before you know it, they will become a part of you - second nature - available for your use at a moments notice. This home study course is worth its weight in gold. At the very least, its worth 6,900. Which is what I charge private students to learn these same secrets you can now learn on your own. لكن انتظر. because. you get even more. Three FREE Bonus Sessions Worth 300. Which. Brings The Value Of This Program To 7,200 FREE Bonus Session 1: Stealth Tactics Proven To Boost Your Powers Of Influence This bonus session - valued at 100 - runs a little over one hour and two minutes. You get the audio session and transcript. It goes beyond the basics of establishing your authority and leadership role. And it reveals sneaky (but perfectly ethical) ways to plant ideas inside peoples minds by lowering the defenses of their conscious filtering system. Ill show you (with examples and exercises) how to demolish the fortress of conscious resistance and stubbornness some people put up. But in a totally undetected positive way leaving them feeling good. The advanced secrets in this session let you: hypnotize people who dont want to be hypnotized . sneak the most subtle suggestions into the unconscious mind. make others believe anything you want . prompt people to take certain actions without saying a word. و. create fast and lasting changes in anyone . Its almost spooky how well this works FREE Bonus Session 2: Conversational Hypnosis In Action - The Super Hypnotic Storyteller In this one-hour and four-minute bonus session - a 100 value - I perform a full-length induction. The purpose of this induction is two-fold: (1) First, I demonstrate by example how to induce a trance with the power of hypnotic storytelling. و. (2) Second, while you are learning the hypnotic storytelling process, your unconscious mind will begin making changes so you can implement these lessons. The changes you experience happen automatically as part of listening to this bonus session. A complete transcript is included so you see how I weave hypnotic themes and techniques throughout the induction. Now mastering conversational hypnosis is as easy as sitting in a comfortable chair and putting on your earphones. FREE Bonus Session 3: Top Secret - Breaking The Hypnotic Storyteller Code I almost did not include this one-hour and fourteen-minute bonus audio and transcript - another 100 value - because I felt I was giving the farm away. You see, this bonus session deconstructs the hypnotic storyteller induction (on the second bonus session) piece by piece. Everything. and I mean everything . is analyzed in that induction - the language, stories, structure, themes, trances etc. - so you understand how a seamless hypnotic interaction sounds. And how you can take what youve learned and craft a powerful conversational hypnotic process yourself. During any normal conversation. Anyway, with the combination of step-by-step audio instruction. complete word-for-word written transcripts. special exercises in each session to hone your skills. language pattern cards. the Milton Model handouts. cheat sheets blueprint to mastering covert hypnosis. و. the special advanced conversational hypnosis bonus sessions. I have put together. what I believe is. The Best Covert Hypnosis Program Ever Published. Period You will not find anything like it anywhere else. It is absolutely unequaled. The success stories on this web page are a testament to the quality and effectiveness of the material. I firmly believe anyone can learn how to use conversational hypnosis in any situation. Even beginners. If youre just starting to learn hypnosis you need this program. Because youll learn the correct principles of hypnosis and how to apply them correctly. On the other hand, if you are familiar with covert hypnosis . this program fills in the blanks. و. gives you the missing pieces no other program offers. Keep in mind, I have trained thousands of people in hypnosis through my live seminars, online courses, books and as a trainer for major organizations. I know how to teach covert hypnosis for fast results. This program does just that. Now, its your turn to learn these secrets of covert conversational hypnosis too. The regular investment in my course is a solid but fair 697.00. ومع ذلك. Right Now You Can Get It For 71 OFF What Other People Have Paid That means, you can practically quotstealquot my course for just. 197. Which includes everything. plus the bonus sessions. I mentioned above. Why would I basically quotgivequot this valuable course way Good question. And the answer is simple. You see, when I used to take on private students only, I charged 6,900 per person. After awhile, I got tired of teaching the same thing over and over again. So I took my covert hypnosis secrets and created the program. Since I no longer had to be personally involved I could charge less. و. reach more people. One of my intentions was to bring these secrets into the mainstream. Getting my course into the hands of as many people as possible is one of my goals. For this reason, I decided to offer the program as a digital download. More people could get it faster. And since there are no product duplication, processing, handling, shipping or postage delivery fees I can slash the regular price. At least for a short time. Many other hypnosis training programs cost much more than mine. And most of them, sad to say, do more harm than good. My program has been proven for over a decade. It really is the best-selling home study course in the world. But hey, I realize you might still be a little skeptical. وبالتالي. Im going to give you a. 60-Day 100 Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee Look, Im going to take all the pressure off your decision. Get my course now . Discover my little-known covert conversational hypnosis secrets. Put them to the test. و. if youre not happy for any reason. Ill gladly give you a refund in the next 60 days. What that means is this: You can learn the secret skills and techniques I teach for free if you choose. The reason I can make such an outrageously generous guarantee is because my course delivers on every claim and promise. أنه يعمل حقا. Youll see results the very first day . And if you listen to the audios, read the transcripts and do the simple and fun exercises. I guarantee you will take a quantum leap in your ability to hypnotize anyone in any situation during normal conversation in the next 10 days. let alone in the next 30 days. or two months. Youll finally experience how easy it is to. Influence people to do what you want when you want Have others obey covert commands without their knowledge Persuade more clients and customers to buy your products and services Negotiate in your favor with confidence and ease Compel family, friends and co-workers to accept your suggestions and advice Command respect and admiration even from perfect strangers Easily get a quotyesquot response without the usual stress and struggle Convince your kids to listen even when theyd rather not And get anything out of life you really desire So, if youre ready to claim your personal copy of The Power of Conversational Hypnosis home study course at 71 OFF the regular price. with all the free extras and bonus material. و. on a completely risk-free basis order now. 100 NO-RISK TRIAL COUPON I want to learn how to use Igor Ledochowskis secrets of conversational hypnosis I want to learn how to be more influential in my personal, social and professional life. how to be more persuasive and irresistible to others . how to get others to follow my covert commands. how to be more admired and respected . how to be more convincing. how to improve my life in every way using the little-known skills and techniques in Igors hypnosis course. and much, much more I want to order The Power of Conversational Hypnosis consisting of: the audio program, written transcripts of every word on the audio program including the bonus audio sessions (over 18 hours total), the Language Pattern Cards, the Milton Model handouts, Gorgias by Plato, the 9-Step quotCheat Sheetsquot Blueprint for mastering conversational hypnosis as quickly as humanly possible. and much, much more I am ordering today and will also receive three FREE bonus sessions (worth over 300) that will super-charge my ability to use the secrets in the main program to hypnotize people during normal conversation. و. without their knowledge I am ordering today and qualify to receive everything above for the outrageously-reduced price of 197. which. is 71 OFF the regular price. And I want to take advantage of your unconditional 60-Day Guarantee. I understand the program is a digital download . As soon as my order is processed (takes just a few minutes using 100 secure servers with 128 bit encryption) I will get instant access to the download page. Im excited to get going. Based on the above, I am clicking below and ordering now. Servers Are 100 Secure Using 128 Bit Encryption Igor Ledochowski - Creator Of The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis Author Of The Best Selling, quotThe Deep Trance Training Manualquot Author Of Over 70 Different Hypnosis Training Products amp Training Seminars Internationally Aclaimed Master Hypnosis Trainer Certified Master Hypnotist amp Trainer Accredited amp Certified NLP Master Practitioner amp Trainer Certified Success Life Coach amp Trainer P. S. Youre gonna love this : I decided to include another FREE Bonus Session entitled: Advanced Secrets To Melting Conscious Resistance And Implanting Hypnotic Suggestions This extra one-hour and seven-minute session is a 100 value. It reveals how to refine the basic inductions into ones that are more conversational. As you practice the exercises on this audio session with transcripts, your ability to use covert hypnosis will increase exponentially. But I plan on pulling this bonus off the market soon. So make sure you order the program now - today - before its too late P. P.S. Check out these additional success stories and rave reviews (from people just like you) about The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis home study course. quotI got the conversational hypnosis course for my birthday, and I need to tell you it is one of the best presents I have ever had. Its fascinating to hear how easy it is to converse hypnotically with others, enhancing your daily life and theirs. Its so easy to listen to and absorb the learnings effortlessly, enjoyably and hypnotically. And I am using what I have learned from this course in my work as a Complimentary Therapist in Paisleyquot -- Janet Morton Dip. Hyp. M. A.E. P.H. NLP. HGE. EFT. Practitioner. Paisley, Scotland, UK quotI am so pleased that I took the chance to order the Power of Conversational Hypnosis by Igor Ledochowski. Ive had great pleasure listening, and learning, and absorbing the elegant use of language in this series. Ive discovered all kinds of applications, and I find it exciting to practice the principals Ive learned, in conversations for business, and for pleasure . Oh, I run a small real estate company. I have the opportunity to talk to clients about leases, and elicit what they really want, with the power of story. Thats very useful. My daughters love a good story, too. My hobby is dancing, and you might think thats non-verbal communication, but you might be surprised how much we have to tell ourselves, our teachers, students, and partners about what were doing. Its really surprising what a little story will do . to change the way a smart, wonderful dance partner can dance with you. I really enjoyed the way this course was organized, with the examples and strategies interwoven in the teaching. I want to thank Igor and Clifford Mee for bringing this new updated course out, especially noting the new material on storytelling, which I found so enjoyable. All the best to you, gentlemen. I really look forward to what you bring out next. to see what new surprises there are :)quot -- James Scott Wallace President, Bayou Properties Company Houston, Texas, USA quotThe Power Of Conversational Hypnosis course is great. This material is easy to understand and really useful There is so much material in the course. The instructor has a wonderful voice and is very easy to listen to. Each word is spoken very clearly. The depth of the course is great. I have been using the techniques in my new business and I am seeing great improvements . The material allows you to first learn and then re-learn the lessons for deeper understanding. The course would be a great benefit to any serious person that wants to study hypnosis and improve their lives. quot -- Dave Ballstadt Financial Services Expert Las Vegas, NV, USA quotMy name is Mike Bing. I am a Hypnotist in Dublin, Ohio USA. I have been a student of hypnosis for most of my life and only relatively recently made the transition to full-time professional. The materials I have received from you and Igor have greatly enhanced my skills and confidence thru a mid-life career change . The Power of Conversational Hypnosis course is a tool I have utilized and integrated with myself and clients, into our hypnotherapeutic sessions. Now I realize this course was not just designed for the professional hypnotist as everyone can benefit and enhance any and all relationships and interactions. I would highly recommend this new course for any and all wanting to improve interpersonal communications. quotThis is some of the best training available . -- Michael A. Bing, CH Hypnotherapist Dublin, Ohio, USA quotThe new Power of Conversational Hypnosis course has given me the knowledge amp confidence to approach any situation I may encounter with confidence . knowing that I now possess the tools to succeed in any endeavor This is exactly what I have been looking for. and much more Thank You. quot -- Matt Ledoux Sales amp Marketing V. P. Lake Charles, LA, USA quotI have just purchased the Platinum package of The Power of Conversational Hypnosis . I have been looking through the materials so far, but have not yet dived into the audio. But I must tell you that I am pleased with the quality of the organization and the text. I recently purchased a cheaper hypnosis program on the internet . The text organization was a hack job with obviously no editing or attention to presentation, spelling problems all over the place, and the text needed refinement. Your product is a stark contrast in this regard If the ideas and concepts in your program are as good as the organization, language structure, and attention to presentation then I will be very satisfied indeed. quot -- David Bennion Software Engineer Salt Lake City, UT, USA quot12 months ago I was working for one of the top investment banks in the world. The work was good, the pay was exceptional, I had everything I could ever aspire to as a young man. but there was something missing I wasnt happy . Monday mornings were the worst. I started wishing my weeks away. I realized that I would be wishing away the next 40 years of my life But then I discovered Igors Power Of Conversational Hypnosis course and I realized all I needed was the tools for creating the lifestyle I wanted most. I started to apply everything I learned in his course. My improvement sky-rocketed and now I am living the lifestyle I always wanted Now I literally jump out of bed every morning, excited to see what the day ahead has to offer. In fact I am more excited on days in which I get to do some quotworkquot now, than on my quotdays offquot that is how much my life has changedquot -- Andy Wilkinson (Ex Unhappy Banker) Successful Entrepreneur Clapham, U. K. quot I have spent the last six years developing myself. I have tried everything out there: Goal Setting, Positive Thinking, Eastern Philosophy I even took up Tai Chi. But there were things still missing from my life. Its ironic: as a Kiwi Im naturally a friendly and chatty guy. The problem is that I didnt used to get people. Empathy to me was just a curious concept. So I never had really intimate relationships. Then I stumbled across Igors course. I learned loads of things. The strange thing is that I could feel things happen in the back of my mind. It was as though someone was lifting invisible barriers from my mind . leaving me feeling more free and easy. The really crazy thing is what happened after. I found that somehow I was getting much better rapport with people. Work colleagues seemed to be nicer to me. My friends seemed to be opening up to me more. But the best thing is that I now have a great relationship with a beautiful, loving woman. Shes always telling me that I am one of the few people that actually quotgetsquot herquot -- Paul Mckenzie (Found A Beautiful Loving Women) IT Consultant For Top Banks Manhattan, NY, USA quotI am a college student in southwestern Indiana. I have recently been listening to your Power of Conversational Hypnosis program. I have noticed some dramatic changes in the way I interact with people. I am enjoying making other people feel good with the techniques I have learned. I have a greater sense of influence and feel like I have an edge in life . Thank you from the bottom of my heartquot -- Nathan Mackey College Student Indiana, USA Igor, I used to be a very shy Computer Programmer. I didnt like being this shy and awkward around people. I wanted to have lots of friends, be the center of attention and show people that there was more to me than computer code and technical jargon. But I didnt know how. I remember seeing a Hypnosis show one day and thinking: If only I could do something like that I wouldnt have to feel this awkward anymore I looked at how confident and charismatic the hypnotist was. I wished I could be like him Then I came across you. And boy did it change my life Ive had much, much more than had my moneys worth I learned the one thing I wanted most in my life. how to make friends and get complete strangers to like me. I was so excited Then, things just got better. I learned how to hypnotize people. I was doing it for real just like the guy in the show. A few weeks later, I was out meeting my ( NEW) friends. I told them that I was planning to change jobs and become a hypnotherapist. They just laughed at me when I told them I could cure a phobia in 5 minutes. So I asked about until I found a woman who had Vertigo a phobia of heights. I asked her if she wanted to be my demonstration client and she agreed. 5 minutes later they just stared in amazement as my phobia client calmly looked out the window on the 40th floor Word spread and now I have a busy hypnotherapy clinic in Central London, doing a job I really love. The best bit is that for the first time now I am my own boss in more ways than onequot -- Name Withheld By Request (Ex Unhappy amp Shy Loner) Busy Hypnotherapist Central London, U. K. quot I really loved this product . As each session builds in the others, I found myself using the principals involved. As a Chartered Accountant I use these techniques to help clients understand what is really possible in their business if they apply proven strategies. This program has helped me improve my communication skills to bring greater wealth, success and the most valuable resource - time. Thanks Igor. quot -- Gordon DSilva Gordons Knight amp Co Chartered Accountants London, U. K. SW19 1AY P. P.P. S. One last thing: When you order the program you also get full support . If you have any issues or concerns you can call or e-mail the support team. Were here for you. So get this program right now at 71 OFF the regular price. with all the free extras and bonus material. و. on a completely risk-free basis. 100 NO-RISK TRIAL COUPON I want to learn how to use Igor Ledochowskis secrets of conversational hypnosis I want to learn how to be more influential in my personal, social and professional life. how to be more persuasive and irresistible to others . how to get others to follow my covert commands. how to be more admired and respected . how to be more convincing. how to improve my life in every way using the little-known skills and techniques in Igors hypnosis course. and much, much more I want to order The Power of Conversational Hypnosis consisting of: the audio program, written transcripts of every word on the audio program including the bonus audio sessions (over 18 hours total), the Language Pattern Cards, the Milton Model handouts, Gorgias by Plato, the 9-Step quotCheat Sheetsquot Blueprint for mastering conversational hypnosis as quickly as humanly possible. and much, much more I am ordering today and will also receive three FREE bonus sessions (worth over 300) that will super-charge my ability to use the secrets in the main program to hypnotize people during normal conversation. و. without their knowledge I am ordering today and qualify to receive everything above for the outrageously-reduced price of 197. which. is 71 OFF the regular price. And I want to take advantage of your unconditional 60-Day Guarantee. I understand the program is a digital download . As soon as my order is processed (takes just a few minutes using 100 secure servers with 128 bit encryption) I will get instant access to the download page. Im excited to get going. Based on the above, I am clicking below and ordering now. How to find a job in Spain 8211 10 Key Tips and Resources First of all, I would like to make it clear that it8217s neither easy nor impossible to get a job in Spain. Even if unemployment is over 25 and youth unemployment amounts to an astounding 50 (I was 24 and freshly graduated when I found my first 2 jobs), there are plenty of opportunities for resourceful expats in Madrid. Indeed, Madrid is really the best place in Spain to get a job right now in general, and the language and organization skills anglosaxon tend to have are very sought after as Madrid is getting more and more international after being pretty closed until the 19908217s. But it is really hard and requires you to be in the top 10 in your field. I will then give my advice assuming you already decided to move to Madrid, or already moved, and are looking for a job here. Tip 1: Yes, you do need to speak Spanish to get a Spanish Job Before starting, you have to know that finding a job in Spain right away without speaking any Spanish will reduce your possibilities to 1 of all the job market, and will lead you to 8220Expats only8221 jobs. Even an English teacher, a waiter in an Irish Pub, or an expatriate working in a multinational company, will need to speak at least a bit of Spanish to be able to perform to the full extent of their job description. And as you8217re reading GuiriGuide, we8217re assuming you are the kind of person who wants to mingle with local people and get to live like a local. But don8217t worry, my opinion is that after only 3 to 6 months immersion in Spain, you can reach a sufficient communication skills to go to interviews with confidence. This said, you should not dith all you English language skills as mentioned in next tip8230 Tip 2: Differentiate yourself 8211 Think about your 8220competitive advantage8221 as a foreigner and profesional and target relevant companies and jobs. Do not think of not speaking Spanish fluently or not being a local as an issue, but rather, think of being a native English speaker as a key differentiator you have. This method does not apply only to your language skills, but also to other skills you may have acquired and that are scarce in Spain. For instance, before graduating, I understood the fact many spaniards do not realize any internships nor study abroad was something I could use to my advantage. This means your targets to get a job should be businesses looking for people with these differentiated skills you defined. The typical job many foreigners start with is English teacher. I know at least 4 people who started out this way and then created their own flourishing business and now are happier and richer than ever. Again, you should not restrain your research to 8220English-speaking only8221 jobs, but do leverage your language skills To sum up, the typical targets for foreigners are businesses with international presence andor dealing a lot with foreigners andor requiring language skills andor requiring skills which are scarce in Spain (IT skills are 1 in this case). I know small business owners in Madrid who have a lot of difficulties finding quality service personnel with language skills. Tip 3: Think like a Spanish recruiter Might seem obvious, and might seem contrary to the 8220differentiation8221 advice I just gave, but you must make your rsum so Spanish that a local with no previous knowledge of your background andor country will not even have to think to understand and trust your credentials. Let me put it another way: an average HR employee has only 10 seconds to assess if your profile is worth going to the next stage. Why should (s)he bother to understand and take risks with some apparently interesting but unknown masters or experience you included when another 1000 Spanish and straightforward CV are waiting to get an interview I thus recommend applying the 8220Actors Studio8221 method: think as a Spanish recruiter, be ruthless, and ask for help to some Spanish contacts you have to make your resume as Spanish as you can. Make your resume as Spanish as possible. You can even ask for an 8220homologacion8221 to the Education Ministry if you feel an official piece of paper is needed. Tip 4: If you have experience, leverage it. If you don8217t, complete your studies in Spain. This goes with the two first advice. Let8217s say you have 3 years experience in management consulting, but no idea of Spanish. Leverage your experience and create a portfolio to directly differentiate with other Spanish candidates who will go the traditional resume way. Portfolios are a great way to show you know how to solve such and such problem, a specific example of the value you can bring in their Spanish situation. If you don8217t have any experience, my advice would be to use the fact that you8217re still studying to complete at least a quarter in Spain. This is great option because it will make you much more easier to get for recruiters: 8220Ah OK, he8217s a foreigner from a school I do not know about, but he did this school, si I know he8217s here in Spain to stay on the long term8221. Tip 5: 8220El enchufe8221, or the mighty importance of contacts in Spain You need to develop your own network in Spain. Contacts are a key component of job search all over the world, but is twice as important in Spain compared to anglo-saxon countries such as the UK or the US. Fortunately, the job market is large enough not to depend to much on contacts, such as it occurs in other places in Spain or South America. Of course, a contact will not sure a job, but will allow you resume to get on the top of the pile, where thousands of resume may be. Again, here8217s when you can leverage your 8220foreigner8221 profile: go to networking events for foreign and local businessmen, and leverage your difference to make people remember as the 8220foreign guy who speaks spanish with differentiated skills8221. In my case, I leveraged contacts to learn about the companies and jobs I was having interviews for, to ask about Spanish negotiation tricks, and also get my foot in the door. Tip6: Reassure the recruiter you8217re not a tourist, even if you are one Ok, this is so against so many laws, but all recruiters did ask me: 8220but why are you in Spain do you have family a girlfriend here8221 Many people did not believe I came to Spain only because I wanted to. They thought I was there to spend some good time, prove myself I could land a job here, and then go back to London to get a good paying job. Many recruiters will not believe you came to Spain to stay if you do not give a personal reason. Sounds a bit awful, hope you will not have to face these kind of issues, but be sure you will have to reassure your recruiter that you are not just here to enjoy the sun and then come back to your home country, one way or the other Tip 7: Keep language teaching as a Plan B ( unless if it8217s your plan A ) Unless you want to dedicate your time to teaching english, a career with huge career and business opportunities in Madrid by the way, I would keep the language teaching as a back-up plan to pay the bills. Taking a month-long TEFL training and contacting the main language schools (another post will come about this8230) before arriving in Madrid will give you many opportunities to find short language stints while keeping looking for a real job without worrying about you are going to pay your bills. Tip 8. Give yourself 6 months to reach your goal and decide on the next steps My opinion is that you need to give yourself at least a 6 months period to find a job here. This will give you time to: 1) become fluent (have a look at the method I presented last time to learn spanish in 6 months ) 2) create your own network 8211 Contacts are a very important aspect of getting a job in Spain. I leveraged contacts to learn the ropes and land interviews. By assisting to networking events, you can quickly constitute a network of professional contacts who also are foreigners for instance and are more likely to help you. 3) identify precisely targets, some of which you would have never thought of before coming here 4) do some practice interviews with some Spanish friends, then aim at completing a few real interviews with companies you don8217t really care for, only to get good at presenting and 8220selling8221 yourself in Spanish. After 6 months it will be time to look back and assess if you became fluent, how many interviews you got, and decide if it8217s worth keeping on trying. This is a personal choice. Tip 9: If they make you an offer, shoot first, think afterwards I learned this one the hard way. All was going as planned, I was just completing my semester in a top university in Madrid, ICADE, and a consulting company was making an interesting and well paid internship offer which will allow me to go through summer, keep on searching, and with a promise from them to recruit me in 6 months if all goes well. All my hopes vanished when I did something I thought was normal in France or the UK. I mentioned I was seeing other companies, just at the moment when we were speaking about salaries and signing. It was a crime of adultery, even if we were not married, or even officially bossampemployee. They got afraid that I would find another or even negotiate, found an excuse to put another surprise interview and finally retracted the offer. A Spanish friend of mine, Iaki, then told me: 8220Always tell them recruiters they8217re the only ones, the love of your life8230. and always keep looking, you never know.8221 So I would recommend to accept the first interesting offer that comes your way, and then from there go up the career ladder, as I did afterwards. Tip 10: Key ressources for your job search 8211 The best job board in Spain: infojobs 8211 Also check Monster and other jobboards you will see on the first page of your google search for 8220job spain8221 have way less jobs on offer. 8211 Headhunters: If you8217re interested in expat focused jobs, I would contact headhunters such as Michael Page, Randstad, Manpower 8211 Networking: Search for groups on linkedin and meetup 8211 Lots of networking events in Madrid for foreigners andor locals. Go to Guiripreneur events to network with foreign entrepreneurs in Madrid, or GuiriBusiness for foreign professionals in Madrid. 8211 Job Searching Book: My bible, and also another million8217s people bible, 8220What colour is your parachute 8220. How many times when in doubt did I come back to this book and felt invigorated. 8211 An example 8211 My resume in Spanish: Have a look here if you want to see my CV as it was when I arrived in Madrid 8211 cl. ly192S3i0z1c2Y2a1s1j0a I wrote this post thinking about all the things I wish I had known 3 years ago and the questions new graduates coming to Madrid asked me this year. I hope they will help you find a job here in this fabulous city . This post is also available in: Italian Can you send us a message through our contact form or else send us an email. We8217ll be able to give you a better personalised response that way. You might find the Turkish Embassy in Madrid may be able to help you regarding the work permit. They are located at CRafael Calvo, 18 2A-B, 28010. They also have a website. Best of luck with the move, and welcome to Madrid First of all many thanks for the information above which is very valuable. I have been living in Madrid for 7 months, came here to learn Spanish. I am a Turkish citizen. My school has finished last week but I want to live here. So I am applying for jobs in all sites but no answer yet. My Spanish is at intermediate level. I do not have a work permit as I am from a non EU country. I was working in a media agency in Turkey as a marketing communication supervisor for big companies. How can I get a work permit here without getting a job Do you think I would have chance here in Spain I do speak English, Turkish and intermediate Spanish but I am not a fluent Spanish speaker. Thank you in advance for any kind of advice and help Regards Hi Igor and Maria, Wow, congrats for the big decision to move to Madrid. I will try to give some answer to your deep and challenging questions: 1) VISA questions all are dependent on specific situation and country. I recommend you get in contact with an expert and get support, like Genelva at gechavarriimagineglobal-pls 2) Companies prefer clearly a person with valid papers. 3) Companies prefer candidates which they see could stay long in their company. If you need expert support to move here, our email is emailmoving2madrid. Cheers Pierre 038 Arash, Moving2Madrid Igor and Maria says: Hi Pierre. Congrats for the tips. Best site Im a brazilian civil engenier with a Master in Business and Innovation. My wife has a bacheor degree in Administration and work as a free lancer with Interior Designer. We intend to move to Madrid, Spain this year (2015). I have a good english but not my wife. We are going to spent a mounth there in may 5 to 25, to feel the city life and make some contacts (we have two friends there). The good part is that we intend to study for a year and we can leave like a year or more period leaving there with no need to have a job. Of course we hope we can find it before that. As a brazilian, our spanish is basic (we undestand well but talk a leatlle) but we are going to start this mouth (even I already study a year of spanish, couple years ago). Questions: 1. How can we change our student VISA for work permit 2. How the companies see this situation of student Visa 3. How the companies see when you have a great job in Brazil, like us and want a medium or basic job in Spain Thanks for your tips Can we have your email Igor and Maria
إذا كنت تتلقى خيارا لشراء الأسهم كدفع مقابل الخدمات الخاصة بك، قد يكون لديك دخل عندما تتلقى الخيار، عند ممارسة الخيار، أو عند التخلص من الخيار أو المخزون المستلم عند ممارسة الخيار. هناك نوعان من خيارات الأسهم: الخيارات الممنوحة بموجب خطة شراء الأسهم للموظفين أو خطة خيار خيار الحوافز (إسو) هي خيارات الأسهم القانونية. خيارات الأسهم التي يتم منحها لا بموجب خطة شراء أسهم الموظفين ولا خطة إسو هي خيارات الأسهم غير النظامية. راجع المنشور 525. الدخل الخاضع للضريبة وغير الخاضع للضريبة. للحصول على المساعدة في تحديد ما إذا كنت قد منحت خيارا قانونيا أو غير الأسهم الأسهم. خيارات الأسهم النظامية إذا كان صاحب العمل يمنحك خيارا قانونيا للأوراق المالية، فإنك لا تضمن عموما أي مبلغ في إجمالي الدخل الخاص بك عندما تتلقى أو تمارس الخيار. ومع ذلك، قد تخضع لضريبة دنيا بديلة في السنة التي تمارس فيها إسو. لمزيد من المعلومات، راجع تعليمات النموذج 6251. لديك دخل خاضع للضريبة أو خسارة قابلة للخصم عند بيع الأسهم التي اشتريتها من خلال ممارسة الخيار. عادة ما تعامل هذا المبلغ كأرباح أو خسائر رأسمالية. ومع ذلك، إذا كنت...
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